Reflections on the Joy of Eternal Life

Book Description

"The Lutheran Church commemorates three influential hymnwriters every October: Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt. The Joy of Eternal Life sheds light on why Philipp Nicolai is still remembered over four hundred years after his death. During Nicolai's time as a pastor, he and his parishioners witnessed a horrendous plague claim the lives of four thousand people in five months. To comfort his people and counteract the belief at the time that death, loss, and despair rob human beings of God's goodness, presence, and love, he wrote this book. In it, he proclaims the glory of eternal life, God's love for His people, and our future resurrection in heaven. This books also includes two of his beloved hymns, "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying" and "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright." Pastors, musicians, and those interested in Church history will appreciate reading Nicolai's popular work in English for the first time. Additionally, laity will appreciate the devotional nature of this work, which offers the comfort and consolation of Christ to those who are in despair"--

How to Be Free from the Fear of Death

Book Description

Some people admit to their fear of death while others lie awake at night silently suffering over thoughts of their mortality. In How to Be Free from the Fear of Death, Ray Comfort addresses the subject head-on. Overcome your fear as you · understand why we suffer, age, and die, · recognize God’s power over death, · develop habits to maintain your peace, and · share your newfound joy with others. Rest peacefully knowing that death is not the end but a wonderful beginning.

Precious Bible Promises

Book Description

Precious Bible Promises is not meant to replace your bible reading, it is however, helpful and is designed to help you as a quick reference to your specific situation. You will likely find yourself often consulting this book when you find life's circumstances closing in on you. You might not often understand your feelings, but you will find it liberating to know that God has a promise, in these situations for you. This is one reason why I value this book "Precious Bible Promises" so much that I have republished this work, so that others can benefit from the riches that God has for us in His Word. Often when we are in need, we don't know where to find it, so this wonderful work of love is here to help you discover the truth of God's Word for your own situation. May it bless you as it has me.

Your Will Be Done on Earth

Book Description

Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations

Book Description

"A resource such as 'Cross Encounters', where conversations are transcribed, proves to instruct, humble, and stir us up to zealous evangelism. Let God's people read this volume with gospel-believing gladness and humble delight in observing how God uses faithful witnesses to speak His gospel to the lost so the Spirit of grace may grant new birth!

The Mystery of Human Life

Book Description

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Pack Of 25)

Book Description

Over the years I have talked to thousands of people who have asked me how to find their way to God. Some have sat in church pews all their lives but never come to personally know God. Others have sought for ultimate meaning in all sorts of ways but never found the peace of mind for which they were searching. Some simply realize that there is something vital missing in their lives. The Bible teaches that this sense of lostness is rooted in the fact that we live in a fallen world in which we are all handicapped by a sin nature: we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And despite our best efforts we are unable to remove the haunting weight of guilt that separates us from our Creator. God sent his Son to solve our dilemma. "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Jesus Christ made the way to God for us by his death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by the shedding of his blood. His death and resurrection made a new and everlasting covenant between God and humanity. Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life. The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you. Christ promises those who turn to him: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed from death to life" (John 5:24). Today you can come to him by surrendering your life and heart to Christ. The Bible says: "To all who received him (Jesus Christ), to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). Right where you are you can pray something like this: "Lord, I know that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the dead. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior." If you sincerely put your faith in Christ, God promises not only to forgive you, but also to receive you into his family. It's the greatest discovery you will ever make!

Chosen to Serve

Book Description

A Biblical defense of a vocational view of divine election.