Essays on Human Capital Investment

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This dissertation contains a collection of essays on human capital formation and social service provision in the United States. The chapters evaluate three policies targeted to populations for whom the development and retention of skills is particularly critical--young adults, children, and the near-homeless. The first and second chapters focus on uncovering methods that could enhance the performance of the U.S. educational system: the first chapter examines a policy that better aligns educational expectations and potential among secondary school students; the second chapter evaluates a policy that incentivizes teachers to improve achievement among students in high-poverty primary and secondary schools. The third chapter examines an intervention designed to assist high-need families on the brink of homelessness. The chapters are also linked methodologically: in each, I exploit the exact timing of policy events (i.e., testing mandates, the opportunity for teachers to earn bonuses, the availability of homelessness prevention services) to identify their causal effects.

Essays on Development and Human Capital Investment

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The present dissertation consists of three essays related to economic development and human capital investment. The first essay investigates the choice between public and private schools in Brazil. I use cross-sectional survey data to show that families with higher income and schooling are less likely to enroll their children in public school. But if their race is black or brown, they are more likely to choose public schools, even when controlling for income, education and location. I do not find any evidence that this result comes from scarcity of private schools, race preferences, or residential segregation. But it is likely caused by the lower returns to education that black and brown individuals have. This essay shows that not only income and education matter for school choice in Brazil, but also race. The second essay explores the theory behind parental educational investments in the presence of heterogeneous returns. I build on the overlapping generations literature to study the investment that parents make on the education of their children, in a setting with private and public schools and different returns by group. This assumption is motivated by the findings in the first essay, and it results in different school choices based on income and returns. This difference in the educational investment leads to school segregation in equilibrium and may result in poverty traps. The third essay uses a quantitative approach to study the effects of implementing a voucher program in Brazil. I use simulated method of moments to estimate some parameters in a parental choice model, while calibrating others to the Brazilian economy. The estimation is used to evaluate how implementing private education vouchers compares with the non-voucher case. I find that vouchers increase the average human capital of the economy and reduce inequality measured by the Gini coefficient and coefficient of variation. In some cases it improves the welfare of the first generation affected by the voucher, while in others it will impose a welfare cost. For future generations there are large welfare gains of continuing this policy.

Essays on Human Capital and Taxation

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This body of work contains four essays. The first three use a novel approach to measuring the impact that taxation has on individuals' incentive to invest in human capital; specifically, a university education. The final essay uses the results from the first three to explore the capital levy problem in a new light. Using the framework for effective marginal tax rates (EMTRs) on physical capital, a conceptual framework is developed for measuring similar rates on human capital. Unlike their physical capital counterpart, effective tax rates (ETRs) on human capital are not measured at the margin, but rather are based on the next level of education attainment (e.g. high school vs. university/college). The reason, which is explained in detail, is that the lumpiness of human capital investment matters, unlike for physical capital. Results show that the progressivity of personal income taxation plays a large role in human capital ETRs, as do non-tax policy instruments (e.g. registered education savings plans, tuition and other direct costs to education, education allowances, etc.). Human capital ETRs are nonuniform, like their EMTR cousins, but are lower in magnitude. The results also support the view that the tax structure may influence the incentive for highly educated Canadians to seek employment in the United States, mitigating the brain drain phenomenon. The final essay looks at the capital levy problem. If capital investments are irreversible, governments can tax these items ex post with little (or no) deadweight loss. As a result, smart investors end up investing less in certain types of capital. In the end there is an underinvestment in capital. The problem with this view is that it only describes what happens in the case of physical capital investment. Given the importance of human capital in today's "knowledge-based" economy, it is imperative that the framework address both of these types of capital. A general equilibrium model is developed. Results support the view that it is more than wages alone that determine migration incentives; the structure of the tax system, public goods, adjustment costs, are all shown to play a role. Simulation results are also provided.

Essays in Human Capital Investment

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ABSTRACT: A topic of great interest to economists, educators, and policy makers for some time has been the effectiveness of college financial aid. The second chapter of this dissertation analyzes the effectiveness of three different types of education policies: tuition subsidies (broad based, merit based, and flat tuition), grant subsidies (broad based and merit based), and loan limit restrictions. A quantitative theory of college is developed within the context of general equilibrium overlapping generations economy. College is modeled as a multi-period risky investment with endogenous enrollment, time-to-degree, and dropout behavior. Tuition costs can be financed using federal grants, student loans, and working while at college.

Essays on Human Capital Investments

Book Description

This dissertation explores topics related to the determinants of investments in education, social returns to education, and human capital production. The first two chapters investigate the effect of oldest sister's schooling on the human capital accumulation of younger siblings while the third chapter estimates the impact of school quality on student achievement. Together these studies shed light on the role of home and school inputs in the human capital formulation of children in both developing and developed countries.