Epistemología y pedagogía

Book Description

Se inicia el proceso de reflexión sobre la pedagogía preguntando primero por su relación con lo social e histórico en el contexto del sistema educativo. Todo sistema educativo ha tenido un referente teórico más o menos sistematizado que lo ha justificado o pretendidamente explicado para quienes están viviendo de él o para quienes se identifican plenamente con él. Fue la época que hay que decirlo– estuvo marcada por el discurso marxista. No se hablaba aún de paradigma o de contextualización. En este sentido, lo educativo participaba o formaba parte de la dimensión ideológica del sistema social que envolvía como un gran todo al fenómeno educativo, junto a otros, denominados aparatos con una definida intención –o función, según el lenguaje de entonces– ideológica, es decir, de encubrimiento o velamiento de las verdaderas finalidades que se veían ocultas o sobrepuestas a las reales: económicas o políticas. El derrumbamiento del muro de Berlín se tomó como el gran símbolo de la superación de este enfoque. Pero antes ya había empezado a mostrar su carácter de mera fórmula al intentar explicarlo todo –desde el arte pasando por el mito, la ciencia, o cualquier manifestación cultural . Como el principal oponente a este esquema venía desde el funcionalismo tal como era implementado el positivismo en el campo de las llamadas ciencias sociales– se definieron, por así decir, dos enfoques o marcos teóricos para mirar lo social podríamos hablar también de dos perspectivas que abarcaban tanto lo social como lo científico–. Las investigaciones que se proyectaban sobre todo las que se dirigían a lo social, o en general, a las ciencias humanas, incluyendo en éstas a la sociología tenían o debían seguir uno de estos dos enfoques. (Aunque no tenían aceptación o aprobación institucional sino las que seguían el enfoque positivista. Todavía no se insistía o reconocía que una investigación para ser tal tenía que ser crítica o intentar una emancipación a partir de denunciar relaciones estructurales en lo real). En esta época, principios de la década del ochenta, sin embargo, por la formación filosófica, relevaba un carácter más teórico del asunto como era el histórico. Seguía o me identificaba con el enfoque foucaultiano que consideraba como una matización del esquematismo marxista. Para la educación tenía sugerencias interesantes de lectura e interpretación que permitía relacionar lo social y lo histórico de una manera diferente a la seguida por todos. Traté de relevar el aspecto histórico en la reflexión que había emprendido con respecto a la educación aunque no lograba distinguir en forma nítida lo sistemático e institucional de lo teórico –o las teorías pedagógicas–. Lo teórico en educación se incluía aún dentro de lo ideológico, o sea, lo más superficial que se podía hacer en un estudio en esta época.

Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 44, 2021. Special issue: Impact of neutrosophy in solving the Latin American's social problems

Book Description

This special issue reflects the impact of neutrosophic theory in Latin America, especially after creating the Latin American Association of Neutrosophic Sciences. Among the areas of publication most addressed in the region are found in the interrelation of social sciences and neutrosophy, presenting outstanding results in these research areas. The main objective of this special issue is to divulge the impact publication related to the Neutrosophic theory and explore new areas of research and application in the region. The SI reflects the influence of the neutrosophic publications in Latin America by opening new research areas mainly related to Neutrosophic Statistics, Plithogeny, and NeutroAlgebra. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the incorporation of authors from new countries in the region, such as Paraguay, Uruguay, and Panama, to have authors in total from 15 countries, 12 of them from the Latin American region.

Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Statistical Analysis in Educational Development

Book Description

Education in the history of humanity briefly establishes the general characteristics of education over time. Throughout life, the student goes through more than 18 years in the classrooms, because education has rigorously changed throughout history, as a result of the evolution of some universities during the processes carried out until changing categories and an improvement in the evaluated indicators. On the other hand, governments and leading entities of education speak of the application of standards of educational quality, the efficiency of the educational system, and sustainability of financing and quality of spending to ensure that students develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in specific situations, in different contexts for solving problems and interacting with the main dimensions, with their factors or sub-dimensions, limitations or critical nodes and challenges of education. This study analyzes the effects that affect educational development through the neutrosophic statistical study with the application of plithogenic sets.

Epistemologia y pedagogia

Book Description

Se inicia el proceso de reflexión sobre la pedagogía preguntando primero por su relación con lo social e histórico en el contexto del sistema educativo ha tenido un referente teórico mas o menos sistematizado que lo ha justificado o pretendidamente explicado para quienes están viviendo de él o para quienes se identifican plenamente con él.

Geology and Geomorphology of Alluvial and Fluvial Fans

Book Description

Alluvial and fluvial fans are the most widespread depositional landform bordering the margins of highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across a broad spectrum of tectonic and climatic settings. They are significant to the local morphodynamics of mountain regions and also to the evolution of sediment-routing systems, affecting the propagation and preservation of stratigraphic signals of environmental change over vast areas. The volume presents case studies discussing the geology and geomorphology of alluvial and fluvial fans from both active systems and ancient ones preserved in the stratigraphic record. It brings together case studies from a range of continents, climatic and tectonic settings, some introducing innovative monitoring and analysis techniques, and it provides an overview of current debates in the field. This volume will be of particular interest to geologists, geomorphologists, sedimentologists and the general reader with an interest in Earth science.

History of Special Education

Book Description

Examines the history of special education by categorical areas (for example, Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). This title includes chapters on the changing philosophy related to educating students with exceptionalities as well as a history of legal and legislation content concerned with special education.

The Ethics of Special Education, Second Edition

Book Description

Updated to include changes in the field, this new edition addresses ethical issues that are most pressing to special education teachers and administrators. Using a case-based approach, students are encouraged to reason and collaborate about due process, the distribution of educational resources, institutional unresponsiveness, professional relationships, conflicts among parents and teachers, and confidentiality.

Paulo Freire and the Curriculum

Book Description

How can Paulo Freire s progressive and vital contributions to curriculum planning can be made more relevant today for educators, policy makers and anybody involved in education? This book provides a necessary framework as it articulates significant questions. The first deals with Freire s positions on curriculum planning, the second is devoted to the historical development and the character of his perspective on curriculum planning, and the third refers to the ways his perspective compares to others, as well as to its contemporary value. Freire s perspective comes into direct conflict with traditional views on curriculum planning, the content of which represents what is perceived as the highest expression of Western civilization. Freire also breaks with the dominant perspective of social efficiency on curriculum planning whose main aim is to supply, via behavioral objectives, the knowledge and skills deemed necessary for the efficient function of the economy and the society, treats learners as passive receivers of knowledge, and assigns to curriculum a technical character disarticulated from social, political or ideological conflicts. In addition, he does not focus on studying the learner in an abstract or a-historical framework, nor does he adopt an individualistic interpretation which fetishizes spontaneity. In contrast to traditional perspectives on the curriculum, Freire provides a fertile ground for teachers and any others who seek to transform schools and improve student s learning and lives."