Protein Quality Evaluation

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Improvement of Protein Nutriture

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Protein Quality in Humans

Book Description

Abstract: A critical assessment of currently used protein quality evaluation methods is given. The material includes: the importance of protein quality; methods used to assess the protein nutritive value (PNV) in humans; and in vitro methodology for assessing PNV. Guidelines are given for assessing the precision and accuracy in estimates of PNV in human studies; the acceptable degree of accuracy and precision in such estimates can then be defined. Task force reports that discuss the validity and potential use of in vitro assays for predicting protein quality for human consumption are given. (wz).

Nutritional Evaluation of Protein Foods

Book Description

Abstract: Advances in the techniques and methodologies for the evaluation of protein quality are presented for agricultural researchers. An overall view of the strengths and weaknesses of the various evaluation methods is provided along with in-depth descriptions of several new and established techniques. The discussions cover the protein requirements of humans and their relevance to protein quality evaluation, the analytical methods for determining the amino acids profiles of particular foods, chemical and microbiological assays of protein quality, use of animal experimentation and clinical methods, and choice of procedure. The specific methodologies described include the Kjeldahl procedure for total nitrogen determination, sulphur amino acid analysis by performic acid pre-oxidation, the four-enzyme in vitro assay for protein digestibility, and procedures for the determination of net protein utilization and relative protein value in rats.

Evaluation of Protein Quality

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Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition

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Variations in feeding frequency may lead to difference in utilization of dietary nutrients. The effects of feeding frequency have been tested in growing pigs and finishing pigs using respiratory quotient and postprandial kinetics of plasma metabolites. A reduced feeding frequency resulted in an increased lipogenesis and proteolysis shortly after the meal both in growing and finishing pigs. Nevertheless, growing and finishing pigs exhibit different metabolic pathways when feeding frequency is reduced.

Seafood Proteins

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Fish and marine invertebrates are important sources of nutrients for the world's population, and many species have exceptionally high market value because of their exquisite sensory properties. Both the utilization of the available catch in different forms and the market price are affected by the quality of the fish. Proteins and nonprotein nitroge nous compounds playa crucial role in the nutritional value and sensory quality of seafoods as well as in the suitability of different species to various forms of processing, preservation, and use in other branches of the food industry. This role of proteins results from their basic chemical and biochemical properties and functions in different tissues. A presenta tion of the actual state of knowledge on seafood nitrogenous compounds in one volume may contribute to a better understanding of the involve ment of these components in all stages of handling and processing fish. It has been possible to prepare this text thanks to the cooperative effort of an international group of specialists. The editors of the book are greatly indebted to all colleagues who have willingly contributed to this volume, sharing their knowledge and experience, as well as to all persons who have granted permission to use their previously published materials. viii Preface ix A large part of the book has been prepared during my sabbatical in the Department of Marine Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in Keelung, Taiwan.

The Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance

Book Description

It is a commonly held belief that athletes, particularly body builders, have greater requirements for dietary protein than sedentary individuals. However, the evidence in support of this contention is controversial. This book is the latest in a series of publications designed to inform both civilian and military scientists and personnel about issues related to nutrition and military service. Among the many other stressors they experience, soldiers face unique nutritional demands during combat. Of particular concern is the role that dietary protein might play in controlling muscle mass and strength, response to injury and infection, and cognitive performance. The first part of the book contains the committee's summary of the workshop, responses to the Army's questions, conclusions, and recommendations. The remainder of the book contains papers contributed by speakers at the workshop on such topics as, the effects of aging and hormones on regulation of muscle mass and function, alterations in protein metabolism due to the stress of injury or infection, the role of individual amino acids, the components of proteins, as neurotransmitters, hormones, and modulators of various physiological processes, and the efficacy and safety considerations associated with dietary supplements aimed at enhancing performance.