Evaluating the impacts of in-kind productive transfers and extension training in Zambia

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The Government of Zambia has prioritized the scaling up of the Food Security Pack (FSP) to address the economic hardships faced by vulnerable rural households in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The FSP is an agricultural social protection package that provides a diverse basket of improved seeds, fertilizers, and other technologies to vulnerable, but labour endowed rural households. The ambition of the FSP is to support these households to sustainably increase production and diversification, and to transition from subsistence oriented to more market-oriented production. An important challenge facing the implementation and efficacy of the FSP are the constraints in linking beneficiaries of the programme with appropriate extension support. Zambia has a very high farmer to extension officer ratio, which forces extension officers to prioritize extension support for larger, and more resource endowed producers. As such, FSP beneficiaries often lack the appropriate information for using the FSP input packet in effective and sustainable ways, thus preventing a transition to higher agricultural production and exit from poverty. The baseline report provides a snapshot of the current socioeconomic conditions of a random sample of 3000 eligible non-beneficiaries, FSP beneficiaries, and FSP plus agricultural extension services, and will inform the government about its accuracy in their targeting.

Advancing social protection in rural Africa

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This report aims to provide an illustrative and insightful overview of FAO’s work in social protection across Africa. [Author] Produced by the FAO Regional Office for Africa, the publication showcases a range of innovative and impactful projects that have contributed to enhancing the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable populations. [Author] It features examples from Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Somalia, Uganda and Zambia. [Author] The report explores how FAO’s initiatives have effectively integrated social protection with agriculture and rural development, addressing challenges such as food insecurity, poverty and climate change. [Author] Aimed at policymakers and practitioners, the publication’s intent is to foster knowledge-sharing, stimulate dialogue and encourage the replication of successful models in other countries and contexts. [Author]

The role of social protection in inclusive structural transformation

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Structural transformation involves the reallocation of resources from less to more productive uses. It involves growth in agricultural productivity and generation of higher productivity jobs in other sectors. In addition, in the longer-term, it can support poverty reduction. However, the transition process and its outcomes are frequently challenging – especially among the poor and vulnerable people and households, given the economic and social forces that pressure them to adapt to realities faster than they are able to. The objective of the paper is to show how social protection policies and programmes can contribute to structural transformation, smoothen the transition for the poor and vulnerable and facilitate changes in their livelihoods such that they are able to actively participate in the process of structural transformation. Social protection interventions help households to engage in new economic activities generated by structural transformation, allow them to better manage the risks of such transitions and provide a safety net for those who are not adequately equipped to adapt to the changing circumstances rapidly enough. The paper draws from an extended review of the literature to assess how social protection influences human capital, labor mobility, reallocation of resources, productive capital and access to technology. The paper shows that the potential for major benefits from social protection in smoothening transitions and transforming the income generating activities and livelihoods of individuals and households is significant, the actual impact however is smaller than actually desired or expected.


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Boosting growth to end hunger by 2025: The role of social protection

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Social protection programs—public or private initiatives that aid the poor and protect the vulnerable against livelihood risks—can effectively be used to assist those trapped, or at the risk of being trapped, in chronic poverty. These programs aim to address chronic poverty through redistribution and protect vulnerable households from falling below the poverty line. Although investments in social protection programs are often motivated by equity concerns, they can also contribute to economic growth by, for example, encouraging savings, creating community assets, and addressing market imperfections. Despite their potential and proliferation, not enough is known about social protection programs in Africa. The 2017–2018 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) reduces this knowledge gap by focusing on the potential of such programs on the continent and the corresponding opportunities and challenges. The chapters of the Report highlight the benefits of these programs, not only to their direct recipients but also others in the community through spillover effects. They also underscore the importance of appropriate design and sustainability to fully realize the potential of social protection programs.

From Evidence to Action

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Cash transfers have become a key social protection tool in developing countries and have expanded dramatically in the last two decades. However, the impacts of cash transfers programmes, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, have not been substantially documented. This book presents a detailed overview of the impact evaluations of these programmes, carried out by the Transfer Project and FAO’s From Protection to Production project. The 14 chapters include a review of eight country case studies: Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, as well as a description of the innovative research methodologies, political economy issues and good practices to design cash transfer programmes. The key objective of the book is to enhance the understanding of these development programmes, how they lead to a broad range of social and productive impacts and also of the role of programme evaluation in the process of developing policies and implementing programmes.

The Skills Balancing Act in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Despite strong recent economic growth, Sub-Saharan Africa has levels of economic transformation, poverty reduction, and skill development far below those of other regions. Smart investments in developing skills—aligned with the policy goals of productivity growth, inclusion, and adaptability—can help to accelerate the region’s economic transformation in the 21st century. Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing working-age population presents a major opportunity to increase shared prosperity. Countries in the region have invested heavily in building skills; public expenditure on education increased sevenfold over the past 30 years, and more children are in school today than ever before. Yet, systems for building skills in this population have fallen short, and these shortcomings significantly impede economic prospects. In half of the countries, fewer than two in every three children complete primary school; even fewer reach and complete higher levels of education. Learning outcomes have been persistently poor, leading to substantial gaps in basic cognitive skills—literacy and numeracy—among children, young people, and adults. The literacy rate of the adult population is below 50 percent in many countries; functional literacy and numeracy rates are even lower. Systemwide change is required to achieve significant progress. Multiple agencies at the central and local levels are involved in skills development strategies, making skills “everyone’s problem but no one’s responsibility.†? Policies and reforms need to build capacity for evidence-based policies and create incentives to align the behaviors of all stakeholders with the pursuit of national skills development goals. The Skills Balancing Act in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investing in Skills for Productivity, Inclusivity, and Adaptability lays out evidence to inform the policy choices that countries will make in skill investments. Each chapter addresses a set of specific questions, drawing on original analysis and synthesis of existing studies to explore key areas: • How the skills appropriate to each stage of the life cycle are acquired and what market and institutional failures affect skills formation • What systems are needed for individuals to access these skills, including family investments, private sector institutions, schools, and other public programs • How those systems can be strengthened • How the most vulnerable individuals—those who fall outside the standard systems and have missed critical building blocks in skills acquisition—can be supported. Countries will face trade-offs—often stark ones—that will have distributional impacts and a bearing on their development path. Committed leaders, reform coalitions, and well-coordinated policies are essential for taking on the skills balancing act in Sub-Saharan Africa.