Evaluación y tratamiento de delincuentes

Book Description

Este manual se ocupa de la evaluación y el tratamiento de los delincuentes, que se utilizan con la finalidad de promover el abandono del delito y su rehabilitación social. Para ello presenta las técnicas de tratamiento más importantes y el modo de aplicarlas y de evaluar su eficacia. Presta atención preferente a los programas de tratamiento aplicados con delincuentes graves y de especial riesgo, como delincuentes juveniles, delincuentes violentos, toxicómanos, agresores sexuales y maltratadores familiares. Analiza diversos tratamientos aplicados en instituciones juveniles, en prisiones y en la comunidad. Y plantea también la cuestión de en qué grado la aplicación de tratamientos puede contribuir a la disminución del riesgo delictivo futuro de los delincuentes y a su abandono del delito. A lo largo del texto se presentan diversos casos y experiencias prácticas cuyo propósito es ejemplificar los conceptos y aplicaciones más importantes del tratamiento de los delincuentes. Aunque todos ellos proceden de situaciones reales, se han modificado y recreado para proteger las identidades de las personas a las que hacen referencia. El libro se dirige en primera instancia, como manual de trabajo, a psicólogos, criminólogos, educadores, trabajadores sociales y otros profesionales que tienen a su cargo diseñar, adaptar, aplicar o evaluar tratamientos con delincuentes. En igual medida esta obra se destina también a servir como manual de estudio para la formación universitaria en esta materia.

Evaluación y tratamiento de delincuentes

Book Description

Este manual se ocupa de la evaluación y el tratamiento de los delincuentes, que se utilizan con la finalidad de promover el abandono del delito y su rehabilitación social. Para ello presenta las técnicas de tratamiento más importantes y el modo de aplicarlas y de evaluar su eficacia. Presta atención preferente a los programas de tratamiento aplicados con delincuentes graves y de especial riesgo, como delincuentes juveniles, delincuentes violentos, toxicómanos, agresores sexuales y maltratadores familiares. Analiza diversos tratamientos aplicados en instituciones juveniles, en prisiones y en la comunidad. Y plantea también la cuestión de en qué grado la aplicación de tratamientos puede contribuir a la disminución del riesgo delictivo futuro de los delincuentes y a su abandono del delito.A lo largo del texto se presentan diversos casos y experiencias prácticas cuyo propósito es ejemplificar los conceptos y aplicaciones más importantes del tratamiento de los delincuentes. Aunque todos ellos proceden de situaciones reales, se han modificado y recreado para proteger las identidades de las personas a las que hacen referencia.El libro se dirige en primera instancia, como manual de trabajo, a psicólogos, criminólogos, educadores, trabajadores sociales y otros profesionales que tienen a su cargo diseñar, adaptar, aplicar o evaluar tratamientos con delincuentes. En igual medida esta obra se destina también a servir como manual de estudio para la formación universitaria en esta materia.

A Shift in the Security Paradigm

Book Description

This book discusses some of the strategic lines in front of the trends related to the new challenges of global security in this new century: some rather universal problems (migration, terrorism, cyberspace, conflict resolutions techniques in prisons, economic intelligence), as well as more military ones (new conflicts: new world stage, new weapons, new military doctrines, mass destruction weapons and nuclear arms control, outer space and ocean depths), without forgetting some global and conceptual topics (disintegration is driving insecurity, searching for quality in international affairs, shield of security culture through data protection, information society and the protective influence of security culture). A special focus is put on Europe's interests. The unique, complex process of integration of European states is confronted by various problems caused by the implementation of different political visions presented by the factions of the European Union's establishment. The diverse interpretation of the goals and paths of development of this organization leads to the violation of its cohesion, which is used by global partners with the opportunity to broaden their influence and achieve their own goals by playing European countries individually. There is a need for the EU to go further to achieve a deeper level of integration and strategic autonomy which would allow for the implementation of a coherent policy towards the powers.

