Book Description
This is the true story of Dwight Worker's brutal imprisonment in the 'inescapable' Lecumberri Prison in Mexico City. The only person ever to have escaped from the 'Black Palace' of Lecumberri was Pancho Villa, in 1912. In Mexico, Dwight Worker met Barbara Chilcoate, whom he fell in love with and married. Together they devised a bold escape plan. They knew the odds, for Mexico had 'la ley de fuga', the law of escape. It was not illegal to try to escape from prison, as long as the would-be escapee did no violence against people and destroyed no state property. But if they caught him, they killed him. So any would be escapee had one and only one chance. The choices were either freedom or death. Read about how Dwight Worker ran this gauntlet to join Pancho Villa and become only the second person to escape from Lecumberri.