The European Challenge

Book Description

Economic and social change is accelerating under the twin impact of globalisation and the new information technologies. But how are these processes interrelated? Are they impelling us towards a common socio-economic future? What can governments do if they want to manage and steer the direction of development? This book addresses these questions with particular reference to the European Union, which has made the development of a socially cohesive, knowledge-based economy its central task for the present decade. It assesses both the challenges and the policy instruments that are being deployed, focussing in particular on the dynamics of the 'new economy'; the new organisational architectures associated with rapid innovation; the transformation of education and training; the implications for social cohesion and exclusion and the role of policy benchmarking in promoting policy learning and enhancing national performance. The European Challenge presents the most up-to-date research on the development of the knowledge-based economy and its social and policy implications. Its accessible and integrated treatment of the processes of economic, social and technological change make it an invaluable resource for those studying and researching in the fields of public and social policy, organisational and technological change and innovation. It is also highly relevant to policy-makers who need to understand and manage this change.

Community Development – A European Challenge

Book Description

International experts discuss community development in its historical trends, its present state and its theoretical concepts as well as its practical implementations in eight European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Sweden). From the Contents: - Historical Movements, Changes in Community Development Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Spain - Community Development - State of the Art - Theory - Basic Conceptual Orientations - Examples of Best Practice

Before the European Challenge

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The West fails to embrace the globe, and the East still looks to its own variegated past. Here is a comparative account of the spirit and development of the main civilizations in Asia before their confrontation with Modern Europe. In many respects, what is going on in Asia and in the Middle East now is a response to the prolonged European challenge. In places it is marked by a selective reception of Western values and techniques, while elsewhere preference is given to inspiration from the domestic tradition. This book aims to contribute to the understanding of these traditions. It takes the form of a historical narrative and gives a comparative insight of the world-views, values, and institutions.

Social Democracy and the Challenge of European Union

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He also explores what this new form of political activity means for European politics, arguing that the traditional positions of left and right may be becoming increasingly significant within the EU's evolving, transnational political culture.

Migration: The Challenge of European States

Book Description

In the US as well as in Europe, migration and migration policy is one of the top issues. This timely volume gathers distinguished authors from academic institutions throughout Europe addressing the growing importance of migration policy making and the refugee crisis that European Union member states and other countries are currently facing. By focusing on the most important effects that the migration from Third World countries has brought to the European Union, they provide a critical overview of the politicization, securitization, and social discourse of migration. The authors analyze the impacts on public administration and governance and also discuss the rise of the radical right in EU member states, the rise of populism, and the alienation of citizens from formal politics which is also caused by the growing interest in security and public safety. The pan-European character of the publication’s scope is vested in its narration; the contributors cover the situation in Western Europe, the critical positions of the Visegrad countries as well as foreign policy making in Slovenia and the Western Balkans. Moreover, the authors address case studies from states such as Armenia and Moldova, including their labor migrants in the Western world. The collection is completed by contrasting and discussing the immigration policies of countries that are well-known for their open and liberal immigration activities such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States.

The Digital Challenge for Europe

Book Description

The impact of digitalization on people and society has become so large that we are talking about a massive digital change of society. Every person, rich or poor, every organization, every country, is profoundly affected by digitalization. Thousands of companies are going through digital transformation processes, to adjust their business model to the digital world in which you can only keep up if you operate internationally, through the Internet. No one can do without a smartphone and access to the Internet anymore. Social media have a major impact on everyone's life, including politics. Just like the industrial society had to be governed differently from the peasant society that preceded it, the digital world increasingly demands other forms of governance. Traditional laws no longer function properly, governments are losing grip on social media and the Internet, tech giants increasingly dominate the digital playing field, economies are rapidly changing from traditional to digital and cybercrime is given free rein. Digitalization also offers excellent opportunities to achieve the necessary global changes and improvements in numerous areas, such as migration, climate, good education and good healthcare for all. After extensive analysis of what is changing as a result of digitalization, this book takes an in-depth look at possible new forms of governance in the digital world. Europe has been taken as the starting point. First of all, because the author is most familiar with the state of the art in Europe, but also because Europe has already been taking a number of important initiatives in the field of digital legislation. Nevertheless, Europe is in many ways still very much behind large countries such as the US and China. This book makes numerous suggestions to strengthen the European digital position in the years to come. This is badly needed for the future prosperity of Europeans and for Europe's position in the world.

The Challenge of Obesity in the WHO European Region and the Strategies for Response

Book Description

In a brief, clear and easily accessible way, this summary illustrates the dynamics of the obesity epidemic and its impact on public health throughout the WHO European Region, particularly in eastern countries. It describes how factors that increase the risk of obesity are shaped in different settings, such as the family, school, community and workplace. It makes both ethical and economic arguments for accelerating action against obesity, and analyses effective programs and policies in different government sectors, such as education, health, agriculture and trade, urban planning and transport. The summary also describes how to design policies and programs to prevent obesity and how to monitor progress, and calls for specific action by stakeholders: not only government sectors but also the private sector - including food manufacturers, advertisers and traders - and professional consumers' and international and intergovernmental organizations such as the European Union.

The Challenge of European Political Will

Book Description

In this follow-on report to Europe's High-End Military Challenges: The Future of European Capabilities and Missions, the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program and International Security Program examine the other side of the coin of European military effectiveness: the political will of European countries to conduct military missions and operations. The report identifies the endogenous and exogenous factors constraining or increasing political will and maps them onto six country case studies. Four prototypes of political will emerged from the analysis: global partners, international activists, constrained partners, and minimalists. The report then assesses the political will of European allies and partners to conduct fifteen types of military missions and operations worldwide, from peacekeeping to large-scale combat. It concludes with a summary of key findings. First, it finds that internal and external factors—such as strategic culture and alliance dependence, respectively—will continue to constrain European political will in many cases, even after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Second, European states are more likely to have the political will to engage in military missions at the lower end of the conflict spectrum (such as maritime patrol missions) and less likely at the higher ends of the spectrum, except in cases of significant collective or national defense.

Unity and flexibility in the future of the European Union : the challenge of enhanced cooperation

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The entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty poses anew the question of whether, from now on, it will be more likely for the European Union to use this mechanism, or, conversely, the new institutional, jurisdictional and decision-making framework may act as a containment of favourable trends in the development of variable integration formulas. In reality, flexible or differentiated integration instruments, within or outside of the framework of the EU, alongside strictly intergovernmental cooperation between certain EU countries, have existed since the beginning of Community integration.

Europe's 21st Century Challenge

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This volume presents the final results of the CHALLENGE research project (The Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security) - a five-year project funded by the Sixth Framework Programme of DG Research of the European Commission. The book critically appraises the liberties of citizens and others within the EU, and the different ways in which they are affected by the proliferation of discourses, practices and norms of insecurity enacted in the name of collective and individual safety. It analyses from an interdisciplinary perspective the impacts of new techniques of surveillance and control on the liberty and security of the citizen. The book studies illiberal practices of liberal regimes in the field of security, and the relationship between the internal and external effects of these practices in an increasingly interconnected world, as well as the effects in relation to the place of the EU in world politics.