Soil Health Analysis, Set

Book Description

Volume 1 briefly reviews selected “Approaches to Soil Health Analysis” including a brief history of the concept, challenges and opportunities, meta-data and assessment, applications to forestry and urban land reclamation, and future soil health monitoring and evaluation approaches. Volume 2 focuses on “Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis” including an overview and suggested analytical approaches intended to provide meaningful, comparable data so that soil health can be used to guide restoration and protection of our global soil resources.

Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis (Soil Health series, Volume 2)

Book Description

Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis Analyzing, comparing, and understanding soil health data The maintenance of healthy soil resources is instrumental to the success of an array of global efforts and initiatives. Whether they are working to combat food shortages, conserve our ecosystems, or mitigate the impact of climate change, researchers and agriculturalists the world over must be able to correctly examine and understand the complex nature of this essential resource. These new volumes have been designed to meet this need, addressing the many dimensions of soil health analysis in chapters that are concise, accessible and applicable to the tasks at hand. Soil Health, Volume Two: Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis provides explanations of the best practices by which one may arrive at valuable, comparable data and incisive conclusions, and covers topics including: Sampling considerations and field evaluations Assessment and interpretation of soil-test biological activity Macro- and micronutrients in soil quality and health PLFA and EL-FAME indicators Offering a practical guide to collecting and understanding soil health data, this volume will be of great interest to all those working in agriculture, private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic-, state-, and federal-research projects, as well as state and federal soil conservation, water quality and other environmental programs.

Soil Physical Measurement and Interpretation for Land Evaluation

Book Description

Soil physical measurements are essential for solving many natural resource management problems. This operational laboratory and field handbook provides, for the first time, a standard set of methods that are cost-effective and well suited to land resource survey. It provides: *practical guidelines on the soil physical measurements across a range of soils, climates and land uses; *straightforward descriptions for each method (including common pitfalls) that can be applied by people with a rudimentary knowledge of soil physics, and *guidelines on the interpretation of results and integration with land resource assessment. Soil Physical Measurement And Interpretation for Land Evaluation begins with an introduction to land evaluation and then outlines procedures for field sampling. Twenty detailed chapters cover pore space relations, water retention, hydraulic conductivity, water table depth, dispersion, aggregation, particle size, shrinkage, Atterburg limits and strength. The book includes procedures for estimating soil physical properties from more readily available data and shows how soil physical data can be integrated into land planning and management decisions.

Methods for Assessing Soil Quality

Book Description

Methods for Assessing Soil Quality builds on two previous publications, Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable Environment (SSSA spec. publ. 35, 1994) and Soil Health and Sustainability (Doran et al. 1996).

Approaches to Soil Health Analysis (Soil Health series, Volume 1)

Book Description

Approaches to Soil Health Analysis A concise survey of soil health analysis and its various techniques and applications The maintenance of healthy soil resources provides the foundation for an array of global efforts and initiatives that affect humanity. Whether they are working to combat food shortages, conserve our ecosystems, or mitigate the impact of climate change, researchers and agriculturalists the world over must be able to correctly examine and understand the complex nature of this essential, fragile resource. These new volumes have been designed to meet this need, addressing the many dimensions of soil health analysis in chapters that are concise, accessible and applicable to the tasks at hand. Soil Health, Volume One: Approaches to Soil Health Analysis provides a well-rounded overview of the various methods and strategies available to analysists, and covers topics including: The history of soil health and its study Challenges and opportunities facing analysists Meta-data and its assessment Applications to forestry and urban land reclamation Future soil health monitoring and evaluation approaches Offering a far-reaching survey of this increasingly interdisciplinary field, this volume will be of great interest to all those working in agriculture, private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic-, state-, and federal-research projects, as well as state and federal soil conservation, water quality and other environmental programs.

