Escogida para el altar

Book Description

Ella está siempre al lado del esposo, incluso intentando ser discreta es el centro de atención. Los detalhes sobre su vida, en relación con la posición que ocupa, son siempre fuente de curiosidad. Pero,¿ qué es ser una esposa de pastor?¿ Qué desafíos enfrentan estas mujeres? Y,¿ qué hacer para ingresar en este ministerio, siendo auxiliadora de un hombre de Dios?¿ Qué tendrán que tener en mente cuando se casen con un pastor? En este libro la escritora Tania Rubim relata los desafíos enfrentados por las candidatas que desean formar parte de este ministerio. De forma esclarecedora, "Escogida para el Altar - Un Manual para la Futura Esposa de Pastor" desmitifica las ideas equivocadas y, al mismo tiempo, incentiva a las personas que creen que el sueño de servir a Dios en el Altar es algo imposible de alcanzar.

Chosen for the altar

Book Description

She's always at her husband's side. Even though she is the centre of attention. The details about her life and the position she holds are always a source of curiosity. But what does it mean to be a pastor's wife? What challenges does she have to face? How did she join this ministry and become a helper of a man of God? What does a young woman have to take into consideration when she plans to marry a pastor? In this book, Tania Rubim writes about facing the challenges of joining this ministry. "Chosen for the Altar - A Manual for the Future Pastor's Wife" clarifies misconceptions, and at the same time gives encouragement to young girls who dream of serving God on the Altar, but fear that it is something impossible to achieve.

Calderon and the Baroque Tradition

Book Description

Calderón and the Baroque Tradition is the outcome of a tricentennial commemoration of the seventeenth century Spanish poet and dramatist, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, and a tribute to a distinguished tradition in Calderonian studies at the University of Toronto. A major dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age and a master of the auto sacramental genre, Calderón produced some one hundred and twenty comedias and eighty autos during his rather colourful lifetime. This volume assembles an impressive collection of essays relating the baroque artistic tradition to such aspects of Calderón's theatre as the use of music, mythology, costume, and his distinctive dramatic technique. It will be of interest and value both to students of Spanish drama and Hispanic life in general and to followers of Calderón in particular.

Applied Emblems in the Cathedral of Lugo

Book Description

An interpretation of the emblematic programme found in the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Ojos Grandes (Galicia, Spain), consisting of 58 emblems painted c.1735.