Ethics in Epidemics, Emergencies and Disasters

Book Description

In the face of recent pandemic threats (severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS], avian influenza A H5N1, pandemic influenza A H1N1, and the 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak) and disasters in general, debate has arisen about the ethical basis of research, surveillance and patient care in such situations. Scholarship on the ethics of public health crises draws on various areas including clinical practice and research. It is important to keep in mind that emergencies and disasters are the result of interactions between hazards and community elements--including people's health--with differing vulnerability and capacity to cope with situations. The vulnerability, capacity, and overall resilience of countries and their systems, communities, and sub-populations define how well they will manage risks and determine the scale of an emergency. Emergencies and disasters can be due to natural (including epidemics, hydro, meteorological and geological) and human-induced (including technological hazards conflicts food insecurity and social unrest) causes. The requirements of the community for patient care and for research and surveillance vary case by case and are influenced by how risks are managed before during and after events and by the type and magnitude of the consequences of emergencies when they occur. The training manual has two parts: Part 1 covers ethical issues in research and surveillance--such as conflicts that might arise between the common good and individual autonomy, ethics oversight, and publication ethics. Part 2 covers patient care--including triage, standards of care, and the professional duties of health care workers in emergencies. The teaching resources are modular, comprising seven core competences and 26 learning objectives each with a dedicated module. The modules are based on various types of instruction and activities (e.g. case study, lecture, group discussion, role play, video) to meet the learning objective. Slide sets were prepared for the lectures under each learning objective and summary slide sets for each core competence. At the end of the manual you will find a compilation of all of the case studies used throughout the manual.

Emergency Ethics

Book Description

Leading scholars in bioethics and public health ethics clarify the key values and norms of emergency planning and response and address ethical issues relating to the allocation of scarce resources, research in the context of emergencies, community participation in preparedness planning, the protection of those with special needs, and the duties public health professionals.

Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel

Book Description

This book examines the issue of ethics in the context of the provision of military health care in an epidemic. Outbreaks of epidemics like Ebola trigger difficult ethical challenges for civilian and military health care personnel. This book offers theoretical reflections combined with reports from recent military and NGO missions in the field. The authors of this volume focus on military medical ethics adding a distinct voice to the topic of epidemics and infectious diseases. While military health care personnel are always crucially involved during disaster relief operations and large-scale public health emergencies, most of the current literature treats ethical issues during epidemics from a more general perspective without taking into account the specifics of the military context. The contributions in this volume provide first-hand insights into some of the ethical issues encountered by military health care personnel in missions during the Ebola outbreak in 2014/2015. This practical perspective is complimented by academic analyses and theoretical reflections on ethical issues associated with epidemics. This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, ethics and African politics.

Ethics for Disaster

Book Description

Ethics for Disaster shows how individual and government preparation and response to hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, pandemics, and other disasters are ethical matters. Confronting the social inequalities revealed by these disasters, we must also acknowledge how the lack of preparation for climate change and pandemics has shifted these threats from modern, isolated disasters into constant contemporary risks. This second edition presents four new chapters about disaster-as-risk from; climate change, the natural elements of earth, air, wind, and fire; the COVID-19 and other pandemics; and innocent victims and refugees. Now more than ever, we need good and just moral principles to guide us through the disruptive crises ahead––especially for minorities. Humanism and humanitarianism are vital. Zack combines moral philosophy, political theory, public policy, and environmental science to present new ways to think about changes in the world we all share.

Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry

Book Description

This book presents a decade of advances in the psychological, biological and social responses to disasters, helping medics and leaders prepare and react.

