Envision with God

Book Description

As a pastor and leaders, I have seen that most people are walking backwards into their futures! All their reference points about the future are usually drawn from the past. Envision with God turns you around to face what is ahead with God’s guidance. After all, aren’t all God’s promises in the future? The practice of “envisioning with God” will not only turn you to your future in God but give you something many Christians lack: an absolute certainty in recognizing the voice of God. A common practice, even among mature Christians, is seeking confirmation for something their Father God has told them. It is strange, to say the least, that a child would not recognize his or her father’s voice. This will no longer be a problem as one faithfully envisions with Father God. Envisioning with God erases the division between the marketplace and pulpit. You will discover that God doesn’t recognize this division. His desire is for unity. Too many Christians are schizophrenic in terms of their spiritual identities. This has weakened families, churches, businesses, communities, and nations. No such division should exist as the many of the powerful examples in the books testify. Envisioning with God in a simple and systematic way will change your life, causing you to face your future and recognize the voice of God. Envisioning will engage you in a day-to-day dialog with your Father, and unify the roles of your spiritual identity, propelling you to your destiny, facing forward into God’s promises.

Envisioning the Reign of God

Book Description

How do you envision the reign of God on earth? What do you believe abut God's plan for the last days? Is it "already but not yet" or a distant future of trumpets and horses of the Apocalypse? What we believe about the reign of God deeply affects how we relate to the world we live in here and now, including and especially our preaching. Envisioning the Reign of God provides an in-depth study of "last things" (eschatology). Author and professor Debra Mumfond describes eschatolog as addressing not just how humanity will be judged on the last day, but how we live our lives every day. Toward that aim, this book seeks to broaden our thinking concerning what the reign of God on earth can be and each of our roles in making it a reality. Mumford examines the distinctive eschatological perspectives of 11 different theologians, and based on their homiletic approaches, she offers tools and resources for the reaader's biblical interpretation and sermon development.


Book Description

Shane Perry knows what it’s like to step out on faith, to dream beyond your means and your abilities. He knows what it’s like to feel as if your dream will never happen. He also knows what it feels like to see the dream actually manifest in real life. That’s what this book is all about. You are only limited in life by what you think. You have to see yourself going beyond what you are currently doing. Shane wants to call you to a higher place. He want to summon from within you that great power of purpose that will ignite the vision God has for your life. There are no special people who magically start living their life on purpose. You have to set your mind and your actions on a target and follow that path all the way through to the end. Shane can help you reach your ultimate goals and live a life of fulfillment. God’s design for your life is to experience a prosperous and fanatically abundant life. He wants to cause you to live in a place of more than enough, of overflow. As we learn to construct our vision according to God’s plan, we will learn how to write a vision that covers every area of our life. You’ll learn how to write a vision for your ideal weight and optimal health. You’ll discover how to heal from the pain of your past and experience true freedom. Finally, you’ll set financial goals, anything from being debt-free to achieving a life of financial independence and security. The great thing about writing out your vision is that you are free to deal with any aspect of your life that you want to change. Follow the pattern Shane lays out and prepare yourself for an amazing shift in your life. Get ready to experience God’s best for your life by following these biblical principles that are guaranteed to yield positive results.

The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross

Book Description

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” —Matthew 13:31–32 When Jesus began his ministry, he announced that the kingdom of God was at hand. But many modern-day Christians don’t really understand what the kingdom of God is or how it relates to the message of the gospel. Defining kingdom as the King’s power over the King’s people in the King’s place, Patrick Schreiner investigates the key events, prophecies, and passages of Scripture that highlight the important theme of kingdom across the storyline of the Bible—helping readers see how the mission of Jesus and the coming of the kingdom fit together. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.

What Now?

Book Description

I want to live God’s calling, but where do I begin? Be it in the midst of a spiritual lull, a midlife crisis, or an unforeseen pandemic, at some point all Christians feel the need to readdress and reorient to move toward God’s calling for their lives. What Now? is for anyone who wants to emerge from stagnation and envision what could be best for their next season of life. You’ll learn how to: Be still and discern God’s will for your life Re-envision the possibilities of your calling Turn away from isolation and turn to healthy community Boldly step out into the unknown with faith Don’t let confusion or fear of the unknown keep you from moving toward the fullness of God’s plan for your life. Instead, learn to listen to the spiritual whisper directing you to the next stage in your divine calling. As you long to live differently and find your heart awakening to new possibilities, What Now? will help you step forward bravely.

Picture Perfect

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The God-Shaped Brain

Book Description

What you believe about God actually changes your brain. Psychiatrist Tim Jennings unveils how our brains and bodies thrive when we have a healthy understanding of who God is. This expanded edition now includes a study guide to help you discover how neuroscience and Scripture come together to bring healing and transformation to our lives.

Forgiving God

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A Second Wind

Book Description

While focusing on his core mission to preach the gospel worldwide, T.D. Jakes has seen many good people not spend enough quality time with family, friends, and God. They have gotten so swept up in the daily grind that they have failed to live the rich life that God desires for each of His people. In his new book, Jakes provides readers with strategies that will help them rejuvenate their life and turn their "busyness" into a "business." All readers-not just entrepreneurs-will benefit from Jakes' insightful advice so that they can use the days God has blessed them with wisely and finish each day strong!

Why We Believe in God(s)

Book Description

In this groundbreaking volume, J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD, with Clare Aukofer, offers a succinct yet comprehensive study of how and why the human mind generates religious belief. Dr. Thomson, a highly respected practicing psychiatrist with credentials in forensic psychiatry and evolutionary psychology, methodically investigates the components and causes of religious belief in the same way any scientist would investigate the movement of astronomical bodies or the evolution of life over time—that is, as a purely natural phenomenon. Providing compelling evidence from psychology, the cognitive neurosciences, and related fields, he, with Ms. Aukofer, presents an easily accessible and exceptionally convincing case that god(s) were created by man—not vice versa. With this slim volume, Dr. Thomson establishes himself as a must-read thinker and leading voice on the primacy of reason and science over superstition and religion.