European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has established itself as a major international mathematical event. Following those in Paris, 1992, Budapest, 1996, and Barcelona, 2000, the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics took place in Stockholm, Sweden, June 27 to July 2, 2004, with 913 participants from 65 countries. Apart from seven plenary and thirty three invited lectures, there were six Science Lectures covering the most relevant aspects of mathematics in science and technology. Moreover, twelve projects of the EU Research Training Networks in Mathematics and Information Sciences, as well as Programmes from the European Science Foundation in Physical and Engineering Sciences, were presented. Ten EMS Prizes were awarded to young European mathematicians who have made a particular contribution to the progress of mathematics. Five of the prizewinners were independently chosen by the 4ECM Scientific Committee as plenary or invited speakers. The other five prizewinners gave their lectures in parallel sessions. Most of these contributions are now collected in this volume, providing a permanent record of so much that is best in mathematics today.

First European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

The book contains the round table reports of the first European Congress of Mathematics, a new feature of this Congress devoted to furthering the contribution of mathematics to society and reporting on its interaction with the exact and social sciences. Topics: • Mathematics and the general public • Women and mathematics • Mathematics and educational policy • Let's cultivate mathematics! • Mathematical Europe: Myth or historical reality? • Philosophie des mathématiques : pourquoi ? comment ? • Mathématiques et sciences sociales • Mathe- matics and industry • Degree harmonization and student exchange programmes • The Pythagoras programme • Collaboration with devel- oping countries • Mathematical libraries in Europe • Mathematics and economics • Mathématiques et Chimie • Mathematics in medicine and biology. This book is also available in hardcover as Volume 121 of the series Progress in Mathematics, where it forms part of the three-volume set First European Congress of Mathematics. Volumes I (Invited Lectures Part 1) and II (Invited Lectures Part 2) of this set are also available separately as Volumes 119 and 120, respectively, of Progress in Mathematics.

European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

This is the second volume of the procedings of the second European Congress of Mathematics. Volume I presents the speeches delivered at the Congress, the list of lectures, and short summaries of the achievements of the prize winners. Together with volume II it contains a collection of contributions by the invited lecturers. Finally, volume II also presents reports on some of the Round Table discussions. This two-volume set thus gives an overview of the state of the art in many fields of mathematics and is therefore of interest to every professional mathematician. Contributors: Vol. I: N. Alon, L. Ambrosio, K. Astala, R. Benedetti, Ch. Bessenrodt, F. Bethuel, P. Bjørstad, E. Bolthausen, J. Bricmont, A. Kupiainen, D. Burago, L. Caporaso, U. Dierkes, I. Dynnikov, L.H. Eliasson, W.T. Gowers, H. Hedenmalm, A. Huber, J. Kaczorowski, J. Kollár, D.O. Kramkov, A.N. Shiryaev, C. Lescop, R. März. Vol. II: J. Matousek, D. McDuff, A.S. Merkurjev, V. Milman, St. Müller, T. Nowicki, E. Olivieri, E. Scoppola, V.P. Platonov, J. Pöschel, L. Polterovich , L. Pyber, N. Simányi, J.P. Solovej, A. Stipsicz, G. Tardos, J.-P. Tignol, A.P. Veselov, E. Zuazua.

European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

This is the first volume of the proceedings of the third European Congress of Mathematics. Volume I presents the speeches delivered at the Congress, the list of lectures, and short summaries of the achievements of the prize winners as well as papers by plenary and parallel speakers. The second volume collects articles by prize winners and speakers of the mini-symposia. This two-volume set thus gives an overview of the state of the art in many fields of mathematics and is therefore of interest to every professional mathematician. Contributors: R. Ahlswede, V. Bach, V. Baladi, J. Bruna, N. Burq, X. Cabré, P.J. Cameron, Z. Chatzidakis, C. Ciliberto, G. Dal Maso, J. Denef, R. Dijkgraaf, B. Fantechi, H. Föllmer, A.B. Goncharov, A. Grigor'yan, M. Harris, R. Iturriaga, K. Johansson, K. Khanin, P. Koskela, H.W. Lenstra, Jr., F. Loeser, Y.I. Manin, N.S. Manton, Y. Meyer, I. Moerdijk, E.M. Opdam, T. Peternell, B.M.A.G. Piette, A. Reznikov, H. Schlichtkrull, B. Schmidt, K. Schmidt, C. Simó, B. Tóth, E. van den Ban, M.-F. Vignéras, O. Viro.