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice

Book Description

This handbook provides a unique overview of rehabilitation as practiced internationally in criminal justice. Through the contributions of a diverse group that includes, among others, academics (some of whom are former practitioners), research students, a judge, and a probation chief, it reflects common features of criminal justice in different countries and documents their diversity and celebrates their vitality. In recent times the idea of ‘law and order’ has been expropriated by populist, authoritarian and doctrinaire regimes, almost always and nearly everywhere in the service of arbitrary and unjust rule. By and large this handbook does not include such regimes. But ‘law’ itself also has the capacity to constrain rulers, and ‘order’ in the form of social peace is a universally approved civic asset. In part, the book provides a counter-narrative demonstrating that although criminal justice dispositions such as probation, prisons, and parole can be represented as a ‘via dolorosa’, rehabilitation as illustrated in these pages can become a journey that leads by degrees towards the possibility of a better life. The handbook will be of interest to students, academics, practitioners, managers, policy makers and all those who wish to gain insight into the why and the how of rehabilitation in criminal justice systems across the world.

Manual para el tratamiento psicológico de los delincuentes

Book Description

En esta obra se explican los tratamientos psicológicos utilizados en la actualidad con los delincuentes. Se presentan las técnicas más importantes y el modo de aplicarlas, así como la forma de evaluar su eficacia. Se presta atención de manera preferente a programas de tratamiento con delincuentes de especial preocupación: juveniles, violentos, toxicómanos, agresores sexuales y maltratadores familiares. Se analizan los tratamientos que se han llevado a cabo en prisiones, en instituciones juveniles y en la comunidad social, presentando diversos casos y experiencias basados en hechos reales. Asimismo, se valora en qué grado el tratamiento puede lograr reducir el riesgo delictivo futuro.

Persisters and Desisters in Crime from Adolescence into Adulthood

Book Description

Too many juvenile delinquents persist in their offending into adulthood. They constitute a major burden for individual victims, for businesses and the justice system, all contributing to the total cost of crime for society. Focusing on the transition between juvenile offending and adult crime, this book examines research based on Dutch, European and North-American studies on the persistence and discontinuity of offending between late adolescence and early adulthood. Presenting empirical studies showing why persistence or discontinuity take place, the book provides up-to-date information on preventive and remedial interventions to promote discontinuity of offending amongst young adults. From the same team who produced 'Tomorrow's Criminals', this book will be a valuable resource for criminologists, criminal justice professionals, psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists interested in juvenile and young adult offenders, as well as those interested in what makes career criminals and youth who reform.

Persisters and Desisters in Crime from Adolescence into Adulthood

Book Description

Too many juvenile delinquents persist in their offending into adulthood. They constitute a major burden for individual victims, for businesses and the justice system, all contributing to the total cost of crime for society. Focusing on the transition between juvenile offending and adult crime, this book examines research based on Dutch, European and North-American studies on the persistence and discontinuity of offending between late adolescence and early adulthood. Presenting empirical studies showing why persistence or discontinuity take place, the book provides up-to-date information on preventive and remedial interventions to promote discontinuity of offending amongst young adults. From the same team who produced 'Tomorrow's Criminals', this book will be a valuable resource for criminologists, criminal justice professionals, psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists interested in juvenile and young adult offenders, as well as those interested in what makes career criminals and youth who reform.

The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Institutional and Community Corrections

Book Description

The authors of the chapters included in this volume provide preliminary answers to questions such as: How extensive were COVID-19 outbreaks in prisons, jails, and community corrections systems globally? Which regions and countries reported the largest outbreaks? Why were prisons and jails found to be "hot spots" for the spread of COVID-19 in most countries? How did governments initially respond to COVID-19 outbreaks in their corrections systems? Did the mitigation strategies used in each country reduce the spread of the infection in the corrections system (both in prisons and jails, and in community corrections)? Did the corrections-focused mitigation strategies used in each country have a positive or an adverse impact on public health and public safety? How likely is it that the varied short-term mitigation strategies implemented by governments will result in long-term changes in corrections policies and practices? The book includes three chapters examining the global impact of the COVID-19 outbreaks, six regional overviews, and 27 country-specific reviews, including reviews targeting 21 of the 50 largest prison systems globally. This collection will be an excellent resource for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and the general public interested in knowing more about the nature and extent of COVID-19 outbreaks in corrections systems globally, and about the diversity of responses developed and implemented by governments from each global region. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Victims & Offenders.