Essays on International Trade, Capital Flows and Financial Frictions

Book Description

Two particular concerns in international economics motivate this research: I. How are real and financial activities related to each other in a globalized economy? II. What role do financial frictions play in this relationship ? Three essays look at these questions from different perspectives. The first chapter, in collaboration with Jean-Charles Bricongne and SebastianFranco-Bedoya, revises the old question on the relation between FDI and exports on French firms, where theory seems to be at odds with empirical findings. Most FDI and most trade take place between rich markets, where the horizontal investment type is expected to happen. In this sense, empirical studies have almost invariably found a complementarity relation while standard Horizontal FDI models predict substitutability between FDI and exports given the proximity-concentration trade-off. [...]The second chapter empirically examines how external financial needs measured at the sector level- and financial development at the country level interact to shape the aggregate marginal product of capital of a country (MPK) and its foreign direct investment inflows (FDI). First, using new available data we construct annual aggregate MPK for 50 developing and developed countries during 1995-2008; we use industry-level data to construct an annual country-level measure of external financial dependence and assess its effects on MPK conditional on the level of financial development. Our findings imply that financial development seems to be a necessary condition -and certainly not a sufficient one- in order for production in financially dependent sectors to positively affect aggregate MPK in developing countries. Second, using bilateral FDI inflows in developing countries between 2001 and 2010, we analyze how external financial dependence and financial development determine FDI in flows in developing countries. [...]The third chapter, joint research with Jean-Charles Bricongne and Fabrizio Coricelli, studies the transmission of global shocks during the Great Recession and its impact on French employment. Particularly, we explore the role of trade credit in the propagation of cross-border shocks. Using a sub-sample of importing enterprises that were active over 2004-2009,our findings imply that strong pre-crisis sourcing ties with countries that were more resilient to the global crisis, translated into better performance in terms of employment growth over 2008-2009. This effect dramatically varies with trade credit intensity. Strongly relying on trade credit made firms more vulnerable to unanticipated shocks, for which the adverse impact of the crisis was exacerbated. This effect intensified among firms with important sourcing ties with severely shocked countries. While the negative effect of the crisis was mitigated when sourcing relations with countries subject to milder shocks were stronger. Supporting, therefore, the hypothesis that trade credit was an alternative source of financing for enterprises during the crisis, where implicitly borrowing from suppliers helped importers overcoming financial constraints. Our contribution to the literature adds to the debate on the role of trade finance in explaining the real economic downturn across borders.

Essays in International Finance and Macroeconomics

Book Description

This dissertation explores the relationship between international financial markets, financial frictions, and the real economy. In particular, the dissertation focuses on the role of the United States of America (US) as the key country in the global financial architecture. The research presented here advances the study of international finance and macroeconomics by analyzing how the combination of two factors, the greater financial development of the US and financing frictions, leads to the special global roles of the US funding markets and the US dollar. In the first Chapter of the dissertation, I develop a model of financial intermediation in a closed economy, which is also the key building block of the open economy analysis in the second Chapter. In an economy with savers and financial intermediaries where financing frictions are present, the state of the financial sector becomes the key state variable. The financing frictions, modeled as the limited enforceability of deposit contracts, prevent capital from flowing freely from savers to the financial intermediaries that ultimately allocate capital to productive real assets. When financial intermediaries are well capitalized, their capital acts as a safety buffer for potential investment losses and, consequently, financing frictions are alleviated. In this state of the world, financial markets closely resemble those of the standard frictionless asset pricing framework. When, on the other hand, intermediaries are poorly capitalized, concerns for potential losses of capital disrupt the financing markets. In this state of the world, capital does not flow smoothly from savers into productive assets via financial intermediaries. In general, risky assets' prices fall and their volatility increases, thus replicating typical features of financial crises. Interestingly, these effects are highly non-linear. In the second Chapter, I provide a framework for understanding the global financial architecture as an equilibrium outcome of the risk sharing between countries with different levels of financial development. The country that has the most developed financial sector takes on a larger proportion of global fundamental and financial risk because its financial intermediaries are better able to deal with funding problems following negative shocks. This asymmetric risk sharing has real consequences. In good times, and in the long run, the more financially developed country consumes more, relative to other countries, and runs a trade deficit financed by the higher financial income that it earns as compensation for taking greater risk. During global crises, it suffers heavier capital losses than other countries, exacerbating its fall in consumption. This country's currency emerges as the world's reserve currency because it appreciates during crises and so provides a good hedge. The model is able to rationalize these facts, which characterize the role of the US as the key country in the global financial architecture. In the third Chapter, I provide empirical evidence on the role of the US dollar as a global safe asset. This empirical evidence provides one of the stylized facts analyzed in my theoretical work. I show that the US dollar earns a safety premium versus a basket of foreign currencies and that this premium is particularly high in times of global financial stress. These findings support the view that the dollar acts as the reserve currency for the international monetary system and that it is a natural safe haven in times of crisis, when a global flight to quality toward the reserve currency takes place. During such episodes, investors are willing to earn negative expected returns as compensation for holding safe dollars. I estimate the time varying dollar safety premium by using instrumental variable techniques to condition information down.