European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, 14-18 July, 2008

Book Description

The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has established itself as a major international mathematical event. Following those in Paris (1992), Budapest (1996), Barcelona (2000), and Stockholm (2004), the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics (5ECM) took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 14-18, 2008, with about 1000 participants from 68 different countries. Ten plenary and thirty-three invited lectures were delivered. Three science lectures outlined applications of mathematics in other sciences: climate change, quantum information theory, and population dynamics. As in the four preceding EMS congresses, ten EMS prizes were granted to very promising young mathematicians. In addition, the Felix Klein Prize was awarded, for the second time, for an application of mathematics to a concrete and difficult industrial problem. There were twenty-two minisymposia, spread over the whole mathematical area. Two round table meetings were organized: one on industrial mathematics and one on mathematics and developing countries. As part of the 44th Nederlands Mathematisch Congres, which was embedded in 5ECM, the so-called Brouwer lecture was presented. It is the Netherlands' most prestigious award in mathematics, organized every three years by the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society. Information about Brouwer was given in an invited historical lecture during the congress. These proceedings contain a selection of the contributions to the congress, providing a permanent record of the best of what mathematics offers today.

First European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

The first European Congress of Mathematics was held in Paris from July 6 to July 10, 1992, at the Sorbonne and Pantheon-Sorbonne universities. It was hoped that the Congress would constitute a symbol of the development of the community of European nations. More than 1,300 persons attended the Congress. The purpose of the Congress was twofold. On the one hand, there was a scientific facet which consisted of forty-nine invited mathematical lectures that were intended to establish the state of the art in the various branches of pure and applied mathematics. This scientific facet also included poster sessions where participants had the opportunity of presenting their work. Furthermore, twenty four specialized meetings were held before and after the Congress. The second facet of the Congress was more original. It consisted of sixteen round tables whose aim was to review the prospects for the interactions of mathe matics, not only with other sciences, but also with society and in particular with education, European policy and industry. In connection with this second goal, the Congress also succeeded in bringing mathematics to a broader public. In addition to the round tables specifically devoted to this question, there was a mini-festival of mathematical films and two mathematical exhibits. Moreover, a Junior Mathematical Congress was organized, in parallel with the Congress, which brought together two hundred high school students.

European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

This is the second volume of the proceedings of the third European Congress of Mathematics. Volume I presents the speeches delivered at the Congress, the list of lectures, and short summaries of the achievements of the prize winners as well as papers by plenary and parallel speakers. The second volume collects articles by prize winners and speakers of the mini-symposia. This two-volume set thus gives an overview of the state of the art in many fields of mathematics and is therefore of interest to every professional mathematician.

First European Congress of Mathematics

Book Description

Table of contents: Plenary Lectures V.I. Arnold: The Vassiliev Theory of Discriminants and Knots L. Babai: Transparent Proofs and Limits to Approximation C. De Concini: Poisson Algebraic Groups and Representations of Quantum Groups at Roots of 1 S.K. Donaldson: Gauge Theory and Four-Manifold Topology W. Mller: Spectral Theory and Geometry D. Mumford: Pattern Theory: A Unifying Perspective A.-S. Sznitman: Brownian Motion and Obstacles M. Vergne: Geometric Quantization and Equivariant Cohomology Parallel Lectures Z. Adamowicz: The Power of Exponentiation in Arithmetic A. Bjrner: Subspace Arrangements B. Bojanov: Optimal Recovery of Functions and Integrals J.-M. Bony: Existence globale et diffusion pour les modles discrets R.E. Borcherds: Sporadic Groups and String Theory J. Bourgain: A Harmonic Analysis Approach to Problems in Nonlinear Partial Differatial Equations F. Catanese: (Some) Old and New Results on Algebraic Surfaces Ch. Deninger: Evidence for a Cohomological Approach to Analytic Number Theory S. Dostoglou and D.A. Salamon: Cauchy-Riemann Operators, Self-Duality, and the Spectral Flow.