Book Description
Witnesses: Panel I: Congress. Perspectives: Senators -- Debbie Stabenow; Sherrod Brown; Chuck Schumer; Lindsey Graham. Panel II: U.S. and Chinese Expectations for China¿s Entry in the WTO: Alan Wolff, former Dep. U.S. Trade Rep.; Thea Lee, AFL-CIO; Robert Lighthizer, former Dep. U.S. Trade Rep. Panel III: Current U.S.-China Relations in the WTO: The Reality a Decade Later: James Bacchus, former chmn. of the Appellate Body of the WTO; Clyde Prestowitz, Econ. Strategy Inst.; Oded Shenkar, Ohio State Univ. Panel IV: Recommend. for Future U.S.-China Relations within the WTO: Terence Stewart; Gilbert Kaplan, Pres. Comm. to Support U.S. Trade Laws; Calman Cohen, Emergency Comm. for Amer. Trade. This is a print on demand report.