Essays on Bayesian Inference in Financial Economics

Book Description

This dissertation consists of three essays on Bayesian inference in financial economics. The first essay explores the impact of discretization errors on the parametric estimation of continuous-time financial models. Euler and other discretization schemes cause discretization errors in solving stochastic differential equations. The empirical impact of these discretization errors on estimating two continuous-time financial models is investigated by using Monte Carlo experiments to compare the "exact" estimator and "Euler" estimator for the Euler scheme. The primary finding is that reducing the discretization interval to reduce the discretization error does not necessarily improve the performance of the estimators. This implies that discretization schemes may yield reliable results when the sampling interval is regularly small and shortening the discretization intervals or using data augmentation techniques may be redundant in practice. The second essay examines the identification problem in state-space models under the Bayesian framework. Underidentifiability causes no real difficulty in the Bayesian approach in that a legitimate posterior distribution might be achieved for unidentified parameters when appropriate priors are imposed. When estimating unidentified parameters, Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms may yield misleading results even if the algorithms seem to converge successfully. In addition, the identification problem does really not matter when the prediction of state-space models instead of parameter estimation is concerned. The third essay extensively studies credit risk models using Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference is conducted and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are developed for three popular credit risk models. Empirical results show that these three models in which the same PD (probability of default) can be estimated using different information may yield quite different results. Motivated by the empirical results about credit risk model uncertainty, I propose a "combined" Bayesian estimation method to incorporate information from different datasets and model structure for estimating the PD. This new approach provides an insight in dealing with two practical problems, model uncertainty and data insufficiency, in credit risk management.

Essays on Bayesian Analysis of Financial Economics

Book Description

This dissertation consists of three essays with each essay forming a chapter. The regression models in these three chapters are different but share the same feature: the error terms of the models all follow ARMA-GARCH error processes generated either from normal or exponential power distributions. In the first chapter I present a spot asset pricing model that is known as the CKLS model. Two CKLS models are compared. In one model the ARMA-GARCH error process is generated by the exponential power distribution while in the other model the error process is generated by the normal distribution. Using monthly U.S. federal funds rate I estimate the parameters of the CKLS models. From the predictive densities I obtain the distributions of the mean squared errors of forecast (MSEF) and the predictive deviance information criterion (PDIC). In addition I use the Bayes factor and the deviance information criterion (DIC). Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, which are stochastic numerical integration methods, are used. I find that in general the CKLS model with the error term generated by the exponential power distribution is chosen over the model with the normal error term. In the second chapter I first compare two MCMC algorithms: random walk draw and non-random walk draw for a Markov switching regression model. Two Markov switching models are compared: one with the variance of the normal distribution generated by the state space variable and the other with the constant variance. The realized volatilities of MMM Company are used to estimate and compare the models. The mean squared errors (MSE) and mean squared errors of forecast (MSEF) are used as the model selection criteria. I find that the model with the constant variance is chosen over the model with the state space variance by the MSE but the latter is chosen over the former by the MSEF. In the third chapter I estimate a bivariate copula model. Each of the two regressions is generated by the exponential power distribution. I use monthly data on SP500 and FTSE100. Results show that the correlation parameter for SP500 and FTSE100 is .6893.

Bayesian Inference and Decision Techniques

Book Description

The primary objective of this volume is to describe the impact of Professor Bruno de Finetti's contributions on statistical theory and practice, and to provide a selection of recent and applied research in Bayesian statistics and econometrics. Included are papers (all previously unpublished) from leading econometricians and statisticians from several countries. Part I of this book relates most directly to de Finetti's interests whilst Part II deals specifically with the implications of the assumption of finitely additive probability. Parts III & IV discuss applications of Bayesian methodology in econometrics and economic forecasting, and Part V examines assessment of prior parameters in specific parametric setting and foundational issues in probability assessment. The following section deals with state of the art for comparing probability functions and gives an assessment of prior distributions and utility functions. In Parts VII & VIII are a collection of papers on Bayesian methodology for general linear models and time series analysis (the most often used tools in economic modelling), and papers relevant to modelling and forecasting. The remaining two Parts examine, respectively, optimality considerations and the effectiveness of the Conditionality-Likelihood Principle as a vehicle to convince the non-Bayesians about the usefulness of the Bayesian paradigm.

Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics

Book Description

This book is a definitive work that captures the current state of knowledge of Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics and attempts to move it forward. It covers such topics as foundations, forecasting inferential matters, regression, computation and applications.

Bayesian Methods in Finance

Book Description

Bayesian Methods in Finance provides a detailed overview of the theory of Bayesian methods and explains their real-world applications to financial modeling. While the principles and concepts explained throughout the book can be used in financial modeling and decision making in general, the authors focus on portfolio management and market risk management—since these are the areas in finance where Bayesian methods have had the greatest penetration to date.

Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models

Book Description

This book contains an up-to-date coverage of the last twenty years advances in Bayesian inference in econometrics, with an emphasis on dynamic models. It shows how to treat Bayesian inference in non linear models, by integrating the useful developments of numerical integration techniques based on simulations (such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods), and the long available analytical results of Bayesian inference for linear regression models. It thus covers a broad range of rather recent models for economic time series, such as non linear models, autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic regressions, and cointegrated vector autoregressive models. It contains also an extensive chapter on unit root inference from the Bayesian viewpoint. Several examples illustrate the methods.

Bayesian Econometrics

Book Description

Since the advent of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in the early 1990s, Bayesian methods have been proposed for a large and growing number of applications. One of the main advantages of Bayesian inference is the ability to deal with many different sources of uncertainty, including data, models, parameters and parameter restriction uncertainties, in a unified and coherent framework. This book contributes to this literature by collecting a set of carefully evaluated contributions that are grouped amongst two topics in financial economics. The first three papers refer to macro-finance issues for real economy, including the elasticity of factor substitution (ES) in the Cobb–Douglas production function, the effects of government public spending components, and quantitative easing, monetary policy and economics. The last three contributions focus on cryptocurrency and stock market predictability. All arguments are central ingredients in the current economic discussion and their importance has only been further emphasized by the COVID-19 crisis.