Tenth Annual Conference in Vienna:European Air Law Association

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1998 had seen further efforts by the European Commission to reduce the number of natural monopolies in the air transport market. The Council of the EU discussed a Directive aimed at regulating airport practices by limiting the level of charges, putting an end to unfair practices and improving transparency for users. At the same time, the Commission set conditions on airline alliances after having carried out investigations into several alliances between EU and US carriers. Another significant issue in 1998 has been the review of conditions of carriage and tickets in consultation with the Commission and with consumer organisations, as well as the proposal for a revision of Regulation No. 895/91 regarding denied boarding compensation. Also in high profile during 1998 has been the proposal for a multilateral treaty between the EU and Eastern European countries regarding the adoption of the air law regime of the EU and EU competition law, which would create a common European aviation area. These various developments have provided the principal topics for discussion at the Association's annual conference for 1998.

European Air Law Association:9th Annual Conference in Madrid

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1997 has seen the removal of the last remaining qualifications for a fully liberalised EC air transport market, and increasing signs that liberalisation is stimulating structural changes and producing significant benefits for passengers. It has also seen the focus of regulatory attention moving from liberalisation to safety matters, with initiatives in the field of foreign safety oversight, the reformation of Eurocontrol and the creation of a single European aviation safety authority. Also in high profile during 1997 have been EC/US issues – in connection with transatlantic airline alliances (particularly British Airways/American Airlines) and the Commission's reaction to the Boeing/McDonnell Douglas merger. These various developments provided the principle topics for discussion at the Association's annual conference for 1997 in Madrid.

European Air Law Association

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European Air Law Association

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