Eternal Consciousness: Exploration of Infinite Perception

Book Description

Modern science has reached levels of knowledge and sophistication that will enable us to start building theories explaining phenomena once thought to be forever in the realm of faith, closed to rational examination. The spiritual ideas formerly always based on intuition- eternal consciousness, infinite freedom, connection with any possible mind

Perceptions of Reality

Book Description

Although we are all living in the same world, we are simultaneously each living in our own seperate universe, where each person observes himself as the center of that universe. Each person has a unique conditioning and belief structure that create his perspective in which he views reality. The world than interfaces witheach person to create a reality that conforms to his beliefs. A person's conditioning and beliefs affect his attitudes and emotions, which then magnetize certain energies that resonate to his state of being. In this way each individual is creating a seperate reality according to his perceptions of truth. What we percieve as reality is only the surface of a much deeper and greater truth. Beyond the apparent world lies the essence of life and a vast kingdom of hidden knowledge. Our conditioning and beliefs bind us to a certain perspective in which we view our reality. Perceptions of Reality show us how we can break free of the bondage of our conditioning that holds us in a life of mediocrity. When we become free from this bondage, we can change our perspective, which in turn, changes our perceptions. From a highter perspective we can see the larger picture of our lives and the world. We will see the circumstances that have created our present reality, and the relationships of events and experiences that were previously beyond our horizons of perception. From this higher perspective we will perceive the world in a new light. It will change brfore our eyes and interface with us in a new and more positive way. We will be able to take control of our lives, change our destiny and shape a new future. From this higher state of awareness, we will discover the portal to access the abstract mind, which is the mental function of genius and the doorway to revelation. From the perspective of revelation, we will open the doors into the absolute realms, beyond material time and space, and describes the perceptions of God, the soul, the world, and the paths to higher consciousness. Perceptions of Reality will show us how to access the abstract mind and open the doorways into revelation, creating a new reality, full of abundance, harmony and joy.

Quantum Physics, Near Death Experiences, Eternal Consciousness, Religion, and the Human Soul

Book Description

From the Late Prof. W J Bray This is not a casual glossing over of subjects like a TV documentary, nor is it a narrative. There is some math involved, and the subject of Quantum Theory is a difficult one both to describe and to understand by scientists and laymen alike. The math presented is reduced to some basic algebra. The purpose is to look at the evidence from a philosophical and religious perspective, as well as human perception and the deconstruction of various paradoxes and decide if the evidence is compelling toward the conclusion that we are not finite beings. This is not a discussion that suggests Quantum Physics is some route to the mystical, but a discussion that suggests we are not finite. We then look at the finite nature of our cosmos and conclude, if the evidence is compelling enough, that we are infinite beings merely perceiving a finite system.That being said (from a teacher in Romania): Written by a Physicist whose expertise spans a wide range of fields, from Neuroscience Research to philosophy and religion, and who has also experienced multiple medically documented NDEs, the book suggests mathematically that reality, the Universe as we perceive it, can only exist interdependent with consciousness. Reviewing Quantum Physics from its founders' definitions up to the latest research in the field, Bray explains in detail in language every layman can understand, provided commitment to do further research available on the WWW.The text then goes on to describe how we interact with, manipulate and define the Universe, ultimately how we "paint the universe into being", to use Bray's own syntagm. He substantiates his theory with logical arguments and hard data that have been proven correct throughout a century of quantum research. After disproving beyond any reasonable doubt that consciousness is an artifact of the physical brain, by using experimental data and conclusions independently verified by leading researchers worldwide, Bray describes how consciousness creates the physical universe, how it is mathematically impossible that consciousness can be finite, and that the universe is. His conclusion that consciousness is unique for each individual is a natural outcome of his scientific, physics-based argumentation, as is the evidence that consciousness must be infinite and eternal in order to exist. We are perceiving this short, finite, physical life, while at the same time existing in the eternal consciousness, unaware of it, because we are focusing on this finite Universe as a mere perception. Bray's purpose is not to "prove" God, but to show that each of us is a unique individual consciousness that exists beyond space-time, for infinity. He goes even further to identify the truths that have been enduring and immutable throughout centuries in philosophy and religion, by distilling them from myth and dogma. In addition, by doing this, he dismisses many paradoxes in physics, religions and philosophy. Bray succeeds in convincingly intersecting science and spirituality and showing that, contrary to cognitive beliefs which are prone to constant change, Faith is an immutable spiritual state. He has studied it not only as a scientist, but has also experienced NDEs first-hand, through recurrent cardiac arrests due to a severe medical condition that brought him repeatedly to the brink of death. Thus, the NDEs are described from the perspective of a rigorous scientist who refrains from including any biased description of them. His arguments are unambiguous, devoid of metaphor or uncertainty and the book is by no means an ideological argument or exploration, although it is at odds with almost everything written to date; Bray's claims are substantiated with solid mathematical axioms. 'Quantum Temporal Dynamics,' (not related to other material using that name) is included at the end of the book, re-exploring quantum theory from scratch, and detailing mechanisms for faster- than- light travel using current technology.

