Housing Finance Reform

Book Description

Principles of Housing Finance Reform

Book Description

Nearly a decade after the housing market's collapse triggered the Great Recession, members of both sides of the political aisle are calling for reform. Principles of Housing Finance Reform lays out a roadmap for reforms for a new housing finance system to achieve liquidity, access, and sustainability.

The Future of Housing Finance

Book Description

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, government-sponsored enterprises that played a prominent role in the financial crisis of 2008, and the federal government have come to a crossroads. The government must make key decisions about their structure, and indeed, their very existence. The government has played an important role in the American housing market since the early 1930s, when the Great Depression ushered in housing programs to promote a stable society. The government's role expanded further during the recent housing and financial crisis—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now dominate the American housing market, backing more than 62 percent of new mortgages and holding more than $5 trillion in accumulated mortgage risk. In The Future of Housing Finance Martin Baily and his associates discuss the issues and options that policymakers face as they reassess the government's role in the U.S. residential mortgage market. While presenting diverse analytical perspectives, including a contribution from former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, all contributors agree that the government's support for mortgage financing in the recent past was too broad and deep but some role is necessary to maintain the stability of the housing finance market. The Obama administration has recommended reducing the role of Fannie and Freddie while replacing them with a private market approach, but continuing federal support for worthy borrowers. But what will Congress agree to? And how fast will it move on any initiative? Specific topics include: • Introduction of a new system to reduce incentives that encourage excessive risk taking. • Gradual withdrawal of Fannie and Freddie from the housing finance system. • New approaches to regulating mortgage securitization, with financial stability as a primary goal. • Use of government-backed guarantees through institutional structures designed to limit moral hazard.

Mortgage Markets Worldwide

Book Description

The book provides a theoretical and empirical evaluation ofdifferent housing finance systems, presenting a collection ofstudies that describe various aspects of selected mortgage marketsaround the world. The uniqueness of the chosen markets lies in thefact that they represent not only different regions around theglobe (Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe), but alsounderstudied markets in different stages of economic and financialdevelopment. This book examines questions relating to housingfinance efficiency and contract heterogeneity. In addition, itanalyses the securitization experiences in these countries toprovide lessons on how mortgage markets are integrated with capitalmarkets and how particular institutional framework interacts withmortgage markets. Short reviews are provided for each of the selected mortgagemarkets. The review will include institutional aspects of themarkets such as: the size and structure of the market (includingflows and accumulation of funds); a description of the competitionand a presentation of the major competitors (including marketshare, major financial measures, etc.); profitability in themarket, trends, structural changes, the major mortgage instrumentsand their market share, special tax issues, the role of thegovernment in the market, defaults, prepayments, mortgageinsurance, and major regulatory issues. The analysis explores the major existing problems in the mortgagemarket of each country, the current steps adopted to solve theseproblems, possible propositions for dealing with the major issuesin the future, and the implied future developments anticipated inthe market.

Housing Finance in Emerging Markets

Book Description

The growth of urban areas and population in middle and low income countries is a continuing trend. Urbanization expands as rural to urban migration offers better income opportunities in cities. This trend is both a source of development opportunities and challenges for the housing sector. On the one hand, housing is a large and growing market, and on the other, massive slums confirm the poor housing conditions in many developing countries. These adverse conditions mirror inadequate housing policies, inefficient or absent property registration, as well as limits to access to housing finance. Provision of affordable housing is therefore an important topic in the fight against poverty. This book focuses on solutions that improve the enabling environment for the poor in accessing housing finance. It explores how to develop and integrate housing finance into a sustainable financial system for developing countries and offers ways in which low-income families can obtain better access to housing finance. This book provides a conceptual framework for housing finance development and addresses practical solutions in the provision of housing finance and compares different approaches.