An Outline of Esoteric Science

Book Description

"Contemplative practice means, among other things, becoming practiced in solitude. This does not mean brooding or self-indulgent musing, but instead practicing a special form of recollection of the past, mindfulness for the present, and envisioning of the future in a manner that is enlivening, clear, and insightful. We learn to be properly solitary, and to carry the depth of our solitude into the world with grace and selflessness." -- Arthur Zajonc When we turn to meditation, we are turning toward renewal, peace, and insight. Initially, we may take up contemplative practice as a means of tapping into the abundant resources of the mind and heart that bring serenity, but the meditative journey leads further--to the place where wisdom and love unite. In Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry, Arthur Zajonc offers an overview of the meditative life, weaving practical instruction together with the guidance and inspiration of the world's great teachers, from Rudolf Steiner to Rumi, and from Goethe to the sages of Asia. Zajonc reminds us that an ethic of humility grounds all practice, and that care of the soul is the basis for sound spiritual reflection and understanding. The author carefully describes each stage of the path and includes many recommended practices. Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry is the fruit of many years of personal practice and teaching. Arthur Zajonc developed his orientation toward meditation through working with hundreds of university students and professors, as well as with contemplative groups in the U.S., Europe, and Australia.

Occult Science

Book Description

Written in 1909 (CW 13) An authorized translation of this classic work, re-edited, beautifully typeset and designed, from a professional publisher dedicated to high-quality editions of Rudolf Steiner's books and lectures. The Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner is not a theoretical system, but the results of research based on direct observation. As Steiner's research was so vast and conducted over such a long period of time, no single book can be said to contain the whole of his spiritual teaching. However, of all his books Occult Science comes closest. Steiner even referred to it as "an epitome of anthroposophic Spiritual Science." The book systematically presents the fundamental facts concerning the nature and constitution of the human being and, chronologically, the history of the universe and humankind. Whereas the findings of natural science are derived from observations made through the senses, the findings of Spiritual Science, or Anthroposophy, are "occult" inasmuch as they arise from direct observation of realities hidden to ordinary perception. And yet these elements of humanity and the universe form the foundation of the sense world. A substantial part of Occult Science is taken up with a description of the preliminary training needed to make such spiritual observations. Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write, four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: The Philosophy of Freedom (CW 4); Theosophy (CW 9); Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (CW 10); and Occult Science: An Outline (CW 13). Occult Science: An Outline is a translation from German of Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss (GA 13).

Questions and Answers

Book Description

In this volume Mr. Hall addresses a compendium of questions presented to him over a period of many years. His knowledge earned through extensive research of the Ancient Wisdom teachings enables him to give concise answers to reasonable doubts concerning creation, consciousness, miracles, death and after, mystical experiences, the fall of man, suicide, diet, the cabala, and more.

Words to the Wise

Book Description

An Outline of Occult Science

Book Description

An Outline of Occult Science is Rudolf Steiner's thesis discussing the unknown, the nature of mankind, and his belief that science may be used to explain the unusual phenomena known as the occult. First published in 1910, this book strives to define, categorize and explain various manifestations of the occult. The author concedes at the opening of the book that many otherwise open-minded and receptive individuals immediately recoil from the concept of the the unknown, especially in relation to attempts to investigate it scientifically. After introducing the occult, Steiner delves into explaining the two worlds he thought comprised the reality we live in. The natural world, that which is visible and readily perceivable around us, and the spiritual world, where the unexplained phenomena arise. The nature of man as a bodily being, and how his physical self bridges the gap between these two worlds, is much detailed. Famous as a literary critic, Rudolf Steiner's interest in the occult phenomena meant that much of his later life was characterized by research into spiritual texts. He passionately believed that much of the strange, paranormal or occult phenomena human beings have observed have a spiritual yet scientific explanation: it is with this essential belief in mind that Steiner attempts to persuade the reader. Although unusual in subject matter, An Outline of Occult Science is written in an accessible style. What would otherwise be dry and inscrutable is made interesting and exotic by Steiner, who was used to writing for a popular audience in his career as a literary critic. This edition of his book contains all of his original notes, which are appended at the conclusion for ease of reference.

The Occult Sciences

Book Description

Secrets Of Occult Science

Book Description

God has created this world and everything in it has a meaning. It is for man to discover these hidden meanings or messages and decipher them, for his own good. Ancient civilisations like those of the Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Chaldaeans, Chinese and Sumerians considered these hidden meanings to be of vital significance in the context of the destiny and personality of human beings. Dreams, omens, moles on a person's body, twitching of certain parts of the body, handwriting -- all have a hidden meaning for us to discover. What sun sign we are born under and how it affects our personality and life; the use of lucky charms and Tantric articles to mitigate evil influences and attain good health, wealth and happiness; modern yantras like Crystal Ball Gazing and the Mystic Eye, are all dealt with in this book in a simple and interesting manner for the uninitiated reader, as well as for astrologers, palmists and others.

Magic, Mystery, and Science

Book Description

"[P.D. Ouspensky's] yearning for a transcendent, timeless reality—one that cancels out physical disintegration and death—figures into science at some fundamental level. Einstein found solace in his theory of relativity, which suggested to him that events are ever-present in the space-time continuum. When his friend Michele Besso passed on shortly before his own death, he wrote: 'For us believing physicists the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, even if a stubborn one.'" —from Magic, Mystery, and Science The triumph of science would appear to have routed all other explanations of reality. No longer does astrology or alchemy or magic have the power to explain the world to us. Yet at one time each of these systems of belief, like religion, helped shed light on what was dark to our understanding. Nor have the occult arts disappeared. We humans have a need for mystery and a sense of the infinite. Magic, Mystery, and Science presents the occult as a "third stream" of belief, as important to the shaping of Western civilization as Greek rationalism or Judeo-Christianity. The occult seeks explanations in a world that is living and intelligent—quite unlike the one supposed by science. By taking these beliefs seriously, while keeping an eye on science, this book aims to capture some of the power of the occult. Readers will discover that the occult has a long history that reaches back to Babylonia and ancient Egypt. It proceeds alongside, and frequently mingles with, religion and science. From the Egyptian Book of the Dead to New Age beliefs, from Plato to Adolf Hitler, occult ways of knowing have been used—and hideously abused—to explain a world that still tempts us with the knowledge of its dark secrets.

The Light of Egypt

Book Description

A guidebook for spiritual truth. According to the author, the methods used date back to ancient Egypt and Chaldea. Contains some of the most effective spiritual instruction ever used. The author was well-schooled in wisdom from around the world, often referring to Hermetic, Kabalistic, Theosophical, and Buddhist principles. The book is divided into two parts: The Science of the Soul and The Science of the Stars. Explores karma, immortality, reincarnation and the human soul, plus chapters on The Mysteries of Sex, The Realm of Spirit, Alchemy, Astrology and the Zodiac. Meant for slow and serious study, for those wishing to attain wisdom as opposed to knowledge.