Eternal Consciousness

Book Description

Dunne reminds readers that the road to eternity is through contemplation that allows us to meet God in our surroundings.

Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research Volume 1 Issue 5

Book Description

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research ("JCER," is a publication in which scientists, philosophers and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the nature, origin and mechanism of consciousness. In doing so, we hope that one day we will be able to arrive at a genuine science of consciousness. This is JCER Volume 1 Issue 5 first published in July 2010. It is a focus issue entitled "Time & Consciousness: Two Faces of One Mystery?" guest-edited by Gregory M. Nixon, Ph.D.. It contains following Articles: (1) Time and Experience: Twins of the Eternal Now; (2) Why Time Flies When You're Having Fun; (3) Liberation and Its Constraints: A Philosophical Analysis of Key Issues in Psychiatry; (4) 'Landscapes' of Mentality, Consciousness and Time; (5) Special Relativity and Perception: The Singular Time of Psychology and Physics; (6) Phenomenal Time and its Biological Correlates; (7) Time and Its Relationship to Consciousness: An Overview; (8) Time, Consciousness and the Foundations of Science; (9) Contextual Division and the Analysis of Linear Time; (10) How Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time Created Our Universe; and (11) Whitehead and the Elusive Present: Process Philosophy's Creative Core.

The Nature of Consciousness

Book Description

“I’ve gained deeper understanding listening to Rupert Spira than I have from any other exponent of modern spirituality. Reality is sending us a message we desperately need to hear, and at this moment no messenger surpasses Spira and the transformative words in his essays.” —Deepak Chopra, author of You Are the Universe, Spiritual Solutions, and Super Brain Our world culture is founded on the assumption that the Big Bang gave rise to matter, which in time evolved into the world, into which the body was born, inside which a brain appeared, out of which consciousness at some late stage developed. As a result of this “matter model,” most of us believe that consciousness is a property of the body. We feel that it is “I,” this body, that knows or is aware of the world. We believe and feel that the knowing with which we are aware of our experience is located in and shares the limits and destiny of the body. This is the fundamental presumption of mind and matter that underpins almost all our thoughts and feelings and is expressed in our activities and relationships. The Nature of Consciousness suggests that the matter model has outlived its function and is now destroying the very values it once sought to promote. For many people, the debate as to the ultimate reality of the universe is an academic one, far removed from the concerns and demands of everyday life. After all, life happens independently of our models of it. However, The Nature of Consciousness will clearly show that the materialist paradigm is a philosophy of despair and, as such, the root cause of unhappiness in individuals. It is a philosophy of conflict and, as such, the root cause of hostilities between families, communities, and nations. Far from being abstract and philosophical, its implications touch each one of us directly and intimately. An exploration of the nature of consciousness has the power to reveal the peace and happiness that truly lie at the heart of experience. Our experience never ceases to change, but the knowing element in all experience—consciousness, or what we call “I”—itself never changes. The knowing with which all experience is known is always the same knowing. Being the common, unchanging element in all experience, consciousness does not share the qualities of any particular experience: it is not qualified, conditioned, or limited by experience. The knowing with which a feeling of loneliness or sorrow is known is the same knowing with which the thought of a friend, the sight of a sunset, or the taste of ice cream is known. Just as a screen is never disturbed by the action in a movie, so consciousness is never disturbed by experience; thus it is inherently peaceful. The peace that is inherent in us—indeed that is us—is not dependent on the situations or conditions we find ourselves in. In a series of essays that draw you, through your own direct experience, into an exploration of the nature of this knowing element that each of us calls “I,” The Nature of Consciousness posits that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the apparent duality of mind and matter. It shows that the overlooking or ignoring of this reality is the root cause of the existential unhappiness that pervades and motivates most people’s lives, as well as the wider conflicts that exist between communities and nations. Conversely, the book suggests that the recognition of the fundamental reality of consciousness is the first step in the quest for lasting happiness and the foundation for world peace.

