EU Asylum Policies

Book Description

This book fills a significant lacuna in our understanding of the refugee crisis by analyzing the dynamics that lie behind fifteen years of asylum policies in the European Union. It sheds light on why cooperation has led to reinforced refugee protection on paper but has failed to provide it in practice. Offering innovative empirical, theoretical and methodological research on this crucial topic, it argues that the different asylum systems and priorities of the various Member States explain the EU's lack of initiative in responding to this humanitarian emergency. The author demonstrates that the strong regulators of North-Western Europe have used their powerful bargaining positions to shape EU asylum policies decisively, which has allowed them to impose their will on Member States in South-Eastern Europe. These latter countries, having barely made a mark on EU policies, are now facing significant difficulties in implementing them. The EU will only identify potential solutions to the crisis, the author concludes, when it takes these disparities into account and establishes a functioning common refugee policy. This novel work will appeal to students and scholars of politics, immigration and asylum in the EU.

Reforming the Common European Asylum System

Book Description

This book, edited by Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker and Francesco Maiani, is aimed at analysing the recent changes of the Common European Asylum System, the progress achieved and the remaining flaws. The overall objective and key added value of this volume are to provide a comprehensive and critical account of the recast instruments governing asylum law and policy in the European Union. This book is the outcome of the 7th Congress of the Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe held in Brussels in 2014. Contributors are: Hemme Battjes, Céline Bauloz, Ulrike Brandl, Vincent Chetail, Cathryn Costello, Philippe De Bruycker, Madeline Garlick, Elspeth Guild, Emily Hancox, Lyra Jakuleviciene, Francesco Maiani, Barbara Mikołajczyk, Géraldine Ruiz, Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Patricia Van De Peer and Jens Vedsted-Hansen.

Fortress Europe?

Book Description

An unprecedented number of people is currently on the move seeking refuge in Europe. Large parts of European societies respond with anxiety and mistrust to the influx of people. Nationalist, anti-migrant parties from Slovakia over Germany to the UK have gained increasing support among the electorate and challenge the political mainstream. Europe is struggling how to respond. While the search for solutions is ongoing one pattern seems to be emerging: Fortress Europe is in the making. Unfortunately, few of these discussions and measures consider the structural root causes and dynamics of migration, the motives of migrants or societal challenges more thoroughly. This book seeks to address this deficit. Taking migration and asylum policies as a starting point, it analyses the various dimensions underpinning migration. In doing so, it identifies why receiving countries are in many ways part of the problem. To eschew an overtly Euro-centric perspective and stimulate a debate between science and politics, it contains contributions by academics and practitioners alike from both shores of the Mediterranean.

Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union

Book Description

The harmonization of the different European legal systems has reached the field of asylum and immigration policy. The Maastricht Treaty has established the legal basis for a common migration policy. Numerous resolutions, recommendations, joint positions and actions were adopted by the EU Council based on the `third pillar' in the Maastricht Treaty. Within the `first pillar' the European Community has enacted regulations on visa policy based on Art. 100c EC - Treaty. Additionally, several agreements with third countries on immigration issues were set into force. Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union comprehensively describes the present state of the harmonization process concerning migration policy in the European Union. Particular emphasis is laid on the legal status of third-country nationals with regard to entry and residence. Furthermore, the gaps within EU regulations are evaluated in an attempt to search for a homogenous European migration policy.

Refugees, Citizenship and Social Policy in Europe

Book Description

Recently, global and European migration in the post-Cold War world have received much attention. This edited collection is a comprehensive, up-to-date account of the social policies of European welfare states towards refugees and asylum seekers. It also examines the contested boundaries between refugees and asylum seekers and citizenship within European nation states and the European Union.

The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies

Book Description

Der vorliegende Band geht zurück auf eine internationale Summer School zum Migrations-, Asyl- und Flüchtlingsrecht in Barcelona. Im Sinne eines intergenerationellen wissenschaftlichen Austausches kommen Studierende, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen und arrivierte Expertinnen ins disziplinübergreifende Gespräch zu migrationsrechtlichen respektive migrationspolitischen Grundsatzfragen, die seit der Flüchtlingsschutzkrise des Jahres 2015 virulenter denn je geworden sind. Europa-, menschen- und völkerrechtliche Aspekte werden um nationalstaatliche Perspektiven aus Belgien, Bulgarien, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Italien, Spanien, der Türkei und dem Vereinigten Königreich ergänzt. Mit Beiträgen von Claudia Candelmo, Carmine Conte, Francisco Javier Donaire Villa, Arolda Elbasani, Leonard Amaru Feil, Francesco Luigi Gatta, Chad Heimrich, Markus Kotzur, Annalisa Morticelli, David Moya, Claudia Pretto, Andrea Romano, David Fernandez Rojo, Senada Šelo Šabić, Valentina Savazzi, Ülkü Sezgi Sözen und Catharina Ziebritzki.

