Environmental Hazards

Book Description

An excellent source on topics ranging from acid rain...to the Greenhouse Effect.

Environmental Pollution and Control

Book Description

Complex environmental problems are often reduced to an inappropriate level of simplicity. While this book does not seek to present a comprehensive scientific and technical coverage of all aspects of the subject matter, it makes the issues, ideas, and language of environmental engineering accessible and understandable to the nontechnical reader. Improvements introduced in the fourth edition include a complete rewrite of the chapters dealing with risk assessment and ethics, the introduction of new theories of radiation damage, inclusion of environmental disasters like Chernobyl and Bhopal, and general updating of all the content, specifically that on radioactive waste. Since this book was first published in 1972, several generations of students have become environmentally aware and conscious of their responsibilities to the planet earth. Many of these environmental pioneers are now teaching in colleges and universities, and have in their classes students with the same sense of dedication and resolve that they themselves brought to the discipline. In those days, it was sometimes difficult to explain what indeed environmental science or engineering was, and why the development of these fields was so important to the future of the earth and to human civilization. Today there is no question that the human species has the capability of destroying its collective home, and that we have indeed taken major steps toward doing exactly that. And yet, while, a lot has changed in a generation, much has not. We still have air pollution; we still contaminate our water supplies; we still dispose of hazardous materials improperly; we still destroy natural habitats as if no other species mattered. And worst of all, we still continue to populate the earth at an alarming rate. There is still a need for this book, and for the college and university courses that use it as a text, and perhaps this need is more acute now than it was several decades ago. Although the battle to preserve the environment is still raging, some of the rules have changed. We now must take into account risk to humans, and be able to manipulate concepts of risk management. With increasing population, and fewer alternatives to waste disposal, this problem is intensified. Environmental laws have changed, and will no doubt continue to evolve. Attitudes toward the environment are often couched in what has become known as the environmental ethic. Finally, the environmental movement has become powerful politically, and environmentalism can be made to serve a political agenda. In revising this book, we have attempted to incorporate the evolving nature of environmental sciences and engineering by adding chapters as necessary and eliminating material that is less germane to today's students. We have nevertheless maintained the essential feature of this book -- to package the more important aspects of environmental engineering science and technology in an organized manner and present this mainly technical material to a nonengineering audience. This book has been used as a text in courses which require no prerequisites, although a high school knowledge of chemistry is important. A knowledge of college level algebra is also useful, but calculus is not required for the understanding of the technical and scientific concepts. We do not intend for this book to be scientifically and technically complete. In fact, many complex environmental problems have been simplified to the threshold of pain for many engineers and scientists. Our objective, however, is not to impress nontechnical students with the rigors and complexities of pollution control technology but rather to make some of the language and ideas of environmental engineering and science more understandable.

Environmental Health Science

Book Description

This is a broad, in-depth introduction to a scientific field that is becoming ever more central to human health. Environmental exposures to a bewildering array of chemical and physical agents result from our individual and collective activities, and can cause effects ranging from discomfort through loss of function, illness, chronic diseases, and premature death. Their concomitant effects on quality of life, productivity, and need for clinical services can be costly. The book covers the terminology used in environmental health; the sources of chemical and physical agents in the environment; how they disperse and transform throughout the environment; their effects on environmental quality and human health; how levels and exposures are quantified; how standards are established; how levels, exposures, and risks can be controlled; and what technological opportunities and trends are likely to influence our environmental future. It includes chapters on noise, ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation, risk assessment, and risk management. Written in a clear and systematic way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of environmental health. An earlier version of the book, Chemical Contamination in the Human Environment (OUP 1979), was called by one teacher "visionary...easily the most useful textbook in environmental health science for entry-level graduate students."

