Entire Equitable Dominating Graph

Book Description

All graphs considered here are finite, undirected with no loops and multiple edges. We denote by p the order(i.e number of vertices) and by q the size (i.e number of edges) of such a graph G. Any undefined term and notation in this paper may be found in Harary [5].

A Study on Equitable Triple Connected Domination Number of a Graph

Book Description

A graph G is said to be triple connected if any three vertices lie on a path in G. A dominating set S of a connected graph G is said to be a triple connected dominating set of G if the induced subgraph hSi is triple connected.

Domination in Graphs

Book Description

""Presents the latest in graph domination by leading researchers from around the world-furnishing known results, open research problems, and proof techniques. Maintains standardized terminology and notation throughout for greater accessibility. Covers recent developments in domination in graphs and digraphs, dominating functions, combinatorial problems on chessboards, and more.

Minimum Equitable Dominating Randi´c Energy of a Graph

Book Description

Recently, Adiga, et.al. introduced, the minimum covering energy Ec(G) of a graph and S. Burcu Bozkurt, et.al. introduced, Randi´c Matrix and Randi´c Energy of a graph .

A Textbook of Graph Theory

Book Description

In its second edition, expanded with new chapters on domination in graphs and on the spectral properties of graphs, this book offers a solid background in the basics of graph theory. Introduces such topics as Dirac's theorem on k-connected graphs and more.

Total Domination in Graphs

Book Description

Total Domination in Graphs gives a clear understanding of this topic to any interested reader who has a modest background in graph theory. This book provides and explores the fundamentals of total domination in graphs. Some of the topics featured include the interplay between total domination in graphs and transversals in hypergraphs, and the association with total domination in graphs and diameter-2-critical graphs. Several proofs are included in this text which enables readers to acquaint themselves with a toolbox of proof techniques and ideas with which to attack open problems in the field. This work is an excellent resource for students interested in beginning their research in this field. Additionally, established researchers will find the book valuable to have as it contains the latest developments and open problems.


Book Description

The volume has 15 papers: Paper 1: Smarandache Curves Paper 2. Ruled Surface Pair Paper 3. Tutte Polynomial Paper 4.Entire Equitable Dominating Graph and Smarandachely dominating set. Paper 5. Radio Mean Number of Graphs Paper 6. Modified Schultz Index Paper 7. Folding of Cayley Graphs Paper 8. The Merrifield-Simmons Index Paper 9. Linear Codes Over Non-Chain Ring Paper 10. Nonsplit Geodetic Number and Smarandachely k- geodetic set, Paper 11. k-Difference cordial labeling and Smarandachely k-difference cordial labeling. Paper 12.Traversability and Covering Invariant Paper 13. Different Labelings. paper 14. Armed Cap Cordial Labeling and Smarandache ∧ cordial labeling Paper 15.Traffic Congestion

Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 3/2014

Book Description

Papers on Mathematics on Non-Mathematics: A Combinatorial Contribution, Fuzzy Cosets and Normal Subgroups and Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra, Smarandache radio mean number, Smarandache friendly index number, Non-Hamiltonian Cubic Planar 3-Connected Graphs, Smarandachely odd sequential labeling, Smarandachely near m-labeling, Smarandachely near m-mean graph, Smarandachely k-dominator coloring, semi-entire equitable dominating graph, etc.

m−Polar Fuzzy Graphs

Book Description

This book provides readers with an introduction to m-polar fuzzy graphs and m-polar fuzzy hypergraphs, covering both theories and applications. A special emphasis is given to m-polar fuzzy graphs at the aim of filling a gap in the literature, namely the absence of a mathematical approach to analyze multi-index, multipolar, and multi-attribute data. The book describes metrics and labeling in m-polar graphs, m-polar fuzzy matroids. It also discusses in detail important applications in decision-making problems and imaging processing. The book is expected to stimulate the curiosity of mathematics, computer scientists, and social scientists alike, and to provide both students and researchers with the necessary knowledge to understand and apply m−polar fuzzy graph theory.

International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Volume 2, 2016

Book Description

The mathematical combinatorics is a subject that applying combinatorial notion to all mathematics and all sciences for understanding the reality of things in the universe. The International J. Mathematical Combinatorics is a fully refereed international journal, sponsored by the MADIS of Chinese Academy of Sciences and published in USA quarterly, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all aspects of mathematical combinatorics, Smarandache multi-spaces, Smarandache geometries, non-Euclidean geometry, topology and their applications to other sciences.