Eucalyptus Spp

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Monograph on Eucalyptus

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Eucalyptus, a genus of over 800 species, is a multiproduct crop par excellence. Not only is it grown for timber, pulp and fuelwood, but, as the Aborigines discovered thousands of years ago, it has numerous medicinal and aromatic properties. Since the first commercial distillation of eucalyptus oil 150 years ago, a vast array of eucalyptus-based pro

Chemical Dictionary of Economic Plants

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Ob Kosmetika, Nahrungsmittel, Verpackungsmittel oder Wirkstoffe: Aus Pflanzen gewonnene Substanzen erleichtern unser Leben und tragen zu unserem Wohlbefinden bei. Über 1.500 der wichtigsten dieser Verbindungen wurden in diesem Band alphabetisch geordnet zusammengetragen. Jeder Eintrag enthält neben dem Namen und ggf. Synonymen, Angaben zur chemischen Substanzklasse, zur Struktur, zum Vorkommen und zur Zusammensetzung des Naturstoffs. Nützlich gibt es auch ein Register zu den Pflanzen, aus denen die aufgeführten Stoffe gewonnen werden. Mit umfangreichen Literaturangaben!

Agroforestry Systems in India: Livelihood Security & Ecosystem Services

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Agroforestry, the word coined in early seventies, has made its place in all the developed and the developing countries of the world and is now recognized as an important approach to ensuring food security and rebuilding resilient rural environments. India has been an all-time leader in agroforestry. The South and Southeast Asia region comprising India is often described as the cradle of agroforestry. Almost all forms of agroforestry systems exist across India in ecozones ranging from humid tropical lowlands to high-altitude and temperate biomes, and perhumid rainforest zones to parched drylands. The country ranks foremost among the community of nations not only in terms of this enormous diversity and long tradition of the practice of agroforestry, but also in fostering scientific developments in the subject. Agroforestry applies to private agricultural and forest lands and communities that also include highly erodible, flood-prone, economically marginal and environmentally sensitive lands. The typical situation is agricultural, where trees are added to create desired benefits. Agroforestry allows for the diversification of farm activities and makes better use of environmental resources. Owing to an increase in the population of human and cattle, there is increasing demand of food as well as fodder, particularly in developing countries like India. So far, there is no policy that deals with specifics in agroforestry in India. But, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has been discussing on the scope of having a National Agroforestry Policy in appropriate platforms. However, evolving a policy requires good and reliable datasets from different corners of the country on the subject matter. This synthesis volume containing 13 chapters is an attempt to collate available information in a classified manner into different system ecologies, problems and solutions, and converging them into a policy support.


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The publication was prepared based on information provided by 86 countries, outcomes from regional and subregional consultations and commissioned thematic studies. It includes: •an overview of definitions and concepts related to Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) and a review of their value; •a description of the main drivers of changes; •the presentation of key emerging technologies; •an analysis of the current status of FGR conservation, use and related developments; •recommendations addressing the challenges and needs. By the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

The Inadequate Environment

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Ecology is characterized by a rapidly growing complexity and diversity of facts, aspects, examples, and observations. What is badly needed is the development of common patterns, of rules that, as in other sciences such as physics, can more generally explain the increasing complexity and variability we observe. Tom White, being one of the "seniors" in ecology, makes such an attempt in his book. the pattern he shows and explains with numerous examples from the entire animal kingdom is a universal hunger for nitrogen, a misery that drives the ecology of all organisms. He advocates that the awareness of this fundamental role that the limitation of nitrogen plays in the ecology of all organisms should be as a much part of each ecologis's intellectual equipment as is the awareness of the fact of evolution by means of natural selection. His claim is that not "enery" but "nitrogen" is the most limited "currency" in the animal world for the production and growth of their young.

Foreign Plant Diseases

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Nursery and Plantation Practices in Forestry

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There is a growing awareness and interest for planting of trees on forest and non-forest lands. In order to increase the tree cover area, the tree planting activity is gaining momentum. This book will be very useful and indispensable for the foresters, students and scholars of forestry, NGOs, contains many illustrations, tables, graphs, sketches, etc.