Essays on Macroeconomic Effects of International Trade Barriers

Book Description

"This dissertation is comprised of three essays regarding the role of trade barriers for international capital flows and prices. The study aims to understand the effect of changes in trade costs at various aspects: cross-country differentials, global integration, and within-country distributional effects. The first chapter studies the drivers of the US real exchange rate (RER), with a particular focus on its comovement with net trade flows. We consider the entire spectrum of frequencies, as the low-frequency movements account for 83% of the RER's unconditional variance. We introduce a model with heterogeneous firms facing sunk costs of exporting, financial shocks, and trade shocks. The model can fully capture the comovement of the RER and net trade flows at all frequencies, without compromising other major moments at the business cycle frequency. While financial shocks are necessary to capture the RER movements at higher frequencies, trade shocks are essential for lower frequency variation. The second chapter studies the factors accounting for the large, coincident increases in international borrowing and lending and international trade from 1970 to the present. We focus on the rise in annual changes in borrowing and lending across countries as summarized by the rise in the dispersion of the trade balance as a share of GDP. We show that these two salient features - a rise in net and gross international trade - are largely a consequence of a reduction in intratemporal trade barriers rather than a substantial reduction in the frictions on intertemporal trade or greater asymmetries in business cycles. Beyond explaining changes in the distribution of gross and net trade, the fall in frictions on intratemporal trade are consistent with the reduction in dispersion in other key macro time series such as the real exchange rate, terms of trade, and export-import ratio. The third chapter studies the dynamic effect of trade liberalization on wages and consumption, exploiting cross-region variation in the United States at the state level after the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. A key feature is a theoretically sound measurement of a regional exposure that takes into account the elasticity of substitution and covers all potential channels of tariff impacts. Using the measures for the Local Projection Method, I find that less protection at home is associated with a persistent negative impact: by the 8th quarter, a state at the upper quartile of the barrier cut experienced a decline in wage and consumption that is 1.56 and 1.04 percentage points larger, respectively, than a state at the lower quartile. However, cheaper access to imported inputs has a positive but temporary impact: by the 8th quarter, an upper quartile state experienced an increase in wage and consumption that is 1.62 and 1.45 percentage points larger, respectively. More opportunities to export have little effect."--Pages viii-ix.

