Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020

Book Description

To readers of Sabarna Roy's Random Subterranean Mosiac: 2012 - 2018, his latest slim and elegant volume titled Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020: Letters, Ideas, Conversations and Poems comes as another delightful read. In this two-part volume, packaged with a selection of his poems, Roy explores the concepts of duality and constancy in discussions with his daughter. Presented as conversations over coffee and desserts, the talks extend to diverse topics with Lolita at one end and marine conservation at the other. In his poems, Roy and his alter-ego, Sandy, soothe and shock you in turns until you burst out of the last page, breathless and asking for more. Sabarna Roy's characters are all around us. He has dabbled in poetry, prose, plays and non-fiction with equal elan and delved into the emptiness and futility of life reminding us of the masters in the trade. Two quotations from Sabarna Roy's works will prove the above stated point: "A question leapt into his mind: Is it possible to achieve true happiness by living a solitary life or is it important to lead a community life where one instinctively believes that one's own desires are insignificant compared to the desires of others and one works towards fulfillment of their desires as if they are one's own?Many questions crossed his mind. Did he secretly crave to believe in god? Was he looking for a god to deflect his loneliness or was his loneliness actually a sense of pride, which was an obstruction between him and his god?- Forbes India

Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020

Book Description

To readers of Sabarna Roy’s Random Subterranean Mosiac: 2012 – 2018, his latest slim and elegant volume titled Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020: Letters, Ideas, Conversations and Poems comes as another delightful read. In this two-part volume, packaged with a selection of his poems, Roy explores the concepts of duality and constancy in discussions with his daughter. Presented as conversations over coffee and desserts, the talks extend to diverse topics with Lolita at one end and marine conservation at the other. In his poems, Roy and his alter-ego, Sandy, soothe and shock you in turns until you burst out of the last page, breathless and asking for more. Sabarna Roy’s characters are all around us. He has dabbled in poetry, prose, plays and non-fiction with equal elan and delved into the emptiness and futility of life reminding us of the masters in the trade. Two quotations from Sabarna Roy’s works will prove the above stated point: “A question leapt into his mind: Is it possible to achieve true happiness by living a solitary life or is it important to lead a community life where one instinctively believes that one’s own desires are insignificant compared to the desires of others and one works towards fulfillment of their desires as if they are one’s own?” “Many questions crossed his mind. Did he secretly crave to believe in god? Was he looking for a god to deflect his loneliness or was his loneliness actually a sense of pride, which was an obstruction between him and his god?” - Forbes India

Fractured Mosaic

Book Description

Fractured Mosaic is yet another kaleidoscope from Sabarna Roy’s arsenal that will take the readers to a mesmerizing whirlpool. Most of the works published in this book have been earlier published in reputed media houses as musings of an author; in this book they have been brought together for the benefit of all the readers. After the smashing hit of his earlier six master pieces since 2010, Sabarna has been constantly writing in the format of a journal to imitate how the mind works in real life. Sabarna Roy has covered all genres in his literary works: short stories, novella, ballads, narrative poetry, plays, conversations, non-fictional writing, critical analysis of ideas and events, etcetera. He specializes in post-modern urban milieu which delightfully bridges the gap between the mundane and arcane writings of today and provides an interesting, yet intellectually stimulating, treat for the discerning reader. - Hindustan Times A unique matrix of dialogues and conversations between the characters in most of his novels and novellas, and even within his poems, certainly marks the beginning of a new era in English literature. Another significant thing is the easy way in which he flips genres in the same book or within one genre is revolutionary. The Last Plunge in Frosted Glass is a brilliant example. The Prank is a black comedy to its core and Instantaneous Death is an outrageous piece of prose writing. - Deccan Herald The dialogue that motivates Sabarna the most is from Inception by Christopher Nolan. It is – “What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient… highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed-fully understood-that sticks.” - The Dispatch Sabarna Roy has been awarded the Literoma Laureate Award in 2019, Literoma Star Achiever Award 2020, Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018 won the best book of the year 2019, the A List Award for excellence in fiction by the NewsX Media House, Certificate for The Real Super Heroes for spreading a spirit of positivity and hope during the COVID-19 Pandemic from Forever Star India Award 2020, the Certificate for Participation in the Indo Russian Friendship Celebration 2020, and the Literoma Golden Star Award 2020: Lifetime Achievement.

A Marriage, an Affair, and a Friendship

Book Description

This is a story where Rahul, Paromita, Suroma and Samaresh bisect and intersect boundaries of marriage, affair and friendship, evolving into an intriguing cocktail and mix of human relationship. Sabarna Roy looks at a marriage, an affair, and a friendship in a very in-teresting, and a fast-paced prose and gravitates to the idea of an open marriage in a modernist setting. It is a highly enjoyable read that strikes at our prejudices and regressive thoughts in a subtle and fleeting manner. A must read. True to his style, Sabarna experiments within the format of prose writing inside a single piece of novella. A starkly visual human drama!

