Essays on Structural Behavioral Economics

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The first chapter extends the standard discrete choice framework to estimate demand in markets with differentiated products when consumers display reference dependent (R-D) utility. In industries with a common reference product, R-D preferences generate novel substitution patterns that cannot be rationalized by many of the standard models, making the R-D model testable. Such substitution patterns are also present with relatively low heterogeneity among consumers' reference product. As the level of heterogeneity increases, the difference between the R-D predictions and standard predictions decreases. When the true data generating process comes from R-D preferences, simulations show that standard models deliver biased estimates of elasticities. Finally, using consumer scanner data, I reject the hypothesis that the facial tissue industry contains no R-D consumers, and estimate that 25 percent of Kleneex's market share derives from its status as the reference brand. The second chapter studies present bias and self control in a real mortgage market. I look at a novel dataset from a Mexican mortgage institution, where I individually follow state workers repayment decisions across 15 years. By applying Fan and Wang (2016) methodology, I am able to estimate the long term discount factor \delta, the quasi-hyperbolic discount factor \beta and the degree of naivety \tilde{\beta} the state worker has. I find that the state worker suffers from present bias , and is not aware of it . I show that the mortgage debt could be repaid faster if individuals could behave either as exponential discounters, or as sophisticated present biased discounters. These finding suggest that the risk of default is greater than the one estimated under traditional exponential models.

Essays on Behavioral Economics

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Social and Economic Factors in Decision Making under Uncertainty

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The objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding of human behavior that goes beyond monetary rewards. In particular, it investigates social influences in individual’s decision making in situations that involve coordination, competition, and deciding for others. Further, it compares how monetary and social outcomes are perceived. The common theme of all studies is uncertainty. The first four essays study individual decisions that have uncertain consequences, be it due to the actions of others or chance. The last essay, in turn, uses the advances in research on decision making under uncertainty to predict behavior in riskless choices. The first essay, Fairness Versus Efficiency: How Procedural Fairness Concerns Affect Coordination, investigates whether preferences for fair rules undermine the efficiency of coordination mechanisms that put some individuals at a disadvantage. The results from a laboratory experiment show that the existence of coordination mechanisms, such as action recommendations, increases efficiency, even if one party is strongly disadvantaged by the mechanism. Further, it is demonstrated that while individuals’ behavior does not depend on the fairness of the coordination mechanism, their beliefs about people’s behavior do. The second essay, Dishonesty and Competition. Evidence from a stiff competition environment, explores whether and how the possibility to behave dishonestly affects the willingness to compete and who the winner is in a competition between similarly skilled individuals. We do not find differences in competition entry between competitions in which dishonesty is possible and in which it is not. However, we find that due to the heterogeneity in propensity to behave dishonestly, around 20% of winners are not the best-performing individuals. This implies that the efficient allocation of resources cannot be ensured in a stiff competition in which behavior is unmonitored. The third essay, Tracing Risky Decision Making for Oneself and Others: The Role of Intuition and Deliberation, explores how individuals make choices under risk for themselves and on behalf of other people. The findings demonstrate that while there are no differences in preferences for taking risks when deciding for oneself and for others, individuals have greater decision error when choosing for other individuals. The differences in the decision error can be partly attributed to the differences in information processing; individuals employ more deliberative cognitive processing when deciding for themselves than when deciding for others. Conducting more information processing when deciding for others is related to the reduction in decision error. The fourth essay, The Effect of Decision Fatigue on Surgeons’ Clinical Decision Making, investigates how mental depletion, caused by a long session of decision making, affects surgeon’s decision to operate. Exploiting a natural experiment, we find that surgeons are less likely to schedule an operation for patients who have appointment late during the work shift than for patients who have appointment at the beginning of the work shift. Understanding how the quality of medical decisions depends on when the patient is seen is important for achieving both efficiency and fairness in health care, where long shifts are popular. The fifth essay, Preferences for Outcome Editing in Monetary and Social Contexts, compares whether individuals use the same rules for mental representation of monetary outcomes (e.g., purchases, expenses) as for social outcomes (e.g., having nice time with friends). Outcome editing is an operation in mental accounting that determines whether individuals prefer to first combine multiple outcomes before their evaluation (integration) or evaluate each outcome separately (segregation). I find that the majority of individuals express different preferences for outcome editing in the monetary context than in the social context. Further, while the results on the editing of monetary outcomes are consistent with theoretical predictions, no existing model can explain the editing of social outcomes.

