Building Europe

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Relying on internal sources, Wilfried Loth analyses the birth and subsequent development of the European Union, from the launch of the Council of Europe and the Schuman Declaration until the Euro crisis and the contested European presidential election of Jean-Claude Juncker. This book shines a light on the crises of the European integration, such as the failure of the European Defence Community, De Gaulle’s empty chair policy, or the rejection of the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, but also highlights the indubitable successes that are the Franco-German reconciliation, the establishment of the European common market, and the establishment of an expanding common currency. What this study accomplishes, for the first time, is to illuminate the driving forces behind the European integration process and how it changed European politics and society. “An enlightening work. Arequired reading for all who doubt the unfinished history of Europe.” – Rolf Steininger, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “This book will become an indispensable standard work.” – Jörg Himmelreich, Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts after 20 Years

Book Description

The Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 and ratified in the following year, is widely seen as a landmark in the evolution of the European Union. It introduced into the treaty framework revolutionary new elements such as the co-decision procedure between the Council and the European Parliament, cooperation in the area of Justice and Home Affairs, the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the "euro" as a single currency for the majority of the then member states. It also introduced the concept of European citizenship into the treaty, reflecting the rising expectations of both citizens and decision-makers in the European project, and upgraded the role of the European Council at the summit of the EU’s institutional structure. Twenty years later, each of these innovations remain of central importance for the process of European integration, while current developments provide a valuable opportunity to reflect on the historical decisions taken in Maastricht in order to assess their significance and examine the subsequent evolution of the Union. This volume brings together an international group of leading scholars in the field in order to provide such an assessment, with each article both looking back over the developments within each of these domains as well as looking ahead to the way in which the EU is positioned to address current challenges. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Integration.

Rethinking Europe's Future

Book Description

Rethinking Europe's Future is a major reevaluation of Europe's prospects as it enters the twenty-first century. David Calleo has written a book worthy of the complexity and grandeur of the challenges Europe now faces. Summoning the insights of history, political economy, and philosophy, he explains why Europe was for a long time the world's greatest problem and how the Cold War's bipolar partition brought stability of a sort. Without the Cold War, Europe risks revisiting its more traditional history. With so many contingent factors--in particular Russia and Europe's Muslim neighbors--no one, Calleo believes, can pretend to predict the future with assurance. Calleo's book ponders how to think about this future. The book begins by considering the rival ''lessons'' and trends that emerge from Europe's deeper past. It goes on to discuss the theories for managing the traditional state system, the transition from autocratic states to communitarian nation states, the enduring strength of nation states, and their uneasy relationship with capitalism. Calleo next focuses on the Cold War's dynamic legacies for Europe--an Atlantic Alliance, a European Union, and a global economy. These three systems now compete to define the future. The book's third and major section examines how Europe has tried to meet the present challenges of Russian weakness and German reunification. Succeeding chapters focus on Maastricht and the Euro, on the impact of globalization on Europeanization, and on the EU's unfinished business--expanding into ''Pan Europe,'' adapting a hybrid constitution, and creating a new security system. Calleo presents three models of a new Europe--each proposing a different relationship with the U.S. and Russia. A final chapter probes how a strong European Union might affect the world and the prospects for American hegemony. This is a beautifully written book that offers rich insight into a critical moment in our history, whose outcome will shape the world long after our time.

Battle Of Single European Market

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First published in 2004. This book studies the history of the single, or internal, market of the European Union since its beginnings after the Second World War until the end of 2000. The perspective is pluridisciplinary and incorporates several dimensions: historical, political, economic; legal and sociological.

An Imperfect Union

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Exploring the Maastricht Treaty process and the politics of European integration, the author argues that the end of the cold war and German unification have created a new set of geopolitical realities in Europe that have affected the nature and dynamics of European union.

Nice Try

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EU member nations must decide whether to ratify the Nice Treaty. This report, written to inform these decisions, is highly critical of the Treaty but argues that it should be passed since it is 'repairable' and rejecting it would delay Eastern enlargement. It proposes two 'emergency repairs' to the Treaty. The authors marshal the best available empirical evidence and analytic techniques to show that the Treaty fails to meet its goal of adjusting EU decision-making to the realities of a Union with 27& members. Far from maintaining the EU's ability to act after enlargement, the authors argue that the Nice reforms reduce EU27 decision-making efficiency below what it would have been with no reform. Unless the Treaty is mended, future integration will be guided by intergovernmental initiatives in which large members play a large role due to their economic dominance. The Treaty also fails to resolve the ECB's 'numbers problem' - enlargement without reform would also damage the ECB's decision-making capacity. The Treaty does include an 'enabling clause' to help solve this problem: the report analyses the possible solutions and proposes specific reforms.

The Politics of Everyday Europe

Book Description

How do political authorities build support for themselves and their rule? Doing so is key to accruing power, but it can be a complicated affair. The European Union, as a novel political entity, faces a particularly difficult set of challenges. The Politics of Everyday Europe argues that the legitimation of EU authority rests in part on a transformation in the symbols and practices of everyday life in Europe. The Single Market and the Euro, the legal category of European Citizen and policies promoting the free movement of people, EU public architecture, arts and popular entertainment, and EU diplomacy and foreign policy all generate symbols and practices that change peoples' day-to-day experiences naturalizing European governance.The modern nation-state has long used similar strategies of nationalism and 'imagined communities' to legitimize its political power. But the EU's cultural infrastructure is unique, as it navigates European national identities with a particularly banality, trying to make the EU seem complementary to, not in competition with, the nation-states. While this cultural legitimation has successfully underpinned the EU's surprising political development, Europe today is more often met with indifference by its citizens rather than affection. As economic and political crises have stretched European social solidarity to the breaking point, this book offers a clear theoretical framework for understanding how everyday culture matters fundamentally in the political life of the EU, and how the construction of meaning can be a potent power resource-albeit one open to contestation and subversion by the very citizens it calls into being.

European Union Politics

Book Description

With its established authority and reputation, the new edition is an invaluable resource. Michelle Cini has brought together a team of international contributors, each specialising in a different field of EU politics. The book is divided into five parts and deals with the history of the European integration process, theories of European integration, the European institutions, a selectnumber of European policy areas, and issues of relevance to the study of EU politics. The second edition has been updated throughout to reflect recent developments, and there are four new chapters on the constitutional treaty, CFSP and ESDP, the single market, and public opinion. This books is supported by a cutting-edge Online Resource Centre. Student resources: Interactive timeline (BRAND NEW HE ONLINE RESOURCE) Interactive map of Europe with facts, key dates and web links for all the EU countries (BRAND NEW HE ONLINE RESOURCE) Maps Case studiesWeb links Information on key articles and books Flashcard glossary Multiple Choice Questions Lecturer resources: PowerPoint slides

Regulatory Governance in South East European Countries Progress and Challenges

Book Description

In October 2001, the Stability Pact and the OECD launched the Regulatory Governance Initiative (RGI) to strengthen the institutional, knowledge and process capacities for developing and implementing more efficient and effective regulation ...