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease

Book Description

In recent public workshops and working group meetings, the Forum on Microbial Threats of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has examined a variety of infectious disease outbreaks with pandemic potential, including those caused by influenza (IOM, 2005) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (IOM, 2004). Particular attention has been paid to the potential pandemic threat posed by the H5N1 strain of avian influenza, which is now endemic in many Southeast Asian bird populations. Since 2003, the H5N1 subtype of avian influenza has caused 185 confirmed human deaths in 11 countries, including some cases of viral transmission from human to human (WHO, 2007). But as worrisome as these developments are, at least they are caused by known pathogens. The next pandemic could well be caused by the emergence of a microbe that is still unknown, much as happened in the 1980s with the emergence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and in 2003 with the appearance of the SARS coronavirus. Previous Forum meetings on pandemic disease have discussed the scientific and logistical challenges associated with pandemic disease recognition, identification, and response. Participants in these earlier meetings also recognized the difficulty of implementing disease control strategies effectively. Ethical and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease: Workshop Summary as a factual summary of what occurred at the workshop.

Disaster Bioethics: Normative Issues When Nothing is Normal

Book Description

This book provides an early exploration of the new field of disaster bioethics: examining the ethical issues raised by disasters. Healthcare ethics issues are addressed in the first part of this book. Large-scale casualties lead to decisions about who to treat and who to leave behind, cultural challenges, and communication ethics. The second part focuses on disaster research ethics. With the growing awareness of the need for evidence to guide disaster preparedness and response, more research is being conducted in disasters. Any research involving humans raises ethical questions and requires appropriate regulation and oversight. The authors explore how disaster research can take account of survivors? vulnerability, informed consent, the sudden onset of disasters, and other ethical issues. Both parts examine ethical challenges where seeking to do good, harm can be done. Faced with overwhelming needs and scarce resources, no good solution may be apparent. But choosing the less wrong option can have a high price. In addition, what might seem right at home may not be seen to be right elsewhere. This book provides in-depth and practical reflection on these and other challenging ethical questions arising during disasters. Scholars and practitioners who gathered at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland in 2011 offer their reflections to promote further dialogue so that those devastated by disasters are respected by being treated in the most ethically soun d ways possible.

Disasters: Core Concepts and Ethical Theories

Book Description

This Open Access Book is the first to examine disasters from a multidisciplinary perspective. Justification of actions in the face of disasters requires recourse both to conceptual analysis and ethical traditions. Part 1 of the book contains chapters on how disasters are conceptualized in different academic disciplines relevant to disasters. Part 2 has chapters on how ethical issues that arise in relation to disasters can be addressed from a number of fundamental normative approaches in moral and political philosophy. This book sets the stage for more focused normative debates given that no one book can be completely comprehensive. Providing analysis of core concepts, and with real-world relevance, this book should be of interest to disaster scholars and researchers, those working in ethics and political philosophy, as well as policy makers, humanitarian actors and intergovernmental organizations..

Social Work in Health Emergencies

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive book that provides accessible, international knowledge for practitioners, students and academics about social work in health emergencies and spans fields of practice across world regions with particular reference to the COVID-19 pandemic. Divided into three sections: • Regional, Historical and Social Work Perspectives takes a journey through world regions during the first six months of the pandemic as it unfolded, explores the lessons found in the history of pandemics and situates public health social work practice in the values of the profession. Situating the diversity of challenges and opportunities in context, in turn, influences current and future social work practice. • Social Work Practice, Issues and Responses explores social work practice innovations and responses across eleven key practice fields. International authors feature social work responses during the COVID-19 health emergency from different regions of the world. • Preparing for the Future analyses broader concepts, innovations and the implications for future practices as social work enters a new era of service delivery. The 20 chapters explore the convergence of pandemic, politics and planet which is critiqued within a framework of the profession’s ethics and values of human dignity, human rights and social justice. Social work’s place in public health is firmly situated and built on the premise that the value social work brings to the table deserves recognition and should be documented to inform the development of the profession and future practice and how social work must carry lessons forward to prepare for the next pandemic. The book is relevant to a wide range of audiences, including practitioners, educators and students in social work, human services, international development and public health, as well as policy makers and researchers.

International Disaster Management Ethics

Book Description

Responds to the demanding political and ethical challenges faced by the international disaster management community.