Europas ferne Streitmacht

Book Description

Med den netop vedtagne europæiske sikkerheds-og forsvarspolitik (ESVP)indtræder EU nu i det militære miljø. Det er besluttet at EU inden udløbet af 2003 skal opstille en indsatsklar militær styrke. Den strategiske rækkevidde af denne styrke er endnu ikke ganske afklaret.

The Path to European Defence

Book Description

After the Internal Market and the Introduction of the Euro, the European Union is making the decisive steps towards the next large project on the way to European unification, which is European Defence. The recent Iraqi crisis has shown that a common European foreign policy is more necessary than ever. In spite of this shortfall, there has been important progress: The European crisis intervention force, such as it was defined in Helsinki in 1999, has already been deployed successfully in two operations. Still, creating a European Defence is an ongoing process, where Europe has to continue to improve its capabilities. The direction that the European Union will have to take in the coming years is indicated by the European Convention, which has proposed to create a European Minister of Foreign Affairs and a European Armaments, Research and Military Capabilities Agency. Within the European Parliament, there is a large majority for the necessity of a European Defence. This is demonstrated by the contributions of representatives of the four major political groups in this book. It also corresponds with the preferences of public opinion. The draft of a European Security Strategy presented by Javier Solana in June 2003 is a good step towards a European Foreign and Security Policy, which will be able to guarantee the security of the European citizens and to defend the interests of the European Union in the world. High-ranking European personalities, such as Javier Solana, Guy Verhofstadt, Erkii Liikanen and Philippe Busquin have made valuable contributions to this book. The authors set out to identify where we stand on defence and what remains to be done to help Europe evolve in the changing global context of the 21st century.

The Nordic Countries and the European Security and Defence Policy

Book Description

In 1999 the EU decided to develop its own military capacities for crisis management. This book brings together a group of experts to examine the consequences of this decision on Nordic policy establishments, as well as to shed new light on the defence and security issues that matter for Europe as a whole.

The Dynamics of Change in EU Governance

Book Description

The emergence, execution and evolution of new modes of governance across several policy fields - and encompassing all three pillars of the European Union - are mapped, analyzed and evaluated. In particular, the expert contributors focus on the ways in which these innovative mechanisms and practices interrelate, how they relate to ?old' methods of governance, and what their implications are both for the effectiveness and efficiency of policymaking. Conclusions are drawn in the form of an integrated new framework that explains the dynamics of EU governance with an ?integrative spiral' driven by the interrelation between the legal and the living architecture of the EU. Linking research on modes of governance to the analysis of the basic legal, institutional and procedural features of the EU up to the Lisbon Treaty, this book will prove essential reading for scholars, researchers and policy makers in the fields of European studies, law and economics, and political science and theory.

The transatlantic divide

Book Description

This books, available in paperback for the first time, examines the period between the military intervention against Serbia by NATO and the one in Iraq by the US. It has been a particularly turbulent one for transatlantic security relations. Is the malaise currently affecting the Transatlantic Alliance more serious than ever before and if so why? Will differences in the assessment of how to provide order and stability in the international system as well as in the evaluation of threats and how to respond to them mark the end of the Transatlantic Alliance? Or will the US, NATO, the EU, and EU member states work together, using different instruments and accepting a degree of division of labour, to pacify, stabilise and rebuild troublesome areas as they have done in South-Eastern Europe? This book, with contributions from leading American, Canadian and European scholars, analyses the reasons behind the latest crisis of the Transatlantic Alliance and dissects its manifestations.

The Emerging Constitutional Law of the European Union

Book Description

Young lawyers from different academic centres in Germany and Poland comment on the ongoing constitutional debate in the EU. Each of the more than 20 articles is dedicated to a specific theme, i.e. human rights, institutional design, current and future function of the EU, homogeneity and identity, security and defence policy, home policy and common values. Similarities as well as differences in the perspectives of an old EU Member State on the one hand and an EU Member State-to-be on the other hand are revealed.

Civilian or Military Power?

Book Description

This text critically examines the belief that the EU not only has an impact on the international system but also a ‘normative’, ‘civilian’ and ‘civilizing’ power. The contributors question whether this assertion fits with the empirical record or is merely based on anecdotal evidence and whether there is a theoretical basis for the expectation of a ‘normative’ or ‘civilizing’ power. Moving the research agenda forward, the book establishes criteria and assessment standards for examining the EU’s international role and its putative normative dimension. Such an endeavour is particularly important against the backdrop of recent developments in European security and defence. The acquisition of military means, or the EU’s ambition to acquire such means, might weaken at least the argument that the EU is a ‘civilian’ power and could provoke a shift towards a policy more akin to traditional ‘great powers.' This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.

EU-US Relations

Book Description

EU-US Relations offers answers to the major questions of the future of transatlantic relations and includes almost 30 contributions from prominent worldwide scholars that assess the state of EU-US relations after the war in Iraq. These articles were commissioned at the meeting of the 25 EU Foreign Ministers at Rhodes in May 2003.

Regional Leadership in the Global System

Book Description

We assume that the ideas, interests and strategies of regional powers are highly significant variables, with the power to influence foreign policy. Yet while comparative research projects involving OECD-countries are fairly common, comparative research integrating developing regions is still rare, despite the fact that these countries are among the key actors of the twenty-first century. This collection emphasizes the role of regional powers in intra-regional, interregional and global contexts, analyzing the rise of regional powers from a comparative perspective. In so doing, the book explains how these powers have power to shape regional and global politics.

Fusing with Europe?

Book Description

Informed by his profound knowledge of contemporary political affairs and the current debate on European integration in Sweden, Lee Miles investigates Sweden's experiences of being a full member of the European Union since 1995. Widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on Scandinavian relations with the European Union (EU), the author proposes a micro fusion perspective offering an insightful new conceptual framework through which to understand Swedish views on European integration and the influences on national EU policy. The volume also includes a Foreword by Wolfgang Wessels, Jean Monnet Professor and the founder of the fusion theory.