Evaluation of the project “Restoring subsistence and commercial agriculture in tribal districts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”

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The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Newly Merged Districts have seen a prolonged military conflict leading to the wide-spread displacement of its population and damages and losses to the agricultural lands, irrigation and water harvesting structures, and livestock populations. Since 2015, the rehabilitation of the displaced population is ongoing but slow due to loss of livelihoods and reduced income opportunities. To support the restoration of livelihoods, funded by the United States Agency for International Development for USD 10 million, FAO undertook the project for “Restoring subsistence and commercial agriculture in tribal districts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” which involved training farmers on climate-smart agriculture practices, rehabilitating facilities/infrastructures, operationalizing small-scale enterprises, and supporting agriculture and livestock production. The evaluation found that while the project was mostly successful in meeting output targets, a critical review of the following elements can further improve programme delivery: review of procurement processes, market-led initiatives for value chain development through strengthening producer marketing groups, operation and maintenance plans for rehabilitated schemes, gender-specific interventions, and revising reporting formats for effective monitoring and evaluation.

Evaluation of the “Project for restoration of livelihoods in the merged areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”

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The evaluation of the project assessed the project’s design, its achievements vis-à-vis its objectives, its impact, and its success areas, gaps, and lessons learned through a mixed-methods approach combining in-depth analysis of project documents with direct observations in the field, key informant interviews, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The evaluation found that the project was successful in meeting or nearly meeting most of the output targets set out including: i) provision of improved/climate-resilient seeds to 22 000 households; ii) established 350 vegetable nurseries; iii) established 500 seasonal vegetable production enterprises; iv) established 200 off-season vegetable production enterprises; v) provided fruit plants planted around vegetable and cereal fields, and in homestead gardens (50 plants/household to 2 000/household); vi) established 50 model demonstration plots of improved variety crops (cereal, vegetables, fodder) established through farmer field schools (FFS); vii) installed 60 High Efficiency Irrigation System (HEIS) tunnels (30 in each district); viii) provided backyard poultry packages to 3 800 women beneficiaries; ix) 2 300 doses of sexed semen (1 150 each for Khyber and Kurram districts) were procured and handed over to Livestock and Dairy Development Department; x) rehabilitated 23 irrigation schemes; and xi) rehabilitated ten fish farm projects. Overall, the evaluation team found the project design to be sound. The theory of change (TOC) is based on clearly articulated causal linkages between individual interventions and the planned objective. However, the project lacked gender-focused interventions. The project also faced delays throughout implementation which were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations for future projects include review of the FAO’s internal procurement processes to minimize delays, ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of infrastructure (irrigation) schemes through continued beneficiary engagement, provision of integrated support to poultry value chain development, and setting gender-disaggregated activity targets and linking interventions with broader outcomes for women beneficiaries.

Irrigation in Southern and Eastern Asia in Figures

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The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and providing systematic, up-to-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the most recent survey carried out in the 22 countries of the Southern and Eastern Asia region, and it analyzes the changes that have occurred in the ten years since the first survey. Following the AQUASTAT methodology, the survey relied as much as possible on country-based statistics and information.

World Development Report 2011

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The 2011 WDR on Conflict, Security and Development underlines the devastating impact of persistent conflict on a country or region's development prospects - noting that the 1.5 billion people living in conflict-affected areas are twice as likely to be in poverty. Its goal is to contribute concrete, practical suggestions on conflict and fragility.

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2016

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The unique cultures of minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide – spanning a wide variety of customs and practices – are under threat. This year’s edition of State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples highlights the impact of land dispossession, forced assimilation and other forms of discrimination on the most fundamental aspects of their identity, including language, art, traditional knowledge and spirituality. But while the effects of this attrition can be devastating, minority and indigenous cultures have also been critical in strengthening communities and providing activists with a platform to fight for their rights. As this volume illustrates, ensuring that the cultural freedoms of minorities and indigenous peoples are protected is essential if their other rights are also to be respected.

Greening Growth in Pakistan Through Transport Sector Reforms

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Greening Growth in Pakistan through Transport Sector Reforms: A Strategic Environmental, Poverty, and Social Assessment identifies reforms that can help Pakistan manage its environmental priorities given transport's impacts on air quality, noise pollution, road safety, hazardous-materials transport, climate change, and urban sprawl. The policy options are contextualized in light of the government of Pakistan's 2011 Framework for Economic Growth and its strategic objectives. This analytical work examines the poverty, social, and environmental aspects associated with reforms that would increase the freight transport sector's productivity to meet the Framework's goals. It focuses on the following areas: - Analyzing the policy and institutional adjustments required to address the environmental, social, and poverty aspects of increased transportation efficiency in Pakistan - Identifying policy options for the government of Pakistan to better serve the population, to enhance social cohesion, and to foster equitable benefit sharing with low-income or other vulnerable groups - Developing a broad participatory process to give a voice to stakeholders who could be affected by enhancements of freight transport productivity - Making robust recommendations to strengthen governance and the institutional capacity of agencies to manage the environmental, social, and poverty consequences of freight transportation infrastructure The book also presents information on the economic and institutional analyses undergirding this report and details its methodology. Greening Growth in Pakistan through Transport Sector Reforms is intended for policy makers, civil society, the private sector, and academics who wish to participate in dialogues on Pakistan's trade and transport sectors' priorities. It is hoped that this report will stimulate debate that steers these sectors and their participants in the direction of greening economic growth.

Restoring the Earth - The next decade

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This Unasylva issue aims at showcasing forest and landscape restoration (FLR) opportunities and recent developments that have the power to upscale restoration, in order to achieving the Bonn Challenge pledge and other national and international commitments (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) Post-2020 Agenda, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Land Degradation Neutrality, Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)) and addressing the needs of the UN Decade 2021-2030 on Ecosystem Restoration. The content adresses thematics of relevance to various audiences: i) flagship restoration initiatives that differ from the so-called “business-as-usual” as they channel more funds, better empower local stakeholders and provide enhanced technical assistance through partners’ coalitions; ii) technical advances that can spread FLR and have a huge potential to be mainstreamed for different reasons (low cost, adaptability, relevance to many ecosystems and contexts, ease of implementation…); iii) the enabling factors for restoration, i.e. coordination, policy environment, resources, knowledge and capacities, as these are the enabling conditions for action to take place on the ground.

Knowing our lands and resources

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The Small Entrepreneur in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations

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Entrepreneurs can always find a way of making money in fragile states, but how do we get enough of them to generate the necessary jobs? This book finds that entrepreneurs in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS) face special challanges and respond to different incentives.