
Book Description

A comprehensive guide to improving communication with Spanish-speaking patients and their families, and English-speaking medical personnel, Salud is an invaluable reference tool. It provides needed information to enable effective communication that will result in more thorough patient interviews, identification of existing conditions, and, ultimately, a more comfortable relationship between healthcare provider and patient. A quick, easy-to-use reference book, Salud is for medical students, nurses, doctors, hospital administrators, health care personnel, home health care workers, social workers, and translators in the health care profession. The medical dictionary and alphabetical phrase sections will make it easy to find and cross-reference the correct Spanish-English words and phrases. There are also focused care dialogues ranging from AIDS, anaesthesia, and breast exam, to unconscious patient, urinary retention, and visiting hours. The materials in this book were adapted from a variety of English- and Spanish-language sources for the sole purpose of language enrichment and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction.


Book Description

“Before getting my diagnosis, I walked through life without purpose, without a reason to be. What happened in my life needed to happen, I needed to live it. I needed to pass through these painful experiences to be the woman that I am today, a better version of myself.” Adamari López, the internationally known actress, had everything—a loving family, a perfect boyfriend, and a leading role on a successful telanovela in Mexico—when three words changed her life forever: you have cancer. Suddenly, in only a few months, the world that she knew collapsed and her life was turned upside-down. In Thriving, the normally private López reveals the triumphs and trials of her life, sharing anecdotes of her childhood and her family while describing her journey through breast cancer; the sudden illness of her mother; her wedding, one of the happiest days of her life; and, later, what she considers to be the hardest blow of all: the dissolution of her marriage. However, through it all, her strength and her faith never failed, and her loving and positive spirit, along with her perpetual smile, helped her to discover a new and rewarding start in love and in life. Includes new bonus material!


Book Description

Includes a section in Spanish.

Y Porque Yo?

Book Description

Mi nombre es Antonio Anteliz Zurita, nací un 5 de Agosto de 1947 en la ciudad Puebla. Cursé mi primaria en la Escuela Motolinia, mi secundaria en el Seminario Salesiano de Don Bosco en Puebla y San Pedro Tlaquepaque Jalisco, mi preparatoria en el Colegio San Sebastián de Aparicio. Estuve 3 años en la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, cursando la carrera de Ciencias Económicas Administrativas. En 1968 me vine a la ciudad de Chicago. En 1970 comencé a escribir sobre deportes en el semanario más prestigioso de la "Ciudad de Los Vientos", LA RAZA. Posteriormente escribí en los diferentes periódicos y revistas de Chicago, como EL NORTE, EL HERALDO, CHICAGO DEPORTIVO, EL EXTRA, EL TELEGUIA, ETC. Estuve tres años trabajando en la radio LA TREMENDA, en un programa titulado "Hablando de Deportes". Fundé con Jorge Alvarez el primer grupo Teatral de Chicago. Coproduje un cine video de la película titulada "El chorizo del carnicero" y escribí dicho libreto. Hice televisión en Chicago en el programa de Alva Molina en el canal 26. He salido en UNIVISION en el programa de República Deportiva, Despierta América. En TELEMUNDO en Sálvese Quien Pueda. Incursioné en el cine mexicano actuando en 8 cine videos al lado de Mario Almada, Alfonso Zayas, Flaco Guzmán, El Flaco Ibáñez, Edgardo Gazcón, Armando Araiza, César Bono, etc. Tengo un personaje cómico de un monaguillo bien irreverente llamado "Agapito Melorcas" y conjuntamente a mi compañero el sacerdote "El cura melcacho", les hemos abierto a varios comediantes su Show. Tengo alrededor de ocho libros listos para la imprenta. Espero que cuando sepa que ya hay otro libro mío en el mercado, lo compre porque va a ser interesante y diferente.

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