Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

This treatise delves into the latest advancements in stochastic volatility models, highlighting the utilization of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations for estimating model parameters and forecasting the volatility and quantiles of financial asset returns. The modeling of financial time series volatility constitutes a crucial aspect of finance, as it plays a vital role in predicting return distributions and managing risks. Among the various econometric models available, the stochastic volatility model has been a popular choice, particularly in comparison to other models, such as GARCH models, as it has demonstrated superior performance in previous empirical studies in terms of fit, forecasting volatility, and evaluating tail risk measures such as Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall. The book also explores an extension of the basic stochastic volatility model, incorporating a skewed return error distribution and a realized volatility measurement equation. The concept of realized volatility, a newly established estimator of volatility using intraday returns data, is introduced, and a comprehensive description of the resulting realized stochastic volatility model is provided. The text contains a thorough explanation of several efficient sampling algorithms for latent log volatilities, as well as an illustration of parameter estimation and volatility prediction through empirical studies utilizing various asset return data, including the yen/US dollar exchange rate, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the Nikkei 225 stock index. This publication is highly recommended for readers with an interest in the latest developments in stochastic volatility models and realized stochastic volatility models, particularly in regards to financial risk management.

Asymmetric Stable Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

This paper considers a stochastic volatility model featuring an asymmetric stable error distribution and a novel way of accounting for the leverage effect. We adopt simulation-based methods to address key challenges in parameter estimation, the filtering of time-varying volatility, and volatility forecasting. Specifically, we make use of the indirect inference method to estimate the static parameters, and the extremum Monte Carlo method to extract latent volatility. Both methods can be easily adapted to modifications of the model, such as having other distributions for the errors and other dynamic specifications for the volatility process. Illustrations are presented for a simulated dataset and for an empirical application to a time series of Bitcoin returns.

Asymmetric Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

In this paper, we derive the statistical properties of a general family of Stochastic Volatility (SV) models with leverage effect which capture the dynamic evolution of asymmetric volatility in financial returns. We provide analytical expressions of moments and autocorrelations of power-transformed absolute returns. Moreover, we use an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) filter-based Maximum Likelihood (ML) method to estimate the parameters of the SV models. In Monte Carlo simulations we show that the ABC filter-based ML accurately estimates the parameters of a very general specification of the log-volatility with standardized returns following the Generalized Error Distribution (GED). The results are illustrated by analyzing series of daily S&P 500 and MSCI World returns.

Mcmc Bayesian Estimation of a Skew-Ged Stochastic Volatility Model

Book Description

In this paper we present a stochastic volatility model assuming that the return shock has a Skew-GED distribution. This allows a parsimonious yet flexible treatment of asymmetry and heavy tails in the conditional distribution of returns. The Skew-GED distribution nests both the GED, the Skew-normal and the normal densities as special cases so that specification tests are easily performed. Inference is conducted under a Bayesian framework using Markov Chain MonteCarlo methods for computing the posterior distributions of the parameters. More precisely, our Gibbs-MH updating scheme makes use of the Delayed Rejection Metropolis-Hastings methodology as proposed by Tierney and Mira (1999), and of Adaptive-Rejection Metropolis sampling. We apply this methodology to a data set of daily and weekly exchange rates. Our results suggest that daily returns are mostly symmetric with fat-tailed distributions while weekly returns exhibit both significant asymmetry and fat tails.

Exploring the Optimal Transformation for Volatility

Book Description

Abstract: This paper explores the fit of a stochastic volatility model, in which the Box-Cox transformation of the squared volatility follows an autoregressive Gaussian distribution, to the continuously compounded daily returns of the Australian stock index. Estimation was difficult, and over-fitting likely, because more variables are present than data. We developed a revised model that held a couple of these variables fixed and then, further, a model which reduced the number of variables significantly by grouping trading days. A Metropolis-Hastings algorithm was used to simulate the joint density and derive estimated volatilities. Though autocorrelations were higher with a smaller Box-Cox transformation parameter, the fit of the distribution was much better.

Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

This book develops alternative methods to estimate the unknown parameters in stochastic volatility models, offering a new approach to test model accuracy. While there is ample research to document stochastic differential equation models driven by Brownian motion based on discrete observations of the underlying diffusion process, these traditional methods often fail to estimate the unknown parameters in the unobserved volatility processes. This text studies the second order rate of weak convergence to normality to obtain refined inference results like confidence interval, as well as nontraditional continuous time stochastic volatility models driven by fractional Levy processes. By incorporating jumps and long memory into the volatility process, these new methods will help better predict option pricing and stock market crash risk. Some simulation algorithms for numerical experiments are provided.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Book Description

While there have been few theoretical contributions on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in the past decade, current understanding and application of MCMC to the solution of inference problems has increased by leaps and bounds. Incorporating changes in theory and highlighting new applications, Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference, Second Edition presents a concise, accessible, and comprehensive introduction to the methods of this valuable simulation technique. The second edition includes access to an internet site that provides the code, written in R and WinBUGS, used in many of the previously existing and new examples and exercises. More importantly, the self-explanatory nature of the codes will enable modification of the inputs to the codes and variation on many directions will be available for further exploration. Major changes from the previous edition: · More examples with discussion of computational details in chapters on Gibbs sampling and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms · Recent developments in MCMC, including reversible jump, slice sampling, bridge sampling, path sampling, multiple-try, and delayed rejection · Discussion of computation using both R and WinBUGS · Additional exercises and selected solutions within the text, with all data sets and software available for download from the Web · Sections on spatial models and model adequacy The self-contained text units make MCMC accessible to scientists in other disciplines as well as statisticians. The book will appeal to everyone working with MCMC techniques, especially research and graduate statisticians and biostatisticians, and scientists handling data and formulating models. The book has been substantially reinforced as a first reading of material on MCMC and, consequently, as a textbook for modern Bayesian computation and Bayesian inference courses.

Modeling Stochastic Volatility with Application to Stock Returns

Book Description

A stochastic volatility model where volatility was driven solely by a latent variable called news was estimated for three stock indices. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm was used for estimating Bayesian parameters and filtering volatilities. Volatility persistence being close to one was consistent with both volatility clustering and mean reversion. Filtering showed highly volatile markets, reflecting frequent pertinent news. Diagnostics showed no model failure, although specification improvements were always possible. The model corroborated stylized findings in volatility modeling and has potential value for market participants in asset pricing and risk management, as well as for policymakers in the design of macroeconomic policies conducive to less volatile financial markets.