Enzyme Handbook 16

Book Description

The objective of the Enzyme Handbook is to provide in concise form data on enzymes sufficiently well characterized. The data sheets are arranged in their EC number sequence, volumes 15 to 17 contain Additional Enzymes and updated data sheets to be inserted in previous volumes by their EC-number. For each enzyme, systematic and common names are given, information on reaction type, substrate and product spectrum, inhibitors, cofactors, kinetic data, pH and temperature range, origin, purification, molecular data and storage conditions are listed. A reference list completes the data sheets. This collection is an indispensable source of information for researchers applying enzymes in analysis, synthe.

Enzyme Handbook 16

Book Description

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

I t is a pleasure to write a few lines to welcome this labour of Iove. I t is always dangeraus to draw sharp divisions between the interests of different scientists. However, in the present stage of progress in enzymology, there are those who are primarily interested in the molecular mechanisms of the reactions of a few selected enzymes, while others are involved in the grand scheme of the chemical metabolism of cells or whole organisms. Fortunately Dr. Barman has had experience in both the molecular and the metabolic aspects of enzymology. He therefore knows the require ments of research workers interested in enzymes from many different points of view. It would be foolish to hope that a handbook of this kind will provide all the information about enzymes which different specialists would wish to find. The author has attempted to help users in the following way. If one Iooks up a particular enzyme one will find all the basic data and a very good Iist of references for more specialized information. Apart from selection of the type of information provided, the author's judgement on the reliability of data is, of course, of critical importance in a handbook. If contradicting published information about some property of an enzyme has to be sorted out, it is often neither possible to teil the whole story nor to give an objective judgement.

Enzyme handbook

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Enzyme Handbook 4

Book Description

Recent progress in enzyme immobilisation, enzyme production, coenzyme regeneration and enzyme engineering has opened up fascinating new fields for the potential application of enzymes in a large range of different areas. As more progress in research and application of enzymes has been made the more apparent has become the Iack of an up-to-date overview of enzyme molecular properties. The need for such a data bank was also expressed by the EC-task force "Biotechnology and Information". Therefore we started the development of an enzyme data information system as part of protein-design activities at GBF. The present book "Enzyme Handbook" represents the printed version of this data bank. ln future it is also planned to make a com puter searchable version available. The enzymes in the Handbook are arranged according to the 1984 Enzyme Commission Iist of enzymes and later supplements. Same 3000 "different" en zymes are covered. Frequently very different enzymes are included under the same E. C. number. Although we intended to give a representative overview on the molecular variability of each enzyme, the Handbook is not a com pendium. The readerwill have to go to the primary Iiterature for more detailed information. Naturally it is not possible to cover all numerous, up to 40 000, Iiterature references for each enzyme if data representation is to be concise as is intended.