Renaissance in Behavioral Economics

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Economists working on behavioral economics have been awarded the Nobel Prize four times in recent years. This book explores this innovative area and in particular focuses on the work of Harvey Leibenstein, one of the pioneers of the discipline. The topics covered in the book include agency theory; dynamic efficiency; evolutionary economics; X-efficiency; the effect of emotions, specifically affect on decision-making; market pricing; experimental economics; human resource management; the Carnegie School, and intra-industry efficiency in less developed countries.

Advances in Behavioral Economics

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This volume is dedicated to Horst Todt who celebrated his seventieth an niversaryon March 14, 2000. All the contributors know Horst Todt personally and (with the exception of two younger co-authors) have accompanied his scientific career for sev eral years, some as his assistants, some as his colleagues at the Frankfurt or Hamburg University, some as fellow members in scientific societies. All who know him acknowledge inspiring conversations on a broad field of issues often reaching far beyond the scope of economics. Being friendly and entertaining and without exaggerated personal ambition he often initiated work which others completed. In particular the two editors of this volume experienced and enjoyed the stimulating atmosphere at his Chair of Economics at the Hamburg University. We like to remember these scientifically and personally fruitful years under the tutorship of Horst Todt. The editors would like to thank the contributors to this volume for their readiness to cooperate and for the promptness of their delivery.

Financial literacy, motivated reasoning, and gender

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I wrote this thesis to create a better understanding of how individual characteristics influence our feelings, our behavior and our way of interpreting information. My focus is on financial behavior and financial information, however I also consider a political context. I investigate the (usually) enabling abilities of financial literacy and numeracy. I also consider impediments such as stereotype threat and motivated reasoning, which can prevent people from engaging in certain behaviors or from interpreting information objectively. Both processes stem from valued beliefs and psychological foundations, consequently peoples’ efforts, decisions, and evaluations are based on them. The first essay, “Competence, confidence, and gender: The role of perceived and actual financial literacy in household finance,” broadens our understanding of the benefits of financial competence. I contrast perceived and actual levels of financial literacy, and consider the role of numeracy and cognitive reflective ability. I conclude that perceived and actual levels of financial literacy positively affect behavior and wellbeing; however, perceived financial literacy more so than actual financial literacy. No such effect is observed for numeric ability and cognitive reflection. Furthermore, women are more anxious about financial matters even though they tend to engage more frequently in the considered financial behaviors. The second essay, “Threatening finance? Examining the gender gap in financial literacy,” continues my exploration of the relationship between gender and financial literacy. In a series of studies, I investigate whether the observed gender gap in financial literacy can be identified in nonnumerical contexts, if it can be associated with confidence in financial matters, and if it can be attributed to stereotype threat, which posits that inbuilt prejudices about gender and finance undermine women’s performance of tasks that involve finance. The results show that the observed gender gap in financial literacy is robust even in nonnumerical financial contexts and suggest that a stereotype threat for women in the financial domain might be present. The gender gap in financial literacy could not be attributed to a difference in (displayed) confidence. In the third essay, “Preferences for lump-sum over divided payment structures,” I investigate whether or not people display systematic preferences for lump–sum or divided payment structures and how these preferences differ in gain (benefit) and loss (payment) situations. I investigate what happens when payments belong to a single underlying event, such as when people can choose to pay immediately or in installments. I also examine whether or not individual differences in time preferences, risk preferences, numeracy, and financial literacy are associated with preferences for one payment structure or the other. The aggregate results show a tendency for people to prefer obtaining and paying money in lump sums. I find no systematic indication that the considered individual differences play a role in this type of decision. The fourth essay, “Motivated reasoning when assessing the effect of refugee intake,” inquires into differences in worldview ideology, whether people identify as nationally or globally oriented, hinder them from objectively interpreting information. I use an experiment to find out if people display motivated reasoning when interpreting numerical information about the effects of refugees on the crime rate. Our results show evidence of motivated reasoning along the lines of worldview ideology. However, individuals with higher numeric ability were less likely to engage in motivated reasoning, leading to the conclusion that motivated reasoning is more likely to be driven by feelings and emotional cues than by deliberate analytical processes.

Four Essays on Behavioral Economics

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Key Terms: Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Finance, Experimental Economics

Essays on the Structure of Social Science Models

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A set of related papers dealing with the meaning of causality in simulataneous dynamic equation systems. Investigation of the systems which only approximately satisfy the conditions enabling the definition of causality, leads to a set of limiting theorems concerning the dynamic behavior of such systems over time, and estimation procedures for the parameters of such systems. Implications of these theorems for some well-known propositions in economics and other social sciences are considered.