Essays on Inclusive Growth and Some Reminiscences

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India's Twelfth Five Year Plan seeks to achieve inclusive and sustainable development through an appropriate growth process by reducing regional disparities in development, raising the growth rates of agriculture and manufacturing, and by giving high priority to health and education. Against this backdrop, the essays on inclusive growth in this book focus on regional disparities in development, technology fatigue, marketing constraints, and sustainable use of water in respect of agriculture; ensuring accountability in performance; and the growth performance in Andhra Pradesh where the rising discontent against regional disparities in development led to the recent decision of the Union Government to form separate state of Telangana. The book also includes some reminiscences of the author from his student days to his interactions on economic policy issues concerning equitable development since the 1980s, with individuals ranging from veteran freedom fighters to the eminent scholars and public figures, including some prime ministers of India.

Inclusive Growth

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Essays on current affairs

Inclusive Growth

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"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right"- Henry Ford, who was a prominent American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, who became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with "Fordism", that is, mass production of inexpensive goods coupled with high wages for workers. It is all a matter of the mind. The human mind is a delicate but powerful object. Capable of exceptional things, it has long been considered an objet d'art. The intricate network of umpteen nerve cells connect together in myriad ways to create what is considered evolution's magnum opus, till now any way. Outstanding physical deeds have often been ascribed to people under deep pressure. They phrase it "adrenaline rush". A "fight-or-flight" response of our body that enables us to cross distinctive limits placed on our bodies and allows us to function, for some time at least, in a superhuman-like state. Our mind realizes that we are in a pressure-situation and somehow lifts us to extricate ourselves from the confronting situation. Now, all this is usually associated only with physical deeds, but we can extrapolate it to other situations too. If we just focus our mind on something and work hard to realize it, there is no reason that we will not. "You can have anything in this world you want, if you want it badly enough and you're willing to pay the price", said Mary Kay Ash, an American businesswoman and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Well she should know. Having faced quite a few difficulties in her life and having come up trumps, showing grit and fortitude to carve a niche for herself and her company, she would be the right person to expect this kind of a message from, as it comes from long and hard experience. Not something to be scoffed at. Very often the difference between failure and triumph is but a wafer-thin layer of uncertainty. If one puts in a bit more effort into one's work, it may make all the difference in the world. Even if disappointments hound one at first, in the end, with perseverance and poise, we can achieve our goals. We should keep our target in mind and believe that we can reach it. Belief is the main issue here. Very often it is not a question of aptitude. It is more about the cerebral make-up of the people involved. Whoever believes in himself or herself is able to get a psychological edge and in the end, sometimes this psychosomatic edge is all that is needed.INCLUSIVE GROWTH is all about such a need and much more. Inclusive Growth is the modern mantra of survival and the bedrock of democracy and humanism. It is the sine qua non of peace and universal brotherhood and raison d'etre of the modern concepts of the fundamental rights. Some layers of the inclusive growth are discussed in this volume.

Inclusive Growth

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English essays on the contemporary issues penned by the author

Inclusive Growth

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Essays on current affairs and matters of public interest

Inclusive Growth

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A bouquet of articles on matters of current interests

Inclusive Growth 2 Edn

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Collected Essays Authored by Pratheek PK

Inclusive Growth 2 Edn

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Essays on Current Affairs authored by Pratheek Praveen Kumar

Public Policy and Agricultural Development

Book Description

This book critically re-examines the currently dominant paradigm of agricultural development policy from historical and comparative perspectives. Examining the experiences of 11 developed countries in their earlier stages of development and the experiences of 10 developing and transition economies in the last half a century, the book offers an in-depth discussion on a range of public policies for agriculture, some currently in use and others forgotten in the mist of history. After presenting the overarching theoretical framework and a synthesis of findings over the 21 countries examined, the book presents six detailed case studies of agricultural policy in the last half a century in two Latin American countries (Chile and Mexico), two African countries (Ethiopia and Ghana), and two Asian countries (India and Vietnam). Each chapter examines a wide range of policies, including land policy (land tenure reform and land quality improvement), knowledge policy (research, extension, education, and information), credit policy (specialized banks and agricultural credit co-operatives), physical inputs policy (irrigation, transport, electricity, and divisible inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, and farm machinery), policies intended to increase farm income stability (price stabilization measures, insurances, and trade protection), and policies intended to improve agricultural marketing and processing. Through its historical and comparative approaches, the book frees our "policy imagination" by showing that the range of policies and institutions that have produced positive outcomes for agricultural development has been much wider than any particular ideological position – be it the pre-1980s statist one or the pro-market NCW – would admit. It also shows that the willingness to experiment with new policies and institutions, and the willingness to learn from other countries’ successes and improve upon their solutions, were important in all agricultural success stories.