Introducción a la ética cristiana AETH

Book Description

El estudio de la ética no solamente nos lleva a entender mejor las complejas situaciones que hoy día enfrentamos, también nos ayuda a discernir lo que subyace tras nuestras decisiones. La ética nos ayuda a descubrir, aclarar, afirmar, cambiar, reformar o trasformar valores y fines que motiva nuestra conducta.Este libro nos proveerá con las herramientas teóricas necesarias para conocer, describir y analizar los retos ético/morales que hoy día enfrentamos los cristianos.

Elemental Theology

Book Description

(Edited and revised by Ronald B. Mayers) This reprint covers the basics of systematic theology in brief, easy-to-follow outline form.

Bible Doctrine

Book Description

This is an abridgment of Grudem's highly commended Systematic Theology intended for laypeople and nonprofessionals.

Servants for His Glory

Book Description

Being is greater than doing. We all come into the world with a certain emptiness in our lives—an emptiness that leads to a search for meaning. And the world tells us that search for meaning can be solved by doing. Unfortunately, an overemphasis on doing has led many people away from cultivating an interior life that allows them to sustain their exterior life. This explains the many failures we continuously see in day-to-day life. When a person’s inner life—who he or she is—is not prepared, that person's character does not have the maturity or the strength to sustain them in the long run. In this book, Miguel Núñez points us to Scripture and experience to show us how being is more important than doing. He teaches us how to cultivate the foundations of our lives, so that we can be what we need to be, in order to do what we need to do.

Ministerial Ethics

Book Description

Ministerial Ethics provides both new and experienced pastors with tools for sharpening their personal and professional decision-making skills. The authors seek to explain the unique moral role of the minister and the ethical responsibilities of the vocation and to provide "a clear statement of the ethical obligations contemporary clergy should assume in their personal and professional lives." Trull and Carter deal with such areas as family life, confidentiality, truth-telling, political involvement, working with committees, and relating to other church staff members. First published in 1993, this edition has been thoroughly updated throughout and contains expanded sections on theological foundations, the role of character, confidentiality, and the timely topic of clergy sexual abuse. Appendices describing various denominational ministerial codes of ethics are included.

Exploring Christian Education

Book Description

Spiritual Leadership

Book Description

Over 1 million copies sold What every church will always need The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ. With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership. J. Oswald Sanders, a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and author of more than forty books, presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. He illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others. Featured topics include: The cost of leadership The responsibility of leadership Tests of leadership The qualities and criteria of leadership The art of reproducing leaders The one indispensable requirement of leadership Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.

La civilización pervertida o la Etica sadomasoquista cristiana

Book Description

Este libro es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre la relación entre la religión, el poder y la represión sexual. Nace la idea de un interrogante: ¿por qué todos los regímenes autoritarios e incluso los códigos penales en las democracias, a pesar de que la declaración de derechos de éstas proclaman la libertad de conciencia y la libertad moral, reprimen la libertad sexual? ¿En esta investigación se llega a una conclusión fundamental: que la moral religiosa es la conciencia de clase de la clase dominante. Una moral que se presenta como interclasista y que está al servicio de la lógica de la dominación. Una moral que, fundamentada en la exaltación del sacrificio como purificación, es sadomasoquista y que utiliza la represión del placer sexual para controlar la vida privada y pública de cada individuo, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Porque todo individuo reprimido es un individuo dominado.


Book Description

Desde mi conversión al cristianismo, hace ya más de 30 años, he sido testigo de la confusión que existe entre los miembros de las iglesias pentecostales que, a pesar de compartir una misma denominación, siguen presentando marcadas diferencias en lo que predican y en la forma en que guían a sus miembros. Al ser muchas de ellas organizaciones religiosas independientes, es decir, que no tienen afiliación a una organización global que los dirija, regule y/o supervise; cada líder religioso maneja su iglesia a su manera, aparentemente, sin una guía de ética cristiana que permita asesorar a sus congregados en base al pensamiento de Dios.