Evaluation of Rape Prevention Programming for Female College Students

Book Description

Acquaintance rape is a common phenomenon on American college campuses, and considerable research effort has been directed at developing effective prevention programs for both potential victims and potential perpetrators. In the current study, a didactic rape prevention program for female college students was compared to a didactic program with a behavioral rehearsal component and to a no-contact control group of female students on outcome measures of sexual communication style, dating behaviors, and sexual victimization. 305 participants completed the initial data collection packet and 104 completed the entire study. Participants who completed the entire study did not differ from those who failed to complete it, except that participants who had previously experienced unwanted sex play or attempted sexual intercourse were more likely to attend scheduled presentations. Although groups were determined by random assignment, participants in the didactic program with the behavioral rehearsal component had experienced significantly less sexual victimization at initial data collection than participants in the control group. Analysis of the outcome measures revealed no significant differences among the groups in terms of their sexual communication styles and dating behaviors. Participants assigned to the didactic and behavioral rehearsal group had experienced significantly less sexual victimization during the follow-up period than participants in the control condition. It is unclear whether this difference was due to the intervention or to the lower incidence of prior victimization experiences. Future studies should seek to decrease participant attrition in order to more accurately assess the effectiveness of rape prevention interventions with female college students.

Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campuses

Book Description

Sexual assault continues to be a problem on college campuses despite greater attention to reducing rates of assault and an increased presence in the public discourse. Programming has been historically directed towards women by providing them with information about how to keep themselves safe rather than confronting a climate conducive to sexual violence. This important volume illuminates the urgency of combating sexual violence on college campuses. The authors depict in detail empirically supported approaches to combating climates conducive to sexual violence and ways to empower all members of the campus community to actively prevent sexual violence.

Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus

Book Description

Amid the ongoing national conversation regarding campus sexual assault, this book thoughtfully explores existing programmatic interventions while wrestling with fundamental questions regarding the cultural shifts in our nation’s higher education institutions. Stressing the critical importance of student inclusion in policy decisions and procedures, scholars and experts provide complex and nuanced analyses of institutional practices, while exploring themes of race, sexuality, and sexual freedom. This volume addresses many of the unanswered questions in the present dialogue on campus sexual violence, including: What’s working and not working? How can outcomes be assessed or measured? What resources are needed to ensure success? This volume provides a truly fresh contribution for higher education and student affairs practitioners seeking to alter, design, or implement effective sexual assault prevention resources at their universities and colleges.

Evaluating Sexual Assault Prevention Training Programs for College Women

Book Description

Sexual victimization is a frequent and concerning problem for college women. It is estimated that college women are three times more likely to experience sexual assault than women in the general population. Additionally, women with a history of unwanted sexual experiences are at greater risk for future sexual victimization than women without such histories. For these reasons, the examination of college-based sexual assault prevention programs is important given the high rates of unwanted sexual experiences and subsequent negative mental health consequences. Furthermore, the lack of effective skills-based sexual assault prevention programs on college campuses is an important issue to address. Therefore, the present study examined the effectiveness of a skills-based sexual assault prevention program among college undergraduate women. Consistent with our primary hypothesis, we found that women randomly assigned to the skills-based training program responded more assertively to hypothetical sexual risk vignettes than participants assigned to the psychoeducation control condition.

Safe Dates

Book Description

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year, 1 in 4 adolescents experience verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from a dating partner. This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical pre-teen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships.

The Men's and Women's Programs

Book Description

The Men's and Women's Programs: Ending Rape through Peer Education is a guide for college administrators and faculty members looking to create a sexual assault prevention and education program to provide men and women with the knowledge, skills, and support systems needed to become active participants in the prevention of rape. It contains detailed scripts which outline how to set up and implement a program and provides instructions on running a training course and recruiting peer educators. Handouts and worksheets are included to assist in the training process, as well as for peer educators to use when working with participants. This revised version of the program features the inclusion of a program targeted at female participants, as well as completely updated scripts, handouts, and resources. Accompanying the text are two guides (sold separately) for peer educators to use when working with program participants: The Men's Program and The Women's Program.