Essays on Consumer Choice with Unobserved Choice Sets

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This dissertation consists of three essays that evaluate how consumers make decisions in settings where the researcher may not know the set of alternatives from which observed choices were selected. Many empirical analyses in economics presume the researcher knows the full set of alternatives an individual compared when selecting their most preferred. In practice, this assumption may fail to hold for a variety of reasons. In the first chapter, I introduce the economic setting of unobserved choice sets and consideration sets defining to this work. In the second chapter, my coauthors and I propose a robust method of discrete choice analysis when agents' choice sets are unobserved. Our core model assumes nothing about agents' choice sets apart from their minimum size. Importantly, it leaves unrestricted the dependence, conditional on observables, between agents' choice sets and their preferences. We first establish that the model is partially identified and characterize its sharp identification region. We then apply our theoretical findings to learn about households' risk preferences and choice sets from data on their deductible choices in auto collision insurance. The third chapter evaluates the prescription drug insurance choices of Medicare beneficiaries. I propose an empirical model of demand for prescription drug plans where non-monetary plan attributes stochastically determine the composition of the set of plans that an individual considers, and monetary plan attributes determine the individual's expected utility over contracts in her consideration set. This model reconciles the classic view of insurance contracts as lotteries with purely monetary outcomes with the empirical finding that choice among insurance plans is driven by their non-monetary attributes and financial attributes beyond their impacts on costs. I estimate the model using data from Medicare Part D allowing for unobserved heterogeneity in risk aversion and in consideration sets. I find that the latter plays a crucial role in plan choices, and in contrast to previous literature that assumes full consideration of all plans, I uncover an important role for risk aversion in determining individual choices.

Choice in Sequence

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Consumer Research

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"Once again, Morris B. Holbrook has combined insightful commentary on the field of consumer behavior with a readable and enjoyable writing style. A must read for anyone interested in the latest thinking in the field." Ron Hill, Professor and Chair of Marketing, Villanova University "A delightfully idiosyncratic history of consumer research. What enthralled readers will get from his stylish exposition is a socio-psychocultural description of the consumer through the ages, along with a description of attempts to understand the consumer. Scholarly yet readable, Holbrook's history is a classic study of consumerism too. Editor's Choice." --Business Today In recent years, consumer research has emerged as an academic specialty of growing concern to marketing scholars and of increased importance on today's university campuses. Courses on consumer behavior--taught in virtually every academic program of business or management--draw heavily on work by consumer researchers. Despite this wide and growing recognition as an emergent area of study, no book appears to exist on the history, nature, and types of consumer research or on the variegated and often hotly debated issues that surround this field of inquiry. Consumer Research fills this gap by providing an account of the recent historical developments in consumer research and by showing how the evolution of this discipline has affected the research. The author offers a personal and subjective glance at how various changes in the field have come about and how they have shaped studies of consumption. Marketing scholars, graduate students, and upper-level undergraduates concentrating in marketing will find Consumer Research irresistible reading.

Essays on Consumer Choice and Public Policy

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This dissertation consists of three chapters on consumer choice and public policy. The first chapter re-evaluates the realized efficacy of increasing block pricing (IBP). IBP is expected to give a positive social benefit, this assumes that consumers are attentive to the marginal price, which is questioned by recent literature. This paper measures the welfare loss from inattentiveness to the marginal price, which is defined as the misperception effect. By comparing IBP's efficacy and the misperception effect, the net benefit of using an IBP schedule is revealed. This study starts by identifying consumers' perceived marginal price. Using this perceived price, the demand curve can be estimated. After that, each consumer's and firm's surplus change are calculated. The second chapter studies the impact of snowfall on airport operation and suggests a comprehensive benefit and cost analysis on airport investment. Using two advanced econometric method, the Triple Difference model and the Nearest Neighbor Matching, this study first develops a Delay Analysis model to evaluate the exact effect of snowfall delay and secondly conducts the Net Present Value analysis on the Heated Pavement System (HPS). Delays by snows estimated up to about 9 minutes for airports in the Boston area, and HPS is feasible for airports with a great number of flights and passengers, such as Boston Logan airport.The third chapter explores the expected result of investment in runway, which could, in turn, reduce snow-related delays and cancellations. Three airports in the Boston area are selected since the geographical proximity would lead to intense competition once they are privatized. Each airport's arrival and departure itinerary data is used for assessment and identification of cost and benefit conditions to achieve this investment. For the analysis, this study constructs a two-stage game model of airports and airlines and follows the subgame perfect equilibrium. Backward induction and simulation for the different scenario are used for analysis. The equilibrium conditions show that private competition between profit maximization airports can stimulate large investment in a heated runway.

