Essays in the Application of Linear and Non-linear Bayesian Var Models to the Macroeconomic Impacts of Energy Price Shocks

Book Description

This thesis is a collection of five self contained empirical macroeconomic papers on the asymmetric effects of energy price shocks on various economies. Chapter 1 formally determines the number of regime changes in the US natural gas market by employing a MS-VAR model. Estimated using Bayesian methods, three regimes are identified for the period 1980 - 2016, namely, before the Decontrol Act, after the Decontrol Act and the Recession. The results show that the natural gas market tends to be much more sensitive to market fundamental shocks occurring in a Recession regime than in the other regimes. Augmenting the model by incorporating the price of crude oil, the results reveal that the impacts of oil price shocks on natural gas prices are relatively small. Chapter 2 provides new empirical evidence on the asymmetric reactions of the U.S. natural gas market and the U.S. economy to its market fundamental shocks in different phases of the business cycle. To this end, we employ a ST-VAR model to capture the asymmetric responses depending on economic conditions. Our results indicate that in contrast to the prediction made by a linear VAR model, the STVAR model provides a plausible explanation to the behavior of the U.S. natural gas market, which asymmetrically reacts in bad times and good times. Chapter 3 examines the relationship between China's economic growth and global oil market fluctuations between 1992Q1 and 2015Q3. We find that: (1) the time varying parameter VAR with stochastic volatility provides a better fit as compared to it's constant counterparts; (2) the impacts of intertemporal global oil price shocks on China's output are often small and temporary in nature; (3) oil supply and specific oil demand shocks generally produce negative movements in China's GDP growth whilst oil demand shocks tend to have positive effects; (4) domestic output shocks have no significant impact on price or quantity movements within the global oil market. Chapter 4 examines the effects of world energy price shocks on China's macroeconomy. We propose a new index of primary commodity energy prices which accurately reflects both the structure of China's energy expenditure shares, as well as intertemporal fluctuations in international energy prices. The index is then in employed a sufficiently rich set of time varying BVARs, identified by a new set of agnostic sign restrictions. Uniformly sized positive energy price shocks are shown to consistently generate economic stagflation over the past two decades. Chapter 5 compares the macroeconomic effects of global oil and iron ore price shocks on the Australian economy. The main results suggest that, over the period 1990Q1 to 2014Q4, the oil shock has a relative larger impact than that of the iron ore shock on output and inflation while the iron ore shock is the dominant source of interest and exchange rate movements. The effects crucially depend on the underlying sources of oil or iron ore price shifts.

Pitfalls in Estimating Asymmetric Effects of Energy Price Shocks

Book Description

"A common view in the literature is that the effect of energy price shocks on macroeconomic aggregates is asymmetric in energy price increases and decreases. We show that widely used asymmetric vector autoregressive models of the transmission of energy price shocks are misspecified, resulting in inconsistent parameter estimates, and that the implied impulse responses have been routinely computed incorrectly. As a result, the quantitative importance of unanticipated energy price increases for the U.S. economy has been exaggerated. In response to this problem, we develop alternative regression models and methods of computing responses to energy price shocks that yield consistent estimates regardless of the degree of asymmetry. We also introduce improved tests of the null hypothesis of symmetry in the responses to energy price increases and decreases. An empirical study reveals little evidence against the null hypothesis of symmetry in the responses to energy price shocks. Our analysis also has direct implications for the theoretical literature on the transmission of energy price shocks and for the debate about policy responses to energy price shocks"--P. 1.

Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park

Book Description

Volumes 45a and 45b of Advances in Econometrics honor Professor Joon Y. Park, who has made numerous and substantive contributions to the field of econometrics over a career spanning four decades since the 1980s and counting.

Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics

Book Description

Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics provides a survey of the Bayesian methods used in modern empirical macroeconomics. These models have been developed to address the fact that most questions of interest to empirical macroeconomists involve several variables and must be addressed using multivariate time series methods. Many different multivariate time series models have been used in macroeconomics, but Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models have been among the most popular. Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics reviews and extends the Bayesian literature on VARs, TVP-VARs and TVP-FAVARs with a focus on the practitioner. The authors go beyond simply defining each model, but specify how to use them in practice, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and offer tips on when and why each model can be used.

The Cointegrated VAR Model

Book Description

This valuable text provides a comprehensive introduction to VAR modelling and how it can be applied. In particular, the author focuses on the properties of the Cointegrated VAR model and its implications for macroeconomic inference when data are non-stationary. The text provides a number of insights into the links between statistical econometric modelling and economic theory and gives a thorough treatment of identification of the long-run and short-run structure as well as of thecommon stochastic trends and the impulse response functions, providing in each case illustrations of applicability.This book presents the main ingredients of the Copenhagen School of Time-Series Econometrics in a transparent and coherent framework. The distinguishing feature of this school is that econometric theory and applications have been developed in close cooperation. The guiding principle is that good econometric work should take econometrics, institutions, and economics seriously. The author uses a single data set throughout most of the book to guide the reader through the econometric theory whilealso revealing the full implications for the underlying economic model. To test ensure full understanding the book concludes with the introduction of two new data sets to combine readers understanding of econometric theory and economic models, with economic reality.

Three Essays in Macroeconomic Forecasting Using Bayesian Model Selection

Book Description

This thesis explores several aspects of Bayesian model selection in time series forecasting of macroeconomic variables. The contribution is provided in three essays. In the first essay (Chapter 2) I forecast quarterly US inflation based on the generalized Phillips curve using econometric methods which incorporate dynamic model averaging. These methods not only allow for coefficients to change over time, but also for the entire forecasting model to change over time. I find that dynamic model averaging leads to substantial forecasting improvements over simple benchmark regressions and more sophisticated approaches such as those using time varying coefficient models. I also provide evidence on which sets of predictors are relevant for forecasting in each period. In the second essay (Chapter 3) I address the issue of improving the forecasting performance of vector autoregressions (VARs) when the set of available predictors is inconveniently large to handle with methods and diagnostics used in traditional small-scale models. First, I summarize available information from a large dataset into a considerably smaller set of variables through factors estimated using standard principal components. However, even in the case of reducing the dimension of the data the true number of factors may still be large. For that reason I introduce in my analysis simple and efficient Bayesian model selction methods. I conduct model estimation and selection of predictors automatically through a stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) algorithm which requires minimal input by the user. I apply these methods to forecast 8 main U.S. macroeconomic variables using 124 potential predictors. I find improved out of sample fit in high dimensional specifications that would otherwise suffer from the proliferation of parameters. Finally, in the third essay (Chapter 4) I develop methods for automatic selection of variables in forecasting Bayesian vector autoregressions (VARs) using the Gibbs sampler. In particular, I extend the algorithms of Chapter 3 and provide computationally efficient algorithms for stochastic variable selection in generic (linear and nonlinear) VARs. The performance of the proposed variable selection method is assessed in a small Monte Carlo experiment, and in forecasting four short macroeconmic series for the UK using time-varying parameters vector autoregressions (TVP-VARs). I find that restricted models consistently improve upon their unrestricted counterparts in forecasting, showing the merits of variable selection in selecting parsimonious models.

Essays in Honour of Fabio Canova

Book Description

Both parts of Volume 44 of Advances in Econometrics pay tribute to Fabio Canova for his major contributions to economics over the last four decades.