Safe Third Countries

Book Description

A charming book of Christmas Short Stories with colorful characters you will enjoy meeting:Sillie Millie learned from Polly the pill bug and Alex the armadillo how to outwit the Cat.Bunnie invents a new way to fool Bip, the pestering monkey, and her roaring friend Lion.Can Santa fix the hole in Frickey's heart?Where else but Oddville would you find a weird looking bellowing Santa with kids lined up for blocks?Enjoy these and look forward to Once Upon a Storytime at Christmas - 3!

EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary): Second Revised Edition

Book Description

Since 1999, the EU has adopted legislation harmonizing many areas of immigration law, in particular rules on borders, visas, legal migration, and irregular migration. The much-enlarged and fully updated second edition of this book contains the text of and detailed commentary upon every significant measure in this field proposed or adopted up until 1 September 2011. It includes commentary on the EU visa code, the Schengen Borders Code, the Frontex Regulation, the Returns Directive, the Directives on family reunion, long-term residents and single permits for migrant workers, and many more besides. This is the essential guide for any lawyers, academics, civil servants, NGOs and students interested in this area of law. The authors of each commentary are academic and practitioner experts in the field of EU immigration law based in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. Also available as a set of 3 volumes see isbn 9789004222304

REFUGEE CRISIS IN INTERNATIONAL POLICY – VOLUME II – Refugee Policies of the EU and European Countries

Book Description

This six-volume book series titled “Refugee Crisis in International Politics” are prepared with the aim of clarifying the above-mentioned issues and enriching the content, context, and depth to the field of science. “States must protect all migrants against violence based on racism and xenophobia, exploitation, and forced labor. Migrants should not be detained without legitimate reasons or forcefully send back to their home country. States must take responsibility for and fulfill these responsibilities meticulously for refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants to be able to rebuild their lives safely against serious dangers. Sharing responsibility for global problems is fair in the 21st century”. İçindekiler PREFACE CHAPTER 1. THE EU REFUGEE POLICIES AND THE STATUS OF REFUGEES – Neriman Hocaoğlu Bahadır CHAPTER 2. THE EUROPEAN UNION MIGRATION POLICY: EVOLUTION THROUGH REFUGEE CRISIS – Sertif Demir CHAPTER 3. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REFUGEE CRISIS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION – Mesut Şöhret CHAPTER 4. GENDER, MIGRATION, AND SECURITY: THE EU’S RESPONSE TO THE REFUGEE CRISIS – Ayşegül Gökalp Kutlu CHAPTER 5. RE-BORDERING EUROPE?: REFUGEES AND ‘TEMPORARY’ INTERNAL BORDER CONTROLS – Aslı Şirin and Ebru Dalğakıran CHAPTER 6. SECURITIZATION OF REFUGEE PROBLEM WITHIN EUROPEAN UNION – Mesut Şöhret CHAPTER 7. NORMATIVE ELUSIVENESS OF EUROPE IN TERMS OF REFUGEE CRISIS – Sinem Bal CHAPTER 8. REFUGEE POLICIES OF THE BALTIC COUNTRIES – Burulkan Abdibaitova Pala CHAPTER 9. A HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY ANALYSIS OF THE BRITISH IMMIGRATION POLICIES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR SETTLEMENT AND INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF TURKISH IMMIGRANTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM – Serkan Baykuşoglu CHAPTER 10. MIGRATION POLICY OF SPAIN – Ferda Özer CHAPTER 11. POPULISM AND REFUGEE POLICIES OF AUSTRIA – Sinem Eray CHAPTER 12. BELGIUM’S IMMIGRATION ASYLUM POLICIES IN TIMES OF CRISIS – Ebru Dalğakıran CHAPTER 13. HUNGARY’S ASYLUM POLICY BEFORE AND AFTER THE REFUGEE MOVEMENT IN 2015 – Aslı Şirin CHAPTER 14. ASYLUM POLICY OF REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: THE CASE OF THE HUMANITARIAN ROUTE – Ayşegül Bostan

European Asylum Law and International Law

Book Description

Community asylum law is becoming ever more essential to asylum law in Europe. But many intricate questions about this new body of law remain to be resolved. Do the Community rules weaken or improve the position of asylum seekers? Would a future Community asylum law have to observe international norms? What role should the Court of Justice play in asylum matters? And does the communautarisation of asylum law affect the possibilities of asylum seekers to approach domestic courts, or the European Court of Human Rights? These and other questions are addressed in this book. It offers, besides an in-depth study of the relation between European and international asylum law, a practical manual for European asylum law. It discusses the content and meaning of all Community regulations and directives on asylum, as well as their possible use (and reliability) in domestic proceedings.