Essays in Modeling the Consumer Choice Process

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In this dissertation, I utilize and develop empirical tools to help academics and practitioners model the consumer's choice process. This collection of three essays strives to answer three main research questions in this theme. In the first paper, I ask: how is the consumer's purchase decision impacted by the search for general product-category information prior to search for their match with a retailer or manufacturer ("sellers")? This paper studies the impact of informational organic keyword search results on the performance of sponsored search advertising. We show that, even though advertisers can target consumers who have specific needs and preferences, for many consumers this is not a sufficient condition for search advertising to work. By allowing consumers to access content that satisfies their information requirements, informational organic results can allow consumers to learn about the product category prior to making their purchase decision. We develop a model characterize the situation in which consumers can search for general information about the product category as well as for information about the individual sellers' offerings. We estimate this model using a unique dataset of search advertising in which commercial websites are restricted in the organic listing, allowing us to identify consumer clicks as informational (from organic links) or purchase oriented (from sponsored links). With the estimation results, we show that consumer welfare is improved by 29%, while advertisers generate 19% more sales, and search engines obtain 18% more paid clicks, as compared to the scenario without informational links. We conduct counterfactuals and find that consumers, advertisers, and the search engine are significantly better off when the search engine provides "free" general information about the product. When the search engine provides information about the advertisers' specific offerings, however, there are fewer paid clicks and advertisers at high ad positions will obtain lower sales. We further investigate the implications on the equilibrium advertiser bidding strategy. Results show that advertiser bids will remain constant in the former scenario. When the search engine provides advertiser information, advertisers will increase their bids because of the increased conversion rate; however, the search engine still loses revenue due to the decreased paid clicks. The findings shed important managerial insights on how to improve the effectiveness of search advertising. In the second paper, I ask: how is the consumer's search for information, during their choice process and in an advertising context, influenced by the signaling theory of advertising? Using a dataset of travel-related keywords obtained from a search engine, we test to what extent consumers are searching and advertisers are bidding in accordance with the signaling theory of advertising in literature. We find significant evidence that consumers are more likely to click on advertisers at higher positions because they infer that such advertisers are more likely to match with their needs. Further, consumers are more likely to find a match with advertisers who have paid more for higher positions. We also find strong evidence that advertisers increase their bids when there is an improvement in the likelihood that their offerings match with consumers' needs, and the improvement cannot be readily observed by consumers prior to searching advertisers' websites. These results are consistent with the predictions from the signaling theory. We test several alternative explanations and show that they cannot fully explain the results. Furthermore, through an extension we find that advertisers can generate more clicks when competing against advertisers with higher match value. We offer an explanation for this finding based on the signaling theory. In the third paper, I ask: can we model the consumer's choice of brand as a sequential elimination of alternatives based on shared or unique aspects while incorporating continuous variables, such as price? With aggregate scanner data, marketing researchers typically estimate the mixed logit model, which accounts for non-IIA substitution patterns among brands, which arise due to similarity and dominance effects in demand. Using numerical examples and analytical illustrations, this research shows that the mixed logit model, which is widely believed to be a highly flexible characterization of brand switching behavior, is not well designed to handle non-IIA substitution patterns. The probit allows only for pair-wise inter-brand similarities, and ignores third-order or higher dependencies. In the presence of similarity and dominance effects, the mixed logit model and the probit model yield systematically distorted marketing mix elasticities. This limits the usefulness of mixed logit and probit for marketing decision-making. We propose a more flexible demand model that is an extension of the elimination-by-aspects (EBA) model (Tversky 1972a, 1972b) to handle marketing variables. The model vastly expands the domain of applicability of the EBA model to aggregate scanner data. Using an analytical closed-form that nests the traditional logit model as a special case, the EBA demand model is estimated with marketing variables from aggregate scanner data in 9 different product categories. It is compared to the mixed logit and probit models on the same datasets. In terms of multiple fit and predictive metrics (LL, BIC, MSE, MAD), the EBA model outperforms the mixed logit and the probit in a majority of categories in terms of both in-sample fit and holdout predictions. The results show significant differences in the estimated price elasticity matrices between the EBA model and the comparison models. In addition, a simulation shows that the retailer can improve gross profits up to 34.4% from pricing based on the EBA model rather than the mixed logit model. Finally, the results suggest that empirical IO researchers, who routinely use mixed logit models as inputs to oligopolistic pricing models, should consider the EBA demand model as the appropriate model of demand for differentiated products.