Essays of Economic Development and Migration

Book Description

This dissertation is composed of three chapters and studies issues related to economic development and migration. The first chapter looks at migration choice in an environment where people face risk and liquidity constraints. The second chapter, which is co-authored with Jeremy Magruder, studies the labor market impact of immigration in Indonesia. The third chapter is written together with Joan Hamory Hick and Edward Miguel and examines selection into migration in Kenya. The first paper develops and tests a migration choice model that incorporates two prominent migration strategies used by households facing risk and liquidity constraints. On the one hand, migration can be used as an ex-post risk-coping strategy after sudden negative income shocks. On the other hand, migration can be seen an as investment, but liquidity constraints may prevent households from paying up-front migration costs, in which case positive income shocks may increase migration. These diverging migratory responses to shocks are modeled within a dynamic migration choice framework that I test using a 20-year panel of internal migration decisions by 38,914 individuals in Indonesia. I document evidence that migration increases after contemporaneous negative income shocks as well as after an accumulation of preceding positive shocks. Consistent with the model, I find that migration after negative shocks is more often characterized by temporary moves to rural destinations and is more likely to be used by those with low levels of wealth, while investment migration is more likely to involve urban destinations, occur over longer distances, and be longer in duration. Structural estimation of the model reveals that migration costs are higher for those with lower levels of wealth and education, and suggests that the two migration strategies act as substitutes, meaning that those who migrate to cope with a negative shock are less likely to invest in migration. I use the structural estimates to simulate policy experiments of providing credit and subsidizing migration, and I explore the impact of increased weather shock intensity in order to better understand the possible impact of climate change on migration. The second paper studies the labor market impact of internal migration in Indonesia by instrumenting migrant flows with rainfall shocks at the origin area. Estimates reveal that a one percentage point increase in the share of migrants decreases income by 1.22 percent and reduces employment by 0.26 percentage points. These effects are different across sectors: employment reductions are concentrated in the formal sector, while income reduction occurs in the informal sector. Negative consequences are most pronounced for low-skilled natives, even though migrants are systematically highly skilled. We suggest that the two-sector nature of the labor market may explain this pattern. The third paper exploits a new longitudinal dataset to examine selective migration among 1,500 Kenyan youth originally living in rural areas. More than one-third of individuals report moving to an urban area during the study period. Understanding how this migration differs for people with different ability levels is important for correctly estimating urban-rural wage gaps, and for characterizing the process of "structural transformation" out of agriculture. We examine whether migration rates are related to individual "ability", broadly defined to include cognitive aptitude as well as health, and then use these estimates to determine how much of the urban-rural wage gap in Kenya is due to selection versus actual productivity differences. Whereas previous empirical work has focused on schooling attainment as a proxy for cognitive ability, we employ an arguably preferable measure, a pre-migration primary school academic test score. Pre-migration randomized assignment to a deworming treatment program provides variation in health status. We find a positive relationship between both measures of human capital (cognitive ability and deworming) and subsequent migration, though only the former is robust at standard statistical significance levels. Specifically, an increase of two standard deviations in academic test score increases the likelihood of rural-urban migration by 17%. Results are robust to conditioning on household demographic and socioeconomic measures that might capture some aspect of credit constraints or household bargaining. In an interesting contrast with the existing literature, schooling attainment is not significantly associated with urban migration once cognitive ability is accounted for. In contrast, academic test score performance is not correlated with international migration to neighboring Uganda. Accounting for migration selection due to both cognitive ability and schooling attainment does not explain more than a small fraction of the sizeable urban-rural wage gap in Kenya, suggesting that productivity differences across sectors remain large.

Essays on the Economics of Remittances and Migration

Book Description

International migration is a growing phenomenon both in scope and complexity. Today, almost 3.5% of the world's population, or 250 million people, live outside their country of birth. Yet, the macroeconomic consequences of migration are not well understood. On the one hand, migration drains the home country of its human capital, thus reducing its productivity and tax base. In terms of host country effects, migration is often associated with negative labor market outcomes, including unfavorable effects on wages and employment. On the other hand, migrants tend to stay connected with their home country by sending back remittances, re-migrating after receiving an education abroad, or sharing information through networks. In host countries, migrants can both stimulate demand, and increase productivity. Abstract This dissertation contributes to the understanding of the macroeconomic consequences of migration for home and host economies. In particular, Chapter 2 establishes a link between migration and technology diffusion using a panel data set of 30 developed and 88 developing countries for the period 1980 - 2000. Then, Chapter 3 utilizes an open economy DSGE model with heterogeneous households to examine two important channels which influence the dynamic absorption of remittances: (i) the presence of borrowing constraints, and (ii) the distribution of remittances across recipient households. Finally, in Chapter 4, I study the design and impact of optimal government policies on growth and welfare when (i) refugees are sub-optimally distributed across countries and (ii) the presence of refugees causes congestion externalities for public services. The analysis contained in Chapters 2-4 gives new insights in several migration related spillovers, namely technology diffusion, remittances, and public goods congestion, yet emphasizes the complexity between migration and economic growth and development.

International Trade, Economic Development, and the Vietnamese Economy

Book Description

This volume spotlights some of the most important economic issues confronting today's emerging developing countries. The topics studied in the book include the importance of productivity to economic growth, international trade and its relationship to productivity; immigration and brain drain; pollution havens, climate change, and the carbon tax; the effectiveness of foreign aid, the efficiency of education, and governance. Written by some of the most respected scholars in their respective fields, the individual chapters apply both economic theory and the most current empirical tools in rigorous but accessible exposition. Researchers can find value in the modeling and empirical techniques that can be applied to other countries and datasets. Policy makers can benefit from the intellectual foundation on which decisions on important issues can be based; and students of international trade, economic development, and environmental economics can gain knowledge of different country settings that give context to their fields of study.

Reflections on Economic Development

Book Description

This collection of Todaro's essays focuses on a wide range of topics in economic development, including rural-urban migration, international legal and illegal migration, population growth, technological change, education, the environment and ethics.

Labor Markets, Migration, and Mobility

Book Description

This volume is devoted to three key themes central to studies in regional science: the sub-national labor market, migration, and mobility, and their analysis. The book brings together essays that cover a wide range of topics including the development of uncertainty in national and subnational population projections; the impacts of widening and deepening human capital; the relationship between migration, neighborhood change, and area-based urban policy; the facilitating role played by outmigration and remittances in economic transition; and the contrasting importance of quality of life and quality of business for domestic and international migrants. All of the contributions here are by leading figures in their fields and employ state-of-the art methodologies. Given the variety of topics and themes covered this book, it will appeal to a broad range of readers interested in both regional science and related disciplines such as demography, population economics, and public policy.