Thirty Summer Poems and Conversations about a Murder

Book Description

Intense, morbid, stark, realistic, thought-provoking and unputdownable are the words that come to mind when you read Sabarna Roy’s latest book: ‘Thirty Summer Poems and Conversations about a Murder’. The poems wind around the psychology and thought process that most human beings experience, at some point in their life as they trudge along its path. A book for the mature reader, it makes for a serious read and may not be enjoyed by someone who is looking for some light-hearted fun read to relax with! However, it does not cater to any specific age group. The prose is precise, exciting and has all the elements a detective story should have, despite its short length. - Shayoni Mitra, Editor A technocrat by profession, Roy's keen observation and detailed sketches of the human mind shine through his literature, proving him to be a literary scientist of sorts who follows no conventions when it comes to soulful writing. - Business Standard

Tara and Sandy: Slow Dance of Infinite Stars

Book Description

Tara and Sandy: Slow Dance of Infinite Stars, is an irreverent novel that revives both letter writing and intelligent conversation in a compelling narrative. Catching up with well-lived lives after school days reminiscences, the words kindle a suggestive slow burn that soon crackles with sexual chemistry. Two lonely adults seeking a connection that could ripen with possibilities. - MAITHILI RAO, author of Smita Patil: A Brief Incandescence This epistolary novel touches on the highs and lows of time, space, and consciousness; the ideas are made up of many circuits and networks. Tara and Sandy: Slow Dance of Infinite Stars is a series of letters written in a stream of consciousness as if running through a serrated jungle. Sandy writes to Tara as if in search of an anchor. Tara replies in a comparatively calmer and poised manner. - BUSINESS WORLD

Tiepolo Pink

Book Description

The eighteenth-century Venetian painter Giambattista Tiepolo spent his life executing commissions in churches, palaces, and villas, often covering vast ceilings like those at the Würzburg Residenz in Germany and the Royal Palace in Madrid with frescoes that are among the glories of Western art. The life of an epoch swirled around him - but though his contemporaries appreciated and admired him, they failed to understand him. Few have even attempted to tackle Tiepolo's series of thirty-three bizarre and haunting etchings, the Capricci and the Scherzi, but Roberto Calasso rises to the challenge, interpreting these etchings as chapters in a dark narrative that contains the secret of Tiepolo's art. Blooming ephebes, female satyrs, Oriental sages, owls, snakes: we will find them all, including Punchinello and Death, within the pages of this book, along with Venus, Time, Moses, numerous angels, Cleopatra and Beatrice of Burgundy - a motley, gypsyish company always on the go. Calasso makes clear that Tiepolo was more than a dazzling intermezzo in the history of painting. Rather, he represented a particular way of meeting the challenge of form: endowed with a fluid, seemingly effortless style, Tiepolo was the last incarnation of that peculiar Italian virtue sprezzatura, the art of not seeming artful.

Italian Architectural Drawings from the Cronstedt Collection in the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm

Book Description

Dieser Band stellt die erste umfassende Untersuchung italienischer Architekturzeichnungen aus der Sammlung Cronstedt im Nationalmuseum Stockholm vor. Besprochen werden rund 180 Zeichnungen aus der Zeit zwischen 1570 und 1620. Darunter befinden sich Werke von Francesco da Capriani daVolterra, Carlo Maderno und anderen in Rom ansässigen Architekten, die für Kirchen, Kapellen, Paläste, Gärten und Brunnen angefertigt wurden – viele von ihnen stellen die wichtigsten und doch kaum bekannten Quellen für die Architektur des Spätmanierismus und Frühbarock dar. Ebenfalls enthalten sind Pläne und Detailzeichnungen französischer Künstler, die viele antike Monumente ebenso akribisch dokumentierten wie die Bauten der Renaissancebaumeister Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo, Michelangelo und Vignola. Italian Architectural Drawings kommt aufgrund aktueller Forschungsergebnisse zu ganz neuen Zuschreibungen, die auf einer genauen Analyse der Zeichnungen (Papier, Medium, Technik, Montage) beruhen. Ergänzende Vergleichsabbildungen und eine fotografische Bestandsaufnahme der Wasserzeichen runden diesen Band ab.

MP Board Accountancy Class - 12 [According to NEP-2020]

Book Description

Part 'A' : Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms 1. Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations, 2. Accounting for Partnership Firms—Fundamentals, 3. Goodwill : Meaning, Nature, Factors Affecting and Methods of Valuation, 4. Reconstitution of Partnership—Change in Profit-Sharing Ratio among the Existing Partners, 5. Admission of a Partner, 6. Retirement of a Partner, 7. Death of a Partner, 8. Dissolution of Partnership Firm, Part 'B' : Company Accounts and Financial Statements Analysis 1. Company : General Introduction, 2.Share and Share Capital 3. Accounting for Share Capital : Share and Share Capital, 4. Accounting for Share Capital : Issue of Shares, 5.Forfeiture and Re-Issue of Shares, 6.. Issue of Debentures, 7.Redemption of Debentures, 8.. Financial Statements of a Company : Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss, 9. Analysis of Financial Statements, 10.. Tools for Financial Statement Analysis : Comparative Statements, 11. Common-Size Statements, 12.. Accounting Ratios, 13. Cash Flow Statement, Part 'B' : Computer in Accounting 1. Introduction to Computer and Accounting Information System (AIS), 2. Overview of Computerised Accounting, 3. Database Management System, 4. Electronic Spreadsheet. Project Work Examination Paper