Diversity and Cohesion

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This report looks at integration policies in the member states of the Council of Europe. It focuses on lessons learned since 1991 in the areas of diversity and cohesion, citizenship and participation, management of migratory movements and minority protection and describes the necessary components of social cohesion policies that promote the inclusion of migrants into societies. The report identifies ways and means of establishing positive community relations for European societies through the promotion of a political, economic, cultural and legal environment favourable to diversity and the promotion of human cohesion. Migration statistics and information on the state of ratification of European conventions are included in the annex.

The Paradox of Diversity

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This book is about ethnic diversity in voluntary organizations and seeks to explain whether intergroup contact contributes to the development of generalized trust. It relies on a novel multilevel design and data from Amsterdam in which 40 voluntary organizations and 463 participants have been sampled. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this book argues that cognitive processes are contributing more toward the evaluation of strangers or generalized trust than interethnic contact. Since trusting unknown people is essentially a risky endeavor, this suggests that participants of both association types who report trusting strangers can afford to do so, because they are better educated, have a more positive worldview, and have had fewer negative life experiences. That is to say, they are socially more successful and view their future as more promising. Previous findings are inconclusive since most studies that conclude diversity has led to less generalized trust do not include interethnic contact directly in their analyses. These studies also downplay the importance of cognitive processes, which may shape generalized trust. What is more, people join ethnically diverse civic groups, because they already have more trustful attitudes, rather than learning to trust through interethnic contact. Despite the recent multiculturalist backlash, this book demonstrates that participation in ethno-national organizations does not pose a threat to social cohesion. The analysis in this book serves to build a general theory of trust that moves beyond emphasizing interaction between people who are different from each other, but one that includes the importance of cognition.

Ethnic Diversity in Europe

Book Description

Ethnic diversity is on increase in Europe; at the same time, there is evidence of growing anti-immigrant feeling in some countries, such as Spain (especially in the Southern provinces). In order to build a politically united and democratic Europe, the accommodation of ethnic diversity and the integration of ethnic minorities are both key challenges. This book tries to explain ethnic problems in Europe.

Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation

Book Description

Arranged around the themes of theorizing and policy-making, race, ethnicity and religion, gender, and class, inequality and welfare, this book addresses the question of whether the European Union tends towards diversification or standardization. It engages with issues of identity, citizenship and social justice, changes throughout the life course, social movements, the reconciliation of work and life, the increasing diversity of cultural values, and integration and immigration, whilst also examining questions of social inclusion and exclusion. Presenting a general theoretical framework for the simultaneous analysis of standardization and diversification processes, alongside detailed case studies at EU and national levels, Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation explores the interactions between national, European and regional regulatory spaces.

Achieving Social Cohesion in a Multicultural Europe

Book Description

Far from considering the integration problems faced by migrants to be the result of alleged «cultural incompatibility, the articles and conversations in this volume reflect on the combined effects of exclusion stemming from social policy and policy on immigration, employment and nationality. Furthermore, as «intercultural competencies developed in certain hospitals and schools have clearly shown, there are other, much more effective strategies for treating differences in a favourable light which make social rights more accessible to all. These alternative approaches can effectively help to foster social cohesion only if migrants themselves are committed to them, in particular as recognised political players in the European public arena.

Transcultural Europe

Book Description

What are the key issues facing the makers of European cultural policy in the 2lst century? How is cultural policy at the metropolitan, national and European level addressing recent developments that are complicating the cultural and social realities of contemporary Europe? This book offers an innovative assessment of these questions and aims to provoke debates about the way forward for cultural policy in Europe. Based on extensive theoretical and empirical research by an interdisplinary team of international scholars, this volume critically addresses the way in which cultural policy has evolved until now, and develops new conceptual and theoretical perspectives for re-imagining cultural change and complexity. The book offers an interesting set of studies on transcultural flows between some major European metropoles (such as Berlin, London and Paris), on the rather closed realities of other European capitals (like Rome or Ljubljana) as well as on new cultural trends emerging in cities both at the heart and at the periphery of Europe (Vienna and Belgrade). Each contribution questions the relationship between cultural diversity, cultural policy and immigration. The book thus provides new insights into the limitations of the national framework for cultural policy and into the emerging transnational dynamics in European cities.

Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy

Book Description

In recent years, the saliency of conflicts pitting different ethnic, racial and religious groups against one another has increased dramatically. The world of nation-states is much more diverse than previously realized; only a small number of the 185 independent countries are truly homogeneous. With the end of the cold war, the relative importance of ethnic conflicts as a threat to international peace and stability is far greater. An international set of scholars collaborate in this volume to explore policy alternatives which can contribute towards the accommodation of cultural diversity.

When Ways of Life Collide

Book Description

In 2004, Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered on a busy Amsterdam street. His killer was Mohammed Bouyeri, a twenty-six-year-old Dutch Moroccan offended by van Gogh's controversial film about Muslim suppression of women. The Dutch government had funded separate schools, housing projects, broadcast media, and community organizations for Muslim immigrants, all under the umbrella of multiculturalism. But the reality of terrorism and radicalization of Muslim immigrants has shattered that dream. In this arresting book, Paul Sniderman and Louk Hagendoorn demonstrate that there are deep conflicts of values in the Netherlands. In the eyes of the Dutch, for example, Muslims oppress women, treating them as inferior to men. In the eyes of Muslim immigrants, Western Europeans deny women the respect they deserve. Western Europe has become a cultural conflict zone. Two ways of life are colliding. Sniderman and Hagendoorn show how identity politics contributed to this crisis. The very policies meant to persuade majority and minority that they are part of the same society strengthened their view that they belong to different societies. At the deepest level, the authors' findings suggest, the issue that government and citizens need to be concerned about is not a conflict of values but a clash of fundamental loyalties.

Negotiating Political Identities

Book Description

Globalization, European integration, and migration are challenging national identities and changing education across Europe. The nation-state no longer serves as the sole locus of civic participation and identity formation, ceasing to have the influence it once had over the implementation of policies. Drawing on rich empirical data from four schools in Germany and Britain this groundbreaking book is the first study of its kind to examine how schools mediate government policies and create distinct educational contexts to shape youth identity negotiation and integration processes. Negotiating Political Identities will appeal to educationists, sociologists and political scientists whose work concerns issues of migration, identity, citizenship and ethnicity. It will also be an invaluable source of evidence for policymakers and professionals concerned with balancing cultural diversity and social cohesion in such a way as to promote more inclusive citizenship and educational policies in multiethnic, multifaith schools.