Ethiopia and the United States

Book Description

Explaining the issues and what is at stake in the current turmoil between Ethiopia and her neighbors, including Somalia, this informative and authoritative study presents the history of diplomatic relations and shifting alliances between the United States and Ethiopia in the context of Cold War politics, the roles of the Ethiopian Jews, and the Ethiopian diaspora in the West.

Ethiopia, the United States, and the Soviet Union

Book Description

The United States and its Western allies donate mil­lions of dollars in emergency aid to alleviate the effects of the Ethiopian famine. Despite this aid, the Marxist regime in Ethiopia continues resolutely hos­tile to the United States and a firm friend to the Soviet Union whose emergency aid has been minimal. Moreover, the regime is pressing ahead vigorously with its socialist programs of population resettlement, agricultural collectivization, and state control of the economy, even though these pro­grams may aggravate the effects of the famine. This important book, based on extensive first hand knowledge, traces events in Ethiopia over the last decade or so and offers much new information. Korn shows how Ethiopia switched from being an ally of the United States to an ally of the Soviet Union and how various efforts by the United States to regain Ethiopia’s friendship have failed. He dis­cusses the coming to power of Colonel Mengistu, his ruthless methods, and his utter commitment to Marxism-Leninism. Korn explores the effects of Marxist rule and the famine on the Ethiopian people. He looks at the civil war in Eritrea and Tigray and at other threats to the regime from both inside and outside the country and explores how the situation is likely to develop in the immediate future.

The 1903 Skinner Mission to Ethiopia & a Century of American-Ethiopian Relations

Book Description

This book features Skinner's 1903-1904 mission to Ethiopia which resulted in the signing of a treaty between the United States and Ethiopia to regulate commercial relations. The year 1903 marks, therefore, the beginning of official contact between Ethiopia and the United State, one of the earliest official engagements by the United States to the interior of sub-Saharan Africa. 2003 commemorates the 100th anniversary of this bold initiative that launched an important relationship that continues into the present day.

Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa

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The Puzzle of Ethiopian Politics

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China in Ethiopia

Book Description

Examines China’s involvement in Ethiopia as the latter embarks on modernization and economic development. This comprehensive study of China-Ethiopia relations examines why China—an economic and emerging global power—has built relations with Ethiopia and why Ethiopia has responded by singling out China as a partner in its quest for economic development. Using middle-range theory and field research, Aaron Tesfaye focuses on three sets of phenomena: political, economic, and strategic. He explores the following questions: Why are China and Ethiopia building relations at this juncture of globalization? What motivates China’s role in helping build Ethiopia’s infrastructure, and is Ethiopia’s debt to China sustainable? What can Ethiopia offer China in terms of strategic interest in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea littoral, which is now the most sought out area for military bases by regional and international forces? Tesfaye argues that China’s ability to meet Africa’s tremendous demand for capital and technology is a reflection of its economic and military rise and evidence that the Asian Century has arrived, ushering in a new global reality. “This is an excellent contribution to South-South relations in general, and China-Africa scholarship in particular.” — Edson Ziso, author of A Post State-Centric Analysis of China-Africa Relations: Internationalisation of Chinese Capital and State-Society Relations in Ethiopia

Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa

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