Enseñar a investigar

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Enseñar a investigar

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La investigación en la Universidad del Valle de México

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La investigación es una de las actividades más gratificantes que existen para todas aquellas personas que se dedican a la educación en sus diferentes niveles, primero porque es un reto intelectual para el académico que decide enfrentarse a los procesos epistemológicos y metodológicos, lo cual no es fácil porque implica una solida formación en las formas de pensamiento que la humanidad ha desarrollado y en segundo lugar porque el investigador se encuentra en la disyuntiva de asumir una postura ante la realidad que se le presenta y tratar de explicarla para mejorarla. El presente libro se compone de una serie de ensayos de profesores-investigadores que nos cuentan sus experiencias de cómo desde la Universidad del Valle de México, Región Estado de México y Morelos, abordaron el difícil camino de hacer investigación y despertar la curiosidad científica en sus alumnos.

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Enseñar a investigar

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A Qualitative Approach to Translation Studies

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This collection invites readers to explore innovative or underexploited ways of working qualitatively with what in Translation Studies may be termed as elusive constructs. The volume adopts a functionalist approach to focus on one such concept, namely the notion of translation problem, using case studies to illustrate how a significant elusive construct can be addressed empirically. It explores different qualitative research methodologies which, although well established in other fields, are yet to be extensively used in TS but which may nevertheless prove to be of significance for future studies as they allow elusive concepts typically found in TS to be worked with more coherently. Chapters are structured around two core ideas: first, the qualitative, systematic analysis of source text content with emphasis on the detection of translation problems as a means of creating efficient frameworks for coherent decision-making from a functional perspective; and secondly, the practical process of stereotyping and profiling specific problems within different contexts, content types or services to help identify, manage and resolve them in a number of settings, from research to professional translator training and assessment environments. This book will be of interest to scholars in translation studies, particularly those with an interest in qualitative approaches.

Descentralizacion para Satisfacer Necesidades Basicas

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Approximately 25% of Latin Americans live on less than $2 a day, and Latin America is the most unequal region of the world. Poverty and inequality cause suffering and slow development. The solution must include generating an inclusive development process through satisfying the basic needs of the poor that enhance their productivity, that enable them to contribute to the development process, and that enables them to earn the income necessary to live a full life. Decentralization of taxing and spending from the central government to lower levels of government can help to satisfy basic needs of the poor and create an inclusive development process. However, decentralization is a stepby-step process that must implemented by taking into account real-world circumstances such as a lack of administrative ability in local government, and by formulating policy accordingly. The book derives economic principles for implementing the process of decentralization, and it presents cases that illustrate the principles at work. It is an economic guide for policymakers and practitioners.