The Infinite Mindfield

Book Description

Using information from the cutting edge of modern science, Peake presents startling evidence that the inner worlds of our mystics and shamans are as real, or possibly even more real, than the reality we experience in waking life. As his starting point, Peake examines the widespread historical belief that the mid-brain’s pine-cone shaped pineal gland activates the third eye described by mystics and seers. Through careful analysis of ancient religious texts and artifacts, he gives evidence that the spiritual properties of the pineal gland have been embedded in myths and cultures across the globe. (Why else would the Buddha so often be found wearing a pine cone hat?) Peake then shows that it is through this small organ that we experience lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, hypnagogic imagery, near-death experiences, astral travel and the kundalini experience. The book ends with the mind-blowing conclusion that all living beings are one unitary consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.

Mind Is the Athlete

Book Description

Scientific Metaphysics is an exploration of the nature of reality from the standpoint that Consciousness sources and constitutes every aspect of life. Consciousness constructs. This book inquires into the fundamental nature of reality and of human beings, functioning as a unique entity. This inquiry is essential in identifying whats actually present when you and I show up. The study of Scientific Metaphysics offers the possibility of living with choice and control. Your divinity (reality as Spirit) embraces and constitutes your humanity (existence as a conscious human being) and your daily experience of life.

Humans = One Eternal Consciousness

Book Description


Developing Supersensible Perception

Book Description

A detailed guide to awakening your powers of supersensory perception • Details methods and techniques for the acquisition of supersensory powers distilled from Rudolf Steiner’s 400 published volumes and from Patañjali’s Yoga Sutra • Explores acquisition of these powers at birth (genetic) and through entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and nondual meditation • Includes a map of consciousness based on the work of neuroscientist Karl Pribram and physicist David Bohm According to philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), there exists within every human being the potential for developing supersensory powers and, with these powers activated, the ability to awaken the higher self and attain knowledge of non-physical higher worlds. Steiner himself worked diligently throughout his life to develop his faculties of “supersensible perception” and, scattered throughout his many works, he describes methods by which to activate and operate these supersensory-cognitive systems. Distilling techniques from Steiner’s more than 400 published volumes, Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., presents a practical, modern approach to acquiring, cultivating, and maintaining supersensible perception and developing higher consciousness. The five approaches she studies include acquisition by birth (genetic), entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and Samadhi--equated by many with nondual awareness. Adding another dimension to Steiner’s methods, the author shows how these steps are powerfully aligned with 4th-century South Indian sage Patañjali’s teachings in the Yoga Sutra. The author explores how to develop what you have acquired through imaginative, active, or intuitive thinking, as well as how to learn through inner guidance and how to transform knowledge gained from books into spiritual advancement. She also shares her own extraordinary experiences of supersensory networks of consciousness. Connecting Steiner’s ideas to modern advances in quantum physics, psychedelic science, and consciousness studies, Dr. Joye shows how each of us is capable of developing supersensible perception and expanding our awareness to connect with cosmic consciousness.