Environmental and Health Risk Assessment and Management

Book Description

This book is about the legal, economical, and practical assessment and management of risky activities arising from routine, catastrophic environmental and occupational exposures to hazardous agents. It includes a discussion of aspects of US and European Union law concerning risky activities, and then develops the economic analyses that are relevant to implementing choices within a supply and demand framework. The book also discusses exposure-response and time-series models used in assessing air and water pollution, as well as probabilistic cancer models, including toxicological compartmental, pharmaco-kinetic models and epidemiological relative risks and odds ratios-based models. Statistical methods to measure agreement, correlation and discordance are also developed. The methods and criteria of decision-analysis, including several measures of value of information (VOI) conclude the expositions. This book is an excellent text for students studying risk assessment and management.

Environmental Pollution

Book Description

The Book Environmental Pollution, Is The Outcome Of Intensive Efforts Made By The Author For More Than Seven Years In Collection Of Materials, Their Recasting To Suit Own Scheme Of Requirement And Also Incorporating New Research Findings From Reputed Researchers On Environmental Pollution In The Book. The Book Has Been Styled To Cover The Requirements Of University Syllabus For The Graduate (Honours) And Postgraduate Students Of Various Universities.The Book Covers Major Aspects Of Environment: Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil And Land Pollution, And Pollution By Physical Agents (Causing Radioactive Pollution, Thermal Pollution, Sound Pollution). Under The Umbrella Of These Four Major Aspects A Lot Of Valuable Information Has Been Given On Many Topics Including Particulate Pollutants, Problems Of Aerosol Accumulation, Role Of Aerosol In Photochemical Pollution, Phenomenon Of Acid Rain And Its Effects, Problem Of Ozone Depletion, Uses And Destructive Role Of Chlorofluorocarbons (Cfcs), Causes Of Global Warming, And Role Of Some Air-Borne Organisms As Biopollutants. These Items Represent Main Segments Of Atmospheric Pollution.Likewise, Matters On Industrial Pollution, Particularly Sewage And Some Other Biodegradable Wastes, Role Of Infectious Agents In Water To Spread Diseases, Production Of Excess Of Plant Nutrients In Water, Organic Chemicals Of Exotic Sources (Including Insecticides, Herbicides, Surfactant Chemicals In Detergents), Inorganic Chemicals In Water, Agricultural Solid Wastes, Sediments, Coastal Pollution/Oil Pollution, Etc., Represent Main Instances Of Water Pollution.Four Chapters On (I) Pollution Due To Deforestations (Ii) Mining Operation (Iii) Radioactive Isotopes As Pollutants, And (Iv) Genetic Disorders In Organisms By Pollutants Are Of Rare Importance, Liable To Give Some Starting Knowledge To Common Readers Of This Book And Provide Awareness Of How Unsafe They Are In This Universe. The Informations On Effect Of Pollutants, On Human Health, Animal Health, Plants, Materials And Properties Are Of General Public Interest And Introduction Of Legal Steps For Controlling Pollution Carry Additional Significance.

Environmental Health

Book Description

Environmental Health presents the interaction of man and his environment as it affects his physical and mental health as well as social well-being. This book provides a detailed review of man–environment–health interrelationships and a basic background for those working in any environmental health discipline. Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of environmental health as the aspect of public health that is concerned with those forms of life, forces, substances, and conditions in the surrounding of man that may exert an influence on man's well-being and health. This text then examines the health hazards associated with certain occupations. Other chapters consider the health aspects of housing and its environment. This book discusses as well the nature of environmental hazards and the relationships of environment and health of man. The final chapter deals with the overall perspective for the planning and management of the environment. This book is a valuable resource for individuals working in the environmental health sciences.

Public Policies for Environmental Protection

Book Description

Originally published in 1990, this study tracks the issues, progress and problems in environmental issues in the United States from the 1980’s. Improvements in air and water quality as well as regulation of hazardous waste and toxic substances has led to new policies such as the Superfund Act and a general increase in awareness about environmental issues on a federal level. Placing an emphasis on economics, these papers analyse the effectiveness of environmental policy and progress made in relation to air pollution, water quality, hazardous wastes, toxic substances and enforcement of regulations. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies.