Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy

Book Description

Whether the law should permit voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is one of the most vital questions facing all modern societies. Internationally, the main obstacle to legalisation has proved to be the objection that, even if they were morally acceptable in certain 'hard cases', voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide could not be effectively controlled; society would slide down a 'slippery slope' to the killing of patients who did not make a free and informed request, or for whom palliative care would have offered an alternative. How cogent is this objection? This book provides the general reader (who need have no expertise in philosophy, law or medicine) with a lucid introduction to this central question in the debate, not least by reviewing the Dutch euthanasia experience. It will interest all in any country whether currently for or against legalisation, who wish to ensure that their opinions are better informed.

Giving Death a Helping Hand

Book Description

Public policy surrounding the hotly debated issue of physician-assisted suicide is examined in detail. You’ll find an analysis of the current legal standing and practice of physician-assisted suicide in several countries. Authors discuss the ethical principles underlying its legal and professional regulation. Personal narratives provide important first-hand accounts from professionals who have been involved in end-of-life issues for many years.

The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Book Description

After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of arguments for assisted suicide and euthanasia, Gorsuch builds a nuanced, novel, and powerful moral and legal argument against legalization, one based on a principle that, surprisingly, has largely been overlooked in the debate; the idea that human life is intrinsically valuable and that intentional killing is always wrong. At the same time, the argument Gorsuch develops leaves wide latitude for individual patient autonomy and the refusal of unwanted medical treatment and life-sustaining care, permitting intervention only in cases where an intention to kill is present.

Last Rights?

Book Description

This rich and comprehensive anthology of primary sources is the essential reference work for anyone interested in understanding the arguments--moral, theological, medical, and legal-- on both sides of the assisted suicide and euthanasia debate.

Euthanasia and the Ethics of a Doctor’s Decisions

Book Description

Why do so many doctors have profound misgivings about the push to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide? Ole Hartling uses his background as a physician, university professor and former chairman of the Danish Council of Ethics to introduce new elements into what can often be understood as an all too simple debate. Alive to the case that assisted dying can be driven by an unattainable yearning for control, Hartling concentrates on two fundamental questions: whether the answer to suffering is to remove the sufferer, and whether self-determination in dying and death is an illusion. He draws on his own experience as a medical doctor to personalize the ethical arguments, share patients' narratives and make references to medical literature. Here is a sceptical stance towards euthanasia, one that is respectful to those who hold different opinions and well-informed about the details and nuances of different euthanasia practices. Written from a Scandinavian perspective, where respect for autonomy and high quality palliative care go hand in hand, Hartling's is a nuanced, valuable contribution to the arguments that surround a question doctors have faced since the birth of medicine. He shows us how the intentions of doing something good can sometimes lead to even greater dilemmas, opening us up to those situations where an inclination to end suffering by ending life is deeply conflicting both for the clinician and for any fellow human being.

Politics and Policies in the Debate on Euthanasia

Book Description

This book analyses the political and public debates about euthanasia in Portugal. Utilising petitions submitted to Parliament, legislative bills, parliamentary debates, opinion articles in newspapers, and documents published by the Catholic Church, it examines this sensitive issue through the theoretical lens of morality politics. It does so by studying the process of political dispute between advocacy coalitions formed by political parties and societal actors. This is the first book to comprehensively analyse a morality issue in Portugal, a predominantly Catholic country that has taken an innovative and liberal stance on many morality issues over the last two decades. It will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, political science, public policy and bioethics, as well as policymakers and other interest groups.

Links Between Ethics and Public Policy

Book Description

This dissertation used Q methodology to measure and analyze the moral and political positions of various actors who have an interest in the issue of physician aided dying. The population studied included health care professionals, legal professionals, members of the clergy and religious orders, social workers, caregivers, ethicists, the aged and infirm, all of whom comprised the primary decision making group for end of life issues. There were 41 participants in this study. 36 of the 41 participants who completed the Q-sorting portion of the study also completed a public policy survey. A factor analysis was performed and a judgmental rotation of the factors from which a three-factor solution emerged (referred to in the text as Factor A, Factor B, and Factor C). Factor B, the only Q factor that correlated significantly with a policy factor, supports a policy program that would reform the existing legal system in order to accommodate its moral reasoning. Factor A is distinguished by its belief that PAS and euthanasia are inimical to physicians' moral duty and fundamentally wrong. Factors B and C believe that physician assisted dying can, for some patients, increase the prospects for dying well and that the medical and legal system should evolve to accept that perspective. Factor C is also more focused than Factor B on emphasizing that PAS and euthanasia do not signify a failure of physicians to follow their moral duty towards their patients and society.

Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die

Book Description

In Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die: the Interface of Social Science, Public Policy, and Medical Ethics, Barry Rosenfeld examines how social science can inform policy and practice in the ongoing debates on end-of-life matters. While moral and ethical aspects of the controversy may not be the domain of science, many questions are amenable to scientific study, including the degree to which untreated pain or depression fuel requests for assisted suicide.

Physician-Assisted Death

Book Description

Physician-Assisted Death is the eleventh volume of Biomedical Ethics Reviews. We, the editors, are pleased with the response to the series over the years and, as a result, are happy to continue into a second decade with the same general purpose and zeal. As in the past, contributors to projected volumes have been asked to summarize the nature of the literature, the prevailing attitudes and arguments, and then to advance the discussion in some way by staking out and arguing forcefully for some basic position on the topic targeted for discussion. For the present volume on Physician-Assisted Death, we felt it wise to enlist the services of a guest editor, Dr. Gregg A. Kasting, a practicing physician with extensive clinical knowledge of the various problems and issues encountered in discussing physician assisted death. Dr. Kasting is also our student and just completing a graduate degree in philosophy with a specialty in biomedical ethics here at Georgia State University. Apart from a keen interest in the topic, Dr. Kasting has published good work in the area and has, in our opinion, done an excellent job in taking on the lion's share of editing this well-balanced and probing set of essays. We hope you will agree that this volume significantly advances the level of discussion on physician-assisted euthanasia. Incidentally, we wish to note that the essays in this volume were all finished and committed to press by January 1993.

Intending Death

Book Description

At the cutting-edge of one of the most sensitive contemporary controversies, this anthology presents the most current thinking of experts in the field of the ethics of assisted suicide and euthanasia--exploring point blank issues that law and public policy have often skirted or wished away. Explores issues from three perspectives--philosophical, clinical and political, legal and economic.