Essays in International Finance and Macroeconomics

Book Description

This dissertation consists of essays in the intersection of international finance, macroeconomics, and monetary economics. The first essay studies the role of the financial sector in affecting domestic resource allocation and cross-border capital flows. I develop a quantitative, two-country, macroeconomic model in which banks face endogenous and occasionally binding leverage constraints. Banks lend funds to be invested in tradable or non-tradable sector capital and there is international financial integration in the market for bank liabilities. I focus on news about economic fundamentals as the key source of fluctuations. Specifically, in the case of positive news on the valuation of non-traded sector capital that turn out to be incorrect at a later date, the model generates an asymmetric, belief-driven boom-bust cycle that reproduces key features of the recent Eurozone crisis. Bank balance sheets amplify and propagate fluctuations through three channels when leverage constraints bind: First, amplified wealth effects induce jumps in import-demand (demand channel). Second, changes in the value of non-tradable sector assets alter bank lending to tradable sector firms (intra-national spillover channel). Third, domestic and foreign households re-adjust their savings in domestic banks, and capital flows further amplify fluctuations (international spillover channel). A common central bank’s unconventional policies of private asset purchases and liquidity facilities in response to unfulfilled expectations are successful at ameliorating the economic downturn. In the second essay, co-authored with Professor Ghironi, we study the implications of using the volatility of domestic interest rate as a policy instrument in a small open economy. We develop an international macroeconomic model of the interaction between an emerging market economy (EME) and global investors. EME central banker uses time-varying domestic interest rate volatility as a policy tool, and global investors have the opportunity to sell productive capital to the EME producers (FDI), in addition to having the opportunity to invest in one-period international and EME securities. We assess the effectiveness of using domestic interest rate volatility as a policy tool in distinguishing short-term security flows from long-term FDI flows, and identify the trade-offs that are faced in navigating financial strength and price stability. We find that an increase in interest rate volatility can attract FDI inflows while discouraging short-term security inflows, if the economy is subject to low- degree of pricing frictions. However, if prices are highly sticky, there is a co-movement of long-run FDI and short-run security outflows. Moreover, an increase in policy uncertainty induces higher price volatility.

International Capital Flows and Credit Market Imperfections

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The financial crisis of 2007-08 has underscored the importance of adverse selection in financial markets. This friction has been mostly neglected by macroeconomic models of financial frictions, however, which have focused almost exclusively on the effects of limited pledgeability. In this paper, we fill this gap by developing a standard growth model with adverse selection. Our main results are that, by fostering unproductive investment, adverse selection: (i) leads to an increase in the economy's equilibrium interest rate, and; (ii) it enerates a negative wedge between the marginal return to investment and the equilibrium interest rate. Under financial integration, we show how this translates into excessive capital inflows and endogenous cycles. We also explore how these results change when limited pledgeability is added to the model. We conclude that both frictions complement one another and argue that limited pledgeability exacerbates the effects of adverse selection.

International Capital Flows

Book Description

Recent changes in technology, along with the opening up of many regions previously closed to investment, have led to explosive growth in the international movement of capital. Flows from foreign direct investment and debt and equity financing can bring countries substantial gains by augmenting local savings and by improving technology and incentives. Investing companies acquire market access, lower cost inputs, and opportunities for profitable introductions of production methods in the countries where they invest. But, as was underscored recently by the economic and financial crises in several Asian countries, capital flows can also bring risks. Although there is no simple explanation of the currency crisis in Asia, it is clear that fixed exchange rates and chronic deficits increased the likelihood of a breakdown. Similarly, during the 1970s, the United States and other industrial countries loaned OPEC surpluses to borrowers in Latin America. But when the U.S. Federal Reserve raised interest rates to control soaring inflation, the result was a widespread debt moratorium in Latin America as many countries throughout the region struggled to pay the high interest on their foreign loans. International Capital Flows contains recent work by eminent scholars and practitioners on the experience of capital flows to Latin America, Asia, and eastern Europe. These papers discuss the role of banks, equity markets, and foreign direct investment in international capital flows, and the risks that investors and others face with these transactions. By focusing on capital flows' productivity and determinants, and the policy issues they raise, this collection is a valuable resource for economists, policymakers, and financial market participants.