Evangelism Handbook

Book Description

A thoroughly updated overview of how evangelism should happen, detailing the work of the Great Commission in four key categories: biblical, spiritual, intentional, missional.


Book Description

Christians often struggle to know where to start when it comes to telling others about God, Jesus, sin, and salvation. In this short book, J. Mack Stiles challenges us to view evangelism as something we do together instead of something we do alone, helping churches cultivate a culture of evangelism that goes beyond simply creating new programs or adopting the latest method. The seventh volume in the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series, this book will help Christians joyfully embrace evangelism as a way of life as it equips them to share their faith with those who don't yet know Jesus. Part of the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series.

Handbook of Personal Evangelism

Book Description

This book places at your fingertips practical, clear, effective methods to reach people for Christ in a loving way. You will be provided the answers to difficult questions concerning cults, sects, religions, agnostics and atheists and how to recognize the truth from false doctrine.You will have proof that creation is a scientific fact and that the theory of evolution is a farce. It will give you the know-how to give comfort and assurance to believers, that they can be saved for eternity and that God will never let them be lost. This book is dedicated to all who love people and don't want them to end up in hell.Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15The Handbook of Personal Evangelism is the result of many years of study and active, effective soulwinning by Dr. A. Ray Stanford, Founder of Christian Youth Ranches; Grove Community Church; Florida Bible Church and Florida Bible College; Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal (twice) during World War II. This book was written with the assistance of Mrs. Carol Streib and Dr. Richard Seymour. The author expresses appreciation for proofreading the manuscripts to Mrs. Ann Patterson and Mrs. Connie Mitchell.

Evangelism Handbook

Book Description

Within the pages of this book you will find more than 150 topics addressed, dealing with a wide variety of topics that you might encounter in soul-winning. From the Conversion Process to the Glossary, you will find in concentrated form information that might help you when you are struggling to find an answer for the person you are teaching. This book also includes all six lessons in the "Upon the Rock" Bible study series, which have led many souls to Christ over the last three decades. This book is designed to be a help in your efforts to win the lost to Christ.

What If I'm Discouraged in My Evangelism?

Book Description

Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. 9Marks Church Questions is a new series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions Christians have about church life. Each volume offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment. This booklet gives readers the biblical basis and practical tips for sharing the gospel with those who aren’t Christians, demonstrating how evangelism is doable for all believers, even those who feel like they aren't particularly gifted in evangelism.

Handbook of Health Evangelism

Book Description

A deeper relationship with God is the key to both spiritual and physical health. God not only saves souls, He helps people lose weight, stop smoking, eat a more sensible diet and exercise regularly. God is the most potent force for lasting behavior change. The Handbook for Health Evangelism will shake up church members. Inactive members will go to work helping community members live healthier lives. The church will be transformed from a building that is empty six days a week to a center of neighborhood activity. The Handbook for Health Evangelism trains members to provide friendship and support to those who are struggling to change bad health habits. Pastors and laypersons can both use Handbook for Health Evangelism to save people spiritually and physically. These concepts and methods have been tested in churches from Maryland to California. Elvin Adams, MD, MPH is a nationally recognized health expert. He is also a church elder and organizer. His 30 years of first hand experience is organized into this practical Handbook for Health Evangelism.


Book Description

Evangelism Handbook for Christian Workers

Book Description

This evangelism handbook is a guide on how to witness and reach the unsaved people, so that they can become saved, delivered, and become a disciple of Jesus Christ. This handbook is a tool in which it will help guide the Evangelist worker in reaching a lost world and making disciples. This handbook provides Biblical instructions in winning souls for the Kingdom of God.

Health Evangelism Manual

Book Description

Before Jesus returns, the whole world will be lightened with His glory. Have you ever wondered how this amazing manifestation of the power of God will become a reality? Jesus wants His love to be displayed through the actions of His people. God's character will be perfectly reflected in His church before He comes back. As a result, the whole world will witness His love in action and truly know Him. The Health Evangelism Reference Manual will help the reader understand how to live by faith in Jesus in a way that will attract others to Him and His salvation. The close relationship between the third angel's message and health reform will be explored. From becoming the ideal coaching friend to operating your own church health programs, this manual will provide tools and inspiration to make this experience your own. The practical godliness and friendship described in this book will lead the reader to realize his great need for a closer walk with Jesus. It will lead the honest seeker into a deeper understanding of righteousness by faith. Now is the time for every child of God to joyfully embrace this message and set to work in the vineyard, calling others to receive the message of salvation.

Campus Evangelism Handbook

Book Description