Enumath 97 - Proceedings Of The Second European Conference On Numerical Mathematics And Advanced Applications

Book Description

The ENUMATH conferences were established in 1995 in order to provide a forum for discussion on recent topics of numerical mathematics. They seek to bring together leading experts and young scientists, with special emphasis on contributions from Europe.In the second ENUMATH conference in 1997, recent results and new trends in the analysis of numerical algorithms as well as their application to challenging scientific and industrial problems were discussed. Apart from theoretical aspects, a major part of the conference was devoted to numerical methods in interdisciplinary applications.The topics covered in this proceedings include: higher order finite element methods, non-matching grids, least-squares methods for partial differential equations, multiscale analysis, boundary element method, optimization in partial differential equations, solid mechanics, microstructures, computational fluid dynamics, computational electrodynamics and semiconductors.


Book Description

The ENUMATH conferences were established in 1995 in order to provide a forum for discussion on recent topics of numerical mathematics. They seek to bring together leading experts and young scientists, with special emphasis on contributions from Europe. In the second ENUMATH conference in 1997, recent results and new trends in the analysis of numerical algorithms as well as their application to challenging scientific and industrial problems were discussed. Apart from theoretical aspects, a major part of the conference was devoted to numerical methods in interdisciplinary applications. The topics covered in this proceedings include: higher order finite element methods, non-matching grids, least-squares methods for partial differential equations, multiscale analysis, boundary element method, optimization in partial differential equations, solid mechanics, microstructures, computational fluid dynamics, computational electrodynamics and semiconductors.

Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms

Book Description

This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications GRID GENERATION AND ADAPTIVE ALGORITHMS is based on the proceedings of a workshop with the same title. The work shop was an integral part of the 1996-97 IMA program on "MATHEMAT ICS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING. " I would like to thank Marshall Bern (Xerox, Palo Alto Research Cen ter), Joseph E. Flaherty (Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), and Mitchell Luskin (School of Mathematics, Uni versity of Minnesota), for their excellent work as organizers of the meeting and for editing the proceedings. I also take this opportunity to thank the National Science Founda tion (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), and the Army Research Office (ARO), whose financial support made the workshop possible. Willard Miller, Jr. , Professor and Director v PREFACE Scientific and engineering computation has become so complex that traditional numerical computation on uniform meshes is generally not pos sible or too expensive. Mesh generation must reflect both the domain geometry and the expected solution characteristics. Meshes should, fur thermore, be related to the solution through computable estimates of dis cretization errors. This, suggests an automatic and adaptive process where an initial mesh is enriched with the goal of computing a solution with prescribed accuracy specifications in an optimal manner. While automatic mesh generation procedures and adaptive strategies are becoming available, major computational challenges remain. Three-dimensional mesh genera tion is still far from automatic.

Fundamental Trends in Fluid-structure Interaction

Book Description

The interaction of a fluid with a solid body is a widespread phenomenon in nature, occurring at different scales and different applied disciplines. Interestingly enough, even though the mathematical theory of the motion of bodies in a liquid is one of the oldest and most classical problems in fluid mechanics, mathematicians have, only very recently, become interested in a systematic study of the basic problems related to fluid-structure interaction, from both analytical and numerical viewpoints. Fundamental Trends in Fluid-Structure Interaction is a unique collection of important papers written by world-renowned experts aimed at furnishing the highest level of development in several significant areas of fluid-structure interactions. The contributions cover several aspects of this discipline, from mathematical analysis, numerical simulation and modeling viewpoints, including motion of rigid and elastic bodies in a viscous liquid, particulate flow and hemodynamic.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Review 2010

Book Description

This volume contains 25 review articles by experts which provide up-to-date information about the recent progress in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Due to the multidisciplinary nature of CFD, it is difficult to keep up with all the important developments in related areas. CFD Review 2010 would therefore be useful to researchers by covering the state-of-the-art in this fast-developing field.

Numerical Flow Simulation II

Book Description

The aim of this series is to publish promptly and in a de- tailed form new material from the field of Numerical Fluid Mechanics including the use of advanced computer systems. Published are reports on specialized conferences, workshops, research programs, and monographs. Contents: This volume contains nineteen reports on work, which is conducted since 1998 in the Collaborative Research Programme "Numerical Flow Simulation" of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). French and German engineers and mathematicians present their joint research on the topics "Development of Solution Techniques", "Crystal Growth and Melts", "Flows of Reacting Gases", and "Turbulent Flows". In the background of their work is the still strong growth of the performance of super-computer architectures, which, together with large advances in algorithms, is opening vast new application areas of numerical flow simulation in research and industrial work. Results of this programme from the period 1996 to 1998 have been presented in NNFM 66 (1998)

Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, The: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes) - Proceedings Of The Mg11 Meeting On General Relativity

