Europe and Refugees: A Challenge? / L'Europe Et Les Réfugiés: Un Défi?

Book Description

This volume emerged from an international colloquium held in April 1995 in Antwerp, Belgium, on the subject of `Europe and Refugees'. It analyses the various challenges posed by the plight of refugees today, paying particular attention to the situation in Europe, and to the new European treaties such as the Dublin Convention, the Schengen Agreement and the Resolutions of the European Union. Europe and Refugees: A Challenge? offers the reader both an international and a multidisciplinary vision. Its contributors come from both within and outside Europe, and are drawn from a large range of disciplines including philosophy, political science and law. This volume contains contributions in English and French. Ce livre comprend les Actes d'un colloque international qui s'est tenu en avril 1995 à Anvers en Belgique, sur le thème `L'Europe et les réfugiés: un défi?'. Le livre soulève différentes questions qui sont autant de défis liés à la situation contemporaine des réfugiés avec une attention particulière pour cette situation en Europe, notamment dans de nouveaux textes comme la Convention de Dublin, les Accords de Schengen, et les Résolutions au sein de l'Union européenne. Le livre offre une vision multiple en associant des auteurs de différents endroits en Europe et en Amérique du Nord et de différentes disciplines: philosophie, sciences politiques et droit. Il y a des contributions en anglais et en français.

Europe Et Les Réfugiés

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This book provides a comparative study of refugee case law in Europe and North America. Nearly five thousand decisions were recorded and one thousand five hundred have been considered in the national reports. This descriptive work is followed by a more analytical part, offering a new way to interpret the definition of a refugee based on three elements: Risk, Persecution and Proof (R.P.P.), summarized in the 'Theory of the Three Scales'. This book will be of great interest to organisations, practitioners and decisions makers in Refugee Law, and to scholars of Comparative Law. Of related interest: Europe and Refugees: A Challenge?/L'Europe et les réfugiés: un défi?, edited by Jean-Yves Carlier and Dirk Vanheule (Kluwer Law International, 1997, 90-411-0347-3), contains a collection of essays analysing the plight of refugees today, paying particular attention to the situation in Europe, and to the new European treaties such as the Dublin Convention, the Schengen Agreement and the Resolution of the European Union.

Reforming the Common European Asylum System

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This book, edited by Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker and Francesco Maiani, is aimed at analysing the recent changes of the Common European Asylum System, the progress achieved and the remaining flaws. The overall objective and key added value of this volume are to provide a comprehensive and critical account of the recast instruments governing asylum law and policy in the European Union. This book is the outcome of the 7th Congress of the Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe held in Brussels in 2014. Contributors are: Hemme Battjes, Céline Bauloz, Ulrike Brandl, Vincent Chetail, Cathryn Costello, Philippe De Bruycker, Madeline Garlick, Elspeth Guild, Emily Hancox, Lyra Jakuleviciene, Francesco Maiani, Barbara Mikołajczyk, Géraldine Ruiz, Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Patricia Van De Peer and Jens Vedsted-Hansen.

Media coverage of the “refugee crisis”: A cross-European perspective

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Media have played an important role in framing the public debate on the “refugee crisis” that peaked in autumn of 2015. This report examines the narratives developed by print media in eight European countries and how they contributed to the public perception of the “crisis”, shifting from careful tolerance over the summer, to an outpouring of solidarity and humanitarianism in September 2015, and to a securitisation of the debate and a narrative of fear in November 2015. Overall, there has been limited opportunity in mainstream media coverage for refugees and migrants to give their views on events, and little attention paid to the individuals’ plight or the global and historical context of their displacement. Refugees and migrants are often portrayed as an undistinguishable group of anonymous and unskilled outsiders who are either vulnerable or dangerous. The dissemination of biased or ill-founded information contributes to perpetuating stereotypes and creating an unfavourable environment not only for the reception of refugees but also for the longer-term perspectives of societal integration.

The Right to Seek Refugee Status in the European Union

Book Description

This book measures EC/EU asylum initiatives against international refugee and human rights standards and makes law reform proposals to ensure compliance with international standards. It identifies four areas of concern: the interpretation of the 1951 Convention definition of a refugee; access to asylum procedures; the establishment of fair and effective procedures; and the asylum seekers' status pending the determination of their asylum claims. The author argues that any departure from international standards by the EU and its Member States risks undermining the right to seek refugee status and protection as a humanitarian concept. The author also considers Member states' laws and practices, with special emphasis on the United Kingdom and France. This inclusion reflects the mutual influence that national and European measures exercise on one another and reveals existing discrepancies and tensions between national laws and practices. The author urges the European Union to remain true to its commitment to the Treaty of Amsterdam and its humanitarian tradition and vision.

Encyclopedia of Human Rights

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Preface to the first edition

council of europe

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Family reunification for refugee and migrant children

Book Description

A practical guide to assist legislators and legal practitioners in facilitating the reunification of refugee and migrant children with their families As a result of the sharp increase in the refugee and migrant population in recent years, many children and their families have experienced family separation. Member states are bound by various obligations related to family reunification, and the practical reunification of refugee and migrant children with their family members has proved complex. This handbook is a practical guide both to key legal standards and to promising practices in the field of family reunification and restoring family links. This publication is conceived as a point of reference for capacity-building material, technical assistance, co-operation projects and new practices for and with relevant authorities and institutions. It focuses on the reunification of families with children in the context of international migration, and in particular on reunification possibilities for unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children. It presents an overview of legal principles of human rights, children’s rights, refugee law and EU law relevant to family reunification and then discusses key features of family reunification procedures, with promising examples of law and practice and relevant applicable standards. The handbook contributes to achieving the objectives of the Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe (2017-2019).