Understanding the Sacraments of Initiation

Book Description

Guiding readers through the rites of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, Understanding the Sacraments of Initiation explores the way in which the sacraments of Initiation affect and influence one’s daily Christian life.

The Christian Sacraments of Initiation

Book Description

A contemporary theology of these three sacraments, surveying their historical development, their theology today, and liturgical and pastoral implications.

Eucharist as Sacrament of Initiation

Book Description

The Forum Essays series is a cooperative effort of The North American Forum on the Catechumenate and Liturgy Training Publications. The purpose of the series is to provide a forum for exploring issues emerging from the implementation of the order of Christian initiation. They are a great resource for anyone involved in initiation ministry, and especially for pastors and RCIA directors.

Sacraments of Initiation, Second Edition

Book Description

The original edition of this book presented a theology of sacraments that emerged out of a Church stirred into new life by the Second Vatican Council. It is a theology that can claim to have been continuously received in the Catholic Church since then. It is the theology that has been widely practiced and preached in pastoral life, has been given catechetical shape in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. However, during the past 23 years, some trends developed in pastoral theology and practice that were taking directions that seemed hard to reconcile with the decisions of the Council. This new edition examines the way some theological counter-currents have developed over those years, both in theory and in practice. The sacramental theology contained in this study maintains the broad on-going agreement between what it proposes and mainstream Church teaching and practice. The book examines the tradition of sacramental practice and teaching. Biblical and historical studies continue to uncover new riches of the tradition, and recent findings are discussed. A careful listening to the tradition of rite and word is truly indispensable for sacramental theology. It was out of such listening that Vatican II teaching on sacraments emerged and provision was made for recovering the full richness of the tradition. Not all of the recent theological speculations and pastoral strategies given an equally serious acknowledgement to the tradition. The liturgies that are studied in this book have been given to the Church in the wake of Vatican II. The historical chapters will show the liturgies to be a contemporary expression of fidelity to core values of the Apostolic Tradition. The chapters on the rite of each sacrament are mainly descriptive and historical, but also include anthropological reflections that unveil the human significances of the various rites. The chapters on the word examine the biblical and traditional word spoken in the churches about each sacrament, and conclude with what is called a 'systematic essay'. The bibiography has updated to reflect the development in the field.

An Introduction to the RCIA

Book Description

An Introduction to the RCIA: The Vision of Christian Initiation serves as a basic primer for those involved with Christian Initiation ministry. Written by Fr. Ron Lewinski, this resource provides an overview of the four stages of initiation and their accompanying rituals as well as questions for discussion and reflection.

The sacraments of initiation

Book Description

Introduction; Biblical orientations; Rites called sacraments; A theology of sacrament; Baptism: the rite; Baptism: the word; Confirmation: the rite; Confirmation: the word; Eucharist: the rite; Eucharist: the word; Epilogue;.

Sacraments of Initiation

Book Description

The Sacrament of Charity

Book Description

A child begs her father to take her to the baseball game, where she roots for the home team and eats peanuts and Cracker Jack.

My Catholic Worship!

Book Description

With Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur. You are called to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is not an option if we want to be a Christian! It’s a command of love from God and is an invitation to share in His divine life. We should hear those words and soak them up desiring to fulfill them in our daily life. How do we do this? How do we love God with everything we are? To say with all your “heart, mind and soul” means everything! It means all that we are. Our whole being. So loving God in the way we are called to requires a very radical commitment on our part. It requires that we are “all in” so to speak. So, again, how do we do this? The key is worship! To worship God is to love God in the way we are called to love. To worship God means that He is indeed the God of our life and nothing else gets in the way. It means we allow our heart, soul and mind to become immersed in God and filled with His presence. This is worship. And it’s our calling in life. Worship is prayer. It’s true prayer. But it’s not only a prayer we offer at church or at a specific prayer time. Rather, we are called to worship God 24/7 in all that we do and all that we are. We cannot set specific times of worship and times when we do not worship. It’s a calling to constantly be in God’s presence surrendering all to Him. This book is about Worship of the Triune God! There is nothing more important in life than what is presented here in these pages. Not because of this book itself, but because of the truths this book shares. There are two main sections of this book. The first section is about prayer as it is lived in the Sacraments of our Church. The Sacraments can seem, at times, to be dry, dull and repetitive. They can, at times, feel like empty rituals that we are “obliged” to do out of obedience. But when understood and entered into correctly, the Sacraments become the greatest source of our intimacy with our God. They become personal. They become My Catholic Worship! The second section of this book deals with all other forms of prayer. It highlights various methods as well as the meaning of prayer. So jump into this book with an open heart and know that God wants to draw you more closely to Himself in all forms of worship. He wants you to know and love Him with your whole heart, soul and strength. And the way to do just that is prayer! About this Series: The My Catholic Life! series is a three volume series written as a complete summary of our glorious Catholic faith! The goal of these books is to answer the difficult and deep questions of life in a clear and understandable way. We need to know who we are and what life is all about. And we need to know who God is and what He has spoke to us through the ages. Volume One, My Catholic Faith! is a summary of the Apostles and Nicene Creed. This volume looks at everything from the creation of the world to God’s eternal plan of salvation. Other topics include: Afterlife, saints, God, faith, and the Church. It is a summary of the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1-1065. Volume Two, My Catholic Worship! is a summary of the life of grace found in prayer and the Sacraments. So often the Sacraments can be seen as dry and empty rituals. But they are, in reality, the greatest treasures we have! They are God’s true presence among us! It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1066-1684 and #2558-2865. Volume Three, My Catholic Morals! is a summary of the morality itself, knowing how we choose right from wrong, as well as a summary of all the moral teachings of our faith. It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1691-2557 Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur granted for three volume series.

The Sacraments of Initiation

Book Description