Book Description

The Marcel Grossmann Meetings are three-yearly forums that meet to discuss recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing their mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. These meetings aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas among scientists, to deepen our understanding of space-time structures, and to review the status of ongoing experiments and observations testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from ground or space-based experiments. Since the first meeting in 1975 in Trieste, Italy, which was established by Remo Ruffini and Abdus Salam, the range of topics presented at these meetings has gradually widened to accommodate issues of major scientific interest, and attendance has grown to attract more than 900 participants from over 80 countries.This proceedings volume of the eleventh meeting in the series, held in Berlin in 2006, highlights and records the developments and applications of Einstein's theory in diverse areas ranging from fundamental field theories to particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, made possible by unprecedented technological developments in experimental and observational techniques from space, ground and underground observatories. It provides a broad sampling of the current work in the field, especially relativistic astrophysics, including many reviews by leading figures in the research community.

Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport

Book Description

The articles in this volume summarize the research results obtained in the former SFB 359 "Reactive Flow, Diffusion and Transport" which has been supported by the DFG over the period 1993-2004. The main subjects are physical-chemical processes sharing the difficulty of interacting diffusion, transport and reaction which cannot be considered separately. The modeling and simulation within this book is accompanied by experiments.

The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications X (MAFELAP 1999)

Book Description

The tenth conference on The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications, MAFELAP 1999, was held at Brunel University during the period 22-25 June, 1999. This book seeks to highlight certain aspects of the state-of-the-art theory and applications of finite element methods of that time. This latest conference, in the MAFELAP series, followed the well established MAFELAP pattern of bringing together mathematicians, engineers and others interested in the field to discuss finite element techniques.In the MAFELAP context finite elements have always been interpreted in a broad and inclusive manner, including techniques such as finite difference, finite volume and boundary element methods as well as actual finite element methods. Twenty-six papers were carefully selected for this book out of the 180 presentations made at the conference, and all of these reflect this style and approach to finite elements. The increasing importance of modelling, in addition to numerical discretization, error estimation and adaptivity was also studied in MAFELAP 1999.

Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

/homepage/sac/cam/na2000/index.html7-Volume Set now available at special set price ! Over the second half of the 20th century the subject area loosely referred to as numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) has undergone unprecedented development. At its practical end, the vigorous growth and steady diversification of the field were stimulated by the demand for accurate and reliable tools for computational modelling in physical sciences and engineering, and by the rapid development of computer hardware and architecture. At the more theoretical end, the analytical insight into the underlying stability and accuracy properties of computational algorithms for PDEs was deepened by building upon recent progress in mathematical analysis and in the theory of PDEs. To embark on a comprehensive review of the field of numerical analysis of partial differential equations within a single volume of this journal would have been an impossible task. Indeed, the 16 contributions included here, by some of the foremost world authorities in the subject, represent only a small sample of the major developments. We hope that these articles will, nevertheless, provide the reader with a stimulating glimpse into this diverse, exciting and important field. The opening paper by Thomée reviews the history of numerical analysis of PDEs, starting with the 1928 paper by Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy on the solution of problems of mathematical physics by means of finite differences. This excellent survey takes the reader through the development of finite differences for elliptic problems from the 1930s, and the intense study of finite differences for general initial value problems during the 1950s and 1960s. The formulation of the concept of stability is explored in the Lax equivalence theorem and the Kreiss matrix lemmas. Reference is made to the introduction of the finite element method by structural engineers, and a description is given of the subsequent development and mathematical analysis of the finite element method with piecewise polynomial approximating functions. The penultimate section of Thomée's survey deals with `other classes of approximation methods', and this covers methods such as collocation methods, spectral methods, finite volume methods and boundary integral methods. The final section is devoted to numerical linear algebra for elliptic problems. The next three papers, by Bialecki and Fairweather, Hesthaven and Gottlieb and Dahmen, describe, respectively, spline collocation methods, spectral methods and wavelet methods. The work by Bialecki and Fairweather is a comprehensive overview of orthogonal spline collocation from its first appearance to the latest mathematical developments and applications. The emphasis throughout is on problems in two space dimensions. The paper by Hesthaven and Gottlieb presents a review of Fourier and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods for the solution of hyperbolic PDEs. Particular emphasis is placed on the treatment of boundaries, stability of time discretisations, treatment of non-smooth solutions and multidomain techniques. The paper gives a clear view of the advances that have been made over the last decade in solving hyperbolic problems by means of spectral methods, but it shows that many critical issues remain open. The paper by Dahmen reviews the recent rapid growth in the use of wavelet methods for PDEs. The author focuses on the use of adaptivity, where significant successes have recently been achieved. He describes the potential weaknesses of wavelet methods as well as the perceived strengths, thus giving a balanced view that should encourage the study of wavelet methods.