Using the Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health to Assess Remnant Tallgrass Prairie Soils as a Target for Future Soil Restoration

Book Description

The planet's arable soils are rapidly degrading, primarily through mismanagement, erosion, and pollution. In contrast, some of the most fertile soils in the world lie under grasslands, such as in the Central Plains region of the United States. These soils were developed over thousands of years through wind depositions and through the deep roots of native grasses and forbs, each year depositing the organic matter and carbon of old roots under the surface. The eastern edge of US grasslands is occupied by Tallgrass Prairie, 98% of which has been converted to row crops and human use. There remains, among these soils, small remnants which have remained uncultivated or plowed, and which are likely the best remaining examples of grassland soils from before modern agriculture. To improve and preserve the agricultural soils throughout the Midwest, it is essential to thoroughly understand the soil properties of these remnant soils. Currently the most widely recognized and comprehensive suite of soil tests available for analyzing chemical, physical, and biological aspects of soil is the Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health offered by the Cornell Soil Health Laboratory (CSHL). Multiple government and research groups use this testing service for the quantification of soil health properties. The goals of this study are to use Cornell University's Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health tools to: 1) evaluate the soil health of remnant tallgrass prairies in Nebraska, by quantifying a suite of relevant physical, chemical, and biological soil properties collected at multiple remnant sites; 2) compare the data from these remnant grasslands with comparable data collected in nearby agricultural fields to determine the degree and type of soil degradation which may have occurred there; and 3) use the profile characteristics of the remnant soils as a benchmark for evaluating soil health of samples derived from a region-wide data base for agricultural soils of collected from former prairies throughout the Great Plains. In the Nebraska Tallgrass Prairie region, nine research sites were identified. Five remnant sites were paired with one of four nearby agricultures sites that had a similar soil type, slope, and elevation. At each site, five subsamples were collected at 0-15 cm and at 15-30 cm soil depths. The samples were analyzed for soil texture, available water capacity, organic matter percentage, soil protein, soil respiration, active carbon, pH, total carbon, total nitrogen macro and micronutrients. The data analyses were conducted using R Studio, and the results of the remnant sites and of the agricultural sites were compared: 1) with each other, and 2) with selected samples from the CSHL Prairie State Database (PSD). There were significant differences between the remnant soils and the agricultural soils at 0-15 cm. Differences were most pronounced in the biological soil properties, with remnant soils exhibiting higher values among soil health properties that measure soil functional capacity. This pattern was also evident in the physical soil properties, although the differences were not as pronounced. In the chemical analyses, higher nutrient concentrations were found in the remnant sites than in the agricultural sites, apart from phosphorous, which was significantly higher in the agricultural sites. Similar patterns were found in the samples from 15-30 cm depth, although less pronounced. Pearson's Correlation revealed significant correlations among the biological indicators, particularly among carbon-related soil properties. In addition, a Principal Component Analysis identified associations among indicators strongly associated with microbial activity and organic matter quality. Comparison of the Nebraska samples with the Prairie Soils from the broader CSHL data base was especially insightful as soils from the remnant sites had higher soil health indicators for every property measured, except phosphorous, iron and zinc. In general, this study indicated serious degradation in the agricultural soils as compared with the remnants, with total nitrogen showing the highest difference, followed by various forms of carbon. The comparison of remnant prairie sites with agricultural sites in eastern Nebraska quantified what is apparently a breakdown of healthy soil functions in active agricultural land, as a result of long-term agricultural practices. The remnant soil health profiles presented here can therefore serve as a reference for guiding management and restoration of agricultural systems throughout the Tallgrass Prairie Region. This study also highlights the powerful approach of using the CSHL comprehensive soil analyses in combination with remnant grasslands as diagnostic tool for other types of grasslands across the Great Plains and globally.

Soil Health Analysis

Book Description

This book describes latest analytical procedures of key soil health indicators including physical, chemical and biological parameters. Most of the Soil Analysis manuals currently available, primarily deal with basic chemical and physical properties without giving emphasis on soil health assessment. However, literature shows indicator parameters such as soil carbon pools, soil aggregation behaviour, aggregate associated carbon content and biological activity are increasingly being used for monitoring the change in soil quality / soil health over a period of time. Analytical protocols in respect of these parameters are presently available in different research journals. This book compiles the procedures for the soil health indicator parameters including those being used of late for monitoring soil quality/soil health. This book is useful for researchers, post graduate students, academicians and policy makers in the fields of Soil Science, Agronomy, Natural Resource Management and Forestry.

Building Soils for Better Crops

Book Description

"'Published by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, with funding from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture."