Three Essays in Labor Market Discrimination

Book Description

This study comprises three essays exploring labor market discrimination using new data, a new application of an equilibrium search model, and a new game theoretic model of the dynamics of economic discrimination. In the chapter "Testing Standard Theories of Economic Discrimination: Productivity, Prejudice, and Lost Profits During Baseball's Integration" evidence from the integration of white professional baseball is used to explore the empirical dynamics of integration, and in so doing reveal the nature of the discrimination present in that market. An important finding is that owner discrimination appears to be the only traditional model of discrimination present in the market. Estimates of the profits forgone by owners are also generated, and are both statistically significant and substantial. In "Opportunities Denied, Wages Diminished: Using Search Theory to Translate Audit Pair Study Findings Into Wage Differentials," a new application of a search model of discrimination is used to estimate the extent to which documented levels of hiring disparity affect the economic outcomes of job seekers. A key finding is that even seemingly small differences in hiring rates can lead to substantially different realized wages. Perhaps even more important than the findings is the use of a theoretical tool to translate findings from audit studies of the labor market into more relevant metrics. In the third essay "Do Wages Approach Value When Productivity Signals Are Private?" a game theoretic model where only tenure and wages are publicly observable is posited. It is found that wages should converge to productivity even in this market of limited information. The model's predictions are also consistent with the stylized fact that a black-white wage gap persists at the high-skill end of the distribution, yet no "reverse gap" exists at the low-skill end. Additional empirical evidence is offered that is consistent with the dynamics proposed by the model. In combination, these three essays improve upon our understanding of economic discrimination by empirically testing various models of discrimination, translating audit study findings into more relevant metrics, and positing a model of employer learning that incorporates private signals.

Essays on the Economics of Discrimination

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Collection of essays examining labour market discrimination, the impact of laws and policies, the treatment of children compared to the elderly, discrimination within the family, the economic underclass, and the treatment of minority members of society.

Two Essays in Labor Economics

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Essays in Labor Market Discrimination and Inequality

Book Description

In the first chapter we estimate preferences and beliefs of employees on manager gender and quality. If employees do not want to work for female managers, then they would need a wage premium to do so. This would dis-incentivize firm executives to promote or hire females as managers-thus generating glass-ceilings at managerial levels. In order to estimate employee preferences and beliefs, we design and conduct a novel information experiment within a hypothetical job choice survey. In absence of information on manager quality, employees are indifferent between male and female managers. However, given information on manager quality, employees prefer to work for female managers. Hence in the absence of additional information on manager quality, employees believe female managers to be worse in quality. Using a structural model of job choice, we estimate employees are willing to give up 1.3-2.2% of average annual wages to work for female managers, on average. We corroborate the result of negative beliefs regarding female manager quality in an ex-post survey where we directly elicit employee beliefs. The results suggest that glass ceilings for females at the managerial level, driven by discrimination by firm executives-who decide on promotion-could be potentially underestimated.Given that females benefit from toilets in households more than males, the second chapter estimates the impact of increased inheritance rights of females on the presence of a toilet in the household. Daughters being usually married away to the household of the groom, available data do not have all original household characteristics, which determines treatment eligibility. Under generic assumptions, we show that when the treatment is partially observed to the researcher, we can derive a lower bound on the average treatment effect in a difference-in-differences framework. We estimate that the policy increased the probability of the presence of a toilet in the household a woman is married into, by at least 4.3% points. We also uncover heterogeneous treatment effects by the age of the daughter at the time of policy implementation and find the treatment effect to be the largest for the females who were the youngest when the policy was implemented.