Eve’s Herbs

Book Description

In Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance, John M. Riddle showed, through extraordinary scholarly sleuthing, that women from ancient Egyptian times to the fifteenth century had relied on an extensive pharmacopoeia of herbal abortifacients and contraceptives to regulate fertility. In Eve’s Herbs, Riddle explores a new question: If women once had access to effective means of birth control, why was this knowledge lost to them in modern times? Beginning with the testimony of a young woman brought before the Inquisition in France in 1320, Riddle asks what women knew about regulating fertility with herbs and shows how the new intellectual, religious, and legal climate of the early modern period tended to cast suspicion on women who employed “secret knowledge” to terminate or prevent pregnancy. Knowledge of the menstrual-regulating qualities of rue, pennyroyal, and other herbs was widespread through succeeding centuries among herbalists, apothecaries, doctors, and laywomen themselves, even as theologians and legal scholars began advancing the idea that the fetus was fully human from the moment of conception. Drawing on previously unavailable material, Riddle reaches a startling conclusion: while it did not persist in a form that was available to most women, ancient knowledge about herbs was not lost in modern times but survived in coded form. Persecuted as “witchcraft” in centuries past and prosecuted as a crime in our own time, the control of fertility by “Eve’s herbs” has been practiced by Western women since ancient times.

Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance

Book Description

This text traces the history of contraception and abortifacients from ancient Egypt to the 17th century, and discusses the scientific merit of the ancient remedies and why this knowledge about fertility control was gradually lost over the course of the Middle Ages.

Herbs and Healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West

Book Description

Herbs and Healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West brings together eleven papers by leading scholars in ancient and medieval medicine and pharmacy. Fittingly, the volume honors Professor John M. Riddle, one of today's most respected medieval historians, whose career has been devoted to decoding the complexities of early medicine and pharmacy. "Herbs" in the title generally connotes drugs in ancient and medieval times; the essays here discuss interesting aspects of the challenges scholars face as they translate and interpret texts in several older languages. Some of the healers in the volume are named, such as Philotas of Amphissa, Gariopontus, and Constantine the African; many are anonymous and known only from their treatises on drugs and/or medicine. The volume's scope demonstrates the breadth of current research being undertaken in the field, examining both practical medical arts and medical theory from the ancient world into early modern times. It also includes a paper about a cutting-edge Internet-based system for ongoing academic collaboration. The essays in this volume reveal insightful research approaches and highlight new discoveries that will be of interest to the international academic community of classicists, medievalists, and early-modernists because of the scarcity of publications objectively evaluating long-lived traditions that have their origin in the world of the ancient Mediterranean.

Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones

Book Description

Tracing the magical roots of "hoodoo" back to West Africa, the author provides a history of this nature-based healing tradition and offers practical advice on how to apply hoodoo magic to everyday life.

Back to Eden

Book Description

"...set[s] forth his method of natural self healing based on herbs, a diet that used no meat, dairy products, or eggs, and a life in harmony with the laws of health and nature. He opposed the use of sugar, spices, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and fermented foods. He recommended the use of soymilk in numerous healing diets and considered it far better than cow's milk. " -- www.SoyinfoCenter.com.

Selected Messages Book 2

Book Description

Seven Herbs

Book Description

This book provides a skilled and knowledgeable exploration into to the uses of 7 herbs by a master herbalist. This book would be useful to students and practioners of herbalism, homeopathy, and flower essences, as the information can be utilized across these disciplines. The book clearly explains when and how to use these remedies and gives ample case studies from author's personal experience that further assist the reader in forming a clear picture of the signature of the herbs described.

Living with Herbs: A Treasury of Useful Plants for the Home and Garden

Book Description

All-season guide. Through her experience gardening in the inhospitable climate and soils of Nova Scotia, Jo Ann Gardner has learned simple but innovative growing methods and, as she says, "to become a more conscious gardener". The wisdom she shares--with vivid stories and a self-deprecating wit--is useful to herb growers living anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.

Eve's Herbs

Book Description

Eve's Rib

Book Description

For decades, medicine saw men and women as essentially the same physically except in the area of reproduction. However, a new and groundbreaking science of gender-specific medicine has discovered astonishing distinctions between male and female bodies. From the thickness of our skin to the signs of a heart attack to ways we metabolize drugs, the sexes have significant physiological differences. But, what do these differences mean to you and your doctor? In this groundbreaking book, internationally respected academic physician and lecturer, Dr. Marianne Legato pulls together more than a decade of research into sex-specific health. The result is a powerful tool for anyone interested in the critical nuances in the ways men and women might present symptoms or be treated for disease. It’s a book that will not only change the way you think about women’s health, it just might save your life.