Book Description
Science without religion is lame, Religion without science is blind. - Albert Einstein Science offers wonderful tools to investigate the world, but the world of the Spirit defies rigorous study. Christianity offers hope for the future and salvation after our death. How does a scientist accept something that cannot be studied with the techniques of his training? How do we unite these apparently incompatible views of the world around us into a single system of living? Science and Religion are both based on belief in something. Science believes in cause and effect, that there is logic to the things that happen in the world. Christianity believes that God created the world and he has a plan for what happens in it. Atheism and agnosticism leaves us bankrupt as we approach the end of life. Blaise Pascal said that belief in God offers such great benefits, that religious non-belief is not a viable way of life. Einstein refused to believe that that the world operates on chance; he said that God does not shoot craps. Ministers work with scientists that seek logical answers for the teachings of the church. The purpose of this book is to explain how scientific method works and why it lacks the tools to investigate spiritual events and concepts. It explains the path that one scientist followed to find a belief in God and his plan for our life and hope for the future.