Book Description
"I am Eva, and I do not need what unaware people need, such as a TapLine Master of an Earthly Korporation." Says Eva SharIS, who was once an unaware Korporation Member. At the time this was fine, as all of us go through a lot of experiences to Become MoreAware with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Most people are still with the Invented Gods of Man, which has been many lifetimes of suppression. Because people have been so conditioned to this one-dimensional world, they are actually afraid to let go of this 'Place in Life' to experience the RealFreedom they want. The DarkBrats who rule the earth and most RoundWorlds are only interested in controlling people. The masses have been led like cattle and become Dumbed Down Humans for the Earthly Korporations. This has become a 'Standard' for people to blindly accept. There is nothing wrong with anything, but to be a slave to creation is to have no life at all, because YU will keep coming